
April 19th, 2010 | 254 Entries

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254 Entries for “castaway”

  1. To be alone and far away,
    Nothing more to ever say.
    This is the life of a castaway.
    No fun, love or stupid things
    Especially no more chicken wings.
    Food here is not like at home,
    However I find myself still sitting alone.
    There is a perk to being a castaway,
    All my friends here really want to play.
    You may could argue that they are not real,
    But when I hug the coconut it helps me heal.
    To be a castaway;
    I like it I must say.

    by Emily on 04.20.2010
  2. i donțt really know what castaway means.
    I am a Romanian.
    The first thing that came in my mind was that i didnțt know it, but know i guess i do
    It’s about selection

    by Vzip on 04.20.2010
  3. He bit into the apple but once before he cast it away into the dirt and walked off. His pompous superiority was evident in his very aura… Little did he know that the castaway apple core would become the day’s rations for the street urchins of that particular alley; it was the epitome of “one man’s trash, another man’s treasure.”

    by Jordan Wang on 04.20.2010
  4. Fantastic performance by Tom Hanks in that movie.
    Makes me think of how alone are we in this world.

    by Amnisiac on 04.20.2010
  5. Castaway. Such a frightening word. Would you rather it be literal? Cast away – far far away on an island. Stranded, lonely and helpless? Or maybe you’re a castaway in society – unneeded, unwanted, seen as a misfit.

    by ali on 04.20.2010
  6. castaway, i laugh away
    at the thought that I might have to pass away
    because in truth, it ain’t really that hard to say
    I AM MORTAL, something G-d just made from clay
    as it says in Genesis, but is it really true?
    i can feel myself but I ain’t feeling you

    by sina cohen on 04.20.2010
  7. I watched my namecard float away. Castaway in the hand of this man who prommised so much.

    by Flyder on 04.20.2010
  8. it’s a movie with tom hanks.. I liked it but don’t remember much of it to be honest. The ball.. the Island.. his struggle to survive. I used to wish something like that could happen to me, but it never did which I am now quite greatful for. The end.

    by Sophie on 04.20.2010
  9. Cast away is the name of amovie I had is one of the best..with Tom hanks it is about how a man involved in a plane crash lands on an island alone and howhe survives and then gets back to the world..the contrast of both worlds.

    by Achyut Telang on 04.20.2010
  10. A castaway from life, she stare out the window at the passage of time. She cannot be rescued for she doesn’t want to be. She wallows in her seclusion and thrives on loneliness.

    by Nancy* on 04.20.2010
  11. like the crew of lost on an island, just without the wilson volleyball.

    by marc on 04.20.2010
  12. Tom hanks did such an excellent job in this movie. It was absolutely stunning. I loved his story and his character. Its weird when you think about the word castaway though. It could mean so much…each person could have their own unique perspective.

    by Walter on 04.20.2010
  13. Didn’t we do this one already a while back? Castaway back in your memory and see if it was a Oneword word some weeks back. All the words in the dictionary and we should have no repeats.

    by gino on 04.20.2010
  14. The oceans he used to adore have instead turned against him, trapping him like a caged bird. He stumbled on the sand, trying to keep straight. His head was still ringing from the explosion of the plane engines as blood trickled down his forehead.

    by meredith on 04.20.2010
  15. Tom’s acting in castaway won him plaudits.

    by ashu on 04.20.2010
  16. I was not a castaway in the original sense. I was castaway from him. I was on my own private island of misery and desperation, except it existed only in my mind. As I looked down into my pint of Ben and Jerry’s that had been cajoling my life along, I felt like shit. I wasn’t happy and it was because of him.

    by Emily Howard on 04.20.2010
  17. I oftentimes feel like a modern-day castaway. Bereft of nature and stuck in a concrete jungle, isolation creeps up on me daily. I feel like this is somehow not what life was meant to be about, like we’ve missed something.

    by Dallas on 04.20.2010
  18. castaway

    by Richard Engerman on 04.20.2010
  19. Tomorrow I castaway clothing items that no longer fit me. I am a short female, and gaining weight is a problem for me. This is a huge problem in not only my physical mind, but my emotional as well.

    by sarah on 04.20.2010
  20. i feel castaway on the sea like blue oceans skies and waters throwing me thrusting towards pacifist lightening and i feel weighted by the deafening reverberation of the word upon my tongue and i feel as though i am sinking into a net swamped beneath deepest waters and concrete is fading me away…….

    by Moo on 04.20.2010
  21. Wilson the vollyball will rule the new world of religion. He was god on the island, and will coninue to be such. Robinson was a slave to a sports item.

    by Kaleigh on 04.20.2010
  22. castaway my troubles to a faraway island. I’d like the fear to go away as easily as the leaf falls from the tree. Why can’t I ride the wind the way that they do? Instead I feel bound by my own insecurities. The burden is heavy. Castaway.

    by Skye on 04.20.2010
  23. cast like a skipping stone from a young boys hand, isolated, and alone the people make him feel. however bad it is though, the people don’t act negatively…he’s just…there.

    by john on 04.19.2010
  24. castaway: my sweater, my old jeans, my heart!

    by james Hulley on 04.19.2010
  25. One day there was a boat that was stuck on an island. I knw this might not seem like a problem, because this is not such a bad place for a boat. But this boat was too nervous to leave the island. He didn’t know how how he got there, and he didn’t know how to get back to the ones he loved. This boat just sat in the middle of an island without anyone or anything.

    by Ashlyn on 04.19.2010
  26. an amazing movie with tom hanks. the volleyball is pretty cool cuz its made from his blood and his pain but brings him great joy and fellowship on a place where such a thing is an uncommon luxury

    by ben on 04.19.2010
  27. The movie was alright and really made me think about my own life at hand. Being only 12 years old when I saw it I was surprised at how much I thought about my future it was eye openeing and I often try to thnk back to that time and what it was I wanted to do and accomplish in my lifetime. I hope I can m

    by Taylor hudock on 04.19.2010
  28. i am a castaway on my own island of broken glass
    my feet are cut up and bleeding
    the water turns red
    i look forward to the sunrise
    but with the warmth comes the pain of the glare in my eyes
    blind, bleeding, alone

    by grace on 04.19.2010
  29. alone, but calm free, free,. except worried without technology. starting from 0, from nada, from niente, from the bottom. rescue?

    by mao on 04.19.2010
  30. once upon a time on an island there was a castaway ship with a pearl daeck and an AMber door with a castaway rowboat

    by leni on 04.19.2010
  31. makes me think of that tom hanks flick. i actually like it a lot. makes me think of how bad i need to work on repairing my social life and getting back in touch with my friends and family. i’m a fuckin workaholic now, i never saw that shit coming. kind makes me sick. i’m missing out on watching a lot of great things happen. i’m in love. sort of.

    by J.L. on 04.19.2010
  32. He wasn’t ready or aware or anything. Just cold. There was a storm going on. Or there wasn’t. It all blurred together. He was surviving, but he wasn’t really aware of it. His body had taken over the job and left his brain to watch the sky and look the other way while he hunted and killed or foraged. Every night he watched the water for her eyes in the stars.

    by WT on 04.19.2010
  33. there was a man who was left on an island. just left. alone. and desperate. with nothing more than himself and the wild blue ocean. and the sand. oh, the sand. it seemed to engulf him with the expanse of itself. he wondered if he would ever see anything other than sand and water.

    by ashley on 04.19.2010
  34. He was a castaway in a sea of people. Secluded. Alone. Struggling to survive. Even amongst the massive population that surrounded him, he was outcast. His dinners were eaten alone, his nights quiet and spacious without the company of another.

    by Gwen on 04.19.2010
  35. Sitting on a tropical island isolated from the world. Realistically coming to the conclusion that you are going to die alone most likely of starvation of injury. Possibly the worst thing that could ever happen to a human being as we are social creatures and need others around us, even incredibly shy and socially awkward people.

    by Karl on 04.19.2010
  36. the movie tom hanks island fever and volleyballs makes me think of going on vacation and going out to eat at a local restaurant. Wilson! Stuck on an island…lost

    by bill lint on 04.19.2010
  37. a very long, mostly boring movie in which the most memorable character is a volleyball with a bloody face who is eventually lost at sea. The ending is confusing and leaves you wondering what you just spent the last 2 plus hours doing.

    by Elaine on 04.19.2010
  38. lost in space I wander around my house, motherfucker please. discarded amongst the liberal paper wrappers; why can’t I find the lord like all other men of worth? this has been a good trip into the madness

    by Mike on 04.19.2010
  39. Sitting on the side of the rode lost alone it’s cold dark grey you have been cast aside you are no longer needed or wanted. the blacktop underneath your feet the rain falling on your face it all seems hopeless the weight on your back is so heavy.

    by Danielle on 04.19.2010
  40. I think of the movie Castaway with what’s his face… I can’t think of his name. The only name that I can think of is WILSON!!! The freaking volleyball that he finds and becomes friends with.

    by mk on 04.19.2010