
June 29th, 2010 | 313 Entries

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313 Entries for “carve”

  1. I could carve in ice or I could carve out a relationship. Would the relationship be in stone? No I don’t think so. But I can carve out a beautiful life.

    by Ann Gullberg on 06.29.2010
  2. I carve my words in wood
    Commemorating the love that is soon to be lost
    Words in a bark, our signs dominating the earth
    But the earth takes back
    It always does.

    by Siege on 06.29.2010
  3. I never wanted to cut into myself. Not physically. Not emotionally. But there is a part of my mind that has been torn in irrevocable ways, ways that I will never fully understand or be able to fix. Call it what you will, I am no longer the same.

    by Mackenzie on 06.29.2010
  4. Carvings can be rather pretty or they can be rather disgusting, just like everything else in life. Although, there is romance in a carver spending years on a project and finally looking upon his own creation and then smiling.

    by Popov on 06.29.2010
  5. freakishly mounted on stacks of bricks
    trenched out hollow empty lives.
    blocks piled to reach impossible gods
    eternally climbing

  6. Sculpter son corps, c’est en quelque sorte donner une nouvelle naissance à la matière, sans que celle-ci soit dénaturée. Sculpter son corps, c’est avant tout approfondir la nature même de son être. Ce n’est pas une aliénation.

    by Dorian on 06.29.2010
  7. Ya know? I hate pumpkin carving. It’s nasty, sticky and you get this nasty gunk all over your hands, and anything else unlucky enough to be in the way. But I do love pumpkin seeds… mmm…

    by rolobio on 06.29.2010
  8. A piece of my heart, left on the sidewalk next to a doll half bald and with a patched up skirt.

    by Rachelle on 06.29.2010
  9. Melissa looked over her shoulder. She didn’t see anyone, so she quickly etched out her initials in the tree.
    “M. N. + P. L.”
    It was childish and cliched, but she didn’t care.

  10. The knife digs in and slides out, carving a statue of something. It is frozen in time now, this moment, this person, frozen in wood.

  11. he held the knife over the x-mas ham secretly wishing it could be a random throat from around the table…

    by DMKDMK on 06.29.2010
  12. He carved out a little place in his heart just for her. Sure, it hurt (whoever said love was painless was an idiot), but he hardly noticed after a while. She needed a place to hide, and it was the safest place he could think of.
    He didn’t feel so empty now that he had someone to protect.

  13. I don’t know how to carve a turkey. It is a skill that I have never had to acquire. Other people around the table know it. If called on to do it, I just say “I don’t know how to carve.” No one seems to care.

    by Amy on 06.29.2010
  14. I’ve already used this word,
    I wrote about today’s legacy,
    what describes you,
    the way you carve anything and everything,
    you carve yourself and become beautiful,
    in your own way,
    that’s what beauty is.
    Your carvings and you’re hopes and ambitions,
    and your pain and scars,
    because everything carves a little bit more out of you.

  15. Carve an image out of yourself because it’s all you have in life, take all your daily inspirations and things you don’t understand,
    your confusion,
    your hope,
    your morals,
    and use it all to carve your person, your image, everything you are, everything you want to be,
    and that’s the only way you can get through this life in one piece.

    by Kiana Marie on 06.29.2010
  16. I use this instrument to carve a note into a tree
    i know that when i come back it will still be there
    but will is still fee this way?
    “I love you”
    The poor tree suffered for you and me.

  17. he started carving the wood with his knife. it had been so long since he’d been here, in this chair, rocking and literally whittling away his time. the months in the hospital had taken th

    by maggie on 06.29.2010
  18. Slices, the pink slices dripping with juice. How I loved to watch my father carve the meat, his only real contribution to the work of the meal. What panache!

  19. It was made of metal. Carved to fit my wrist. Each charm was charmed by himself. A thoughtful gift, that did things not expected. Magic was in every detail.

  20. how did you know what I was thinking?what possessed you to even say that word?How could you know when I hadn’t even told anyone,yet?and why would you suck this out of me but tell me i mean nothing to you?can we be this connected without love?

    by Re:Joyce on 06.29.2010
  21. I am trying to carve a new shape to my life but it is just TOO difficult and painful. Can I really hurt so many people?

    by BelBel on 06.29.2010
  22. beutyfull shape of flowering bloomsoming coulors full of empty space between

    by rupicapraa on 06.29.2010
  23. I carved some things in my fiber art class. I made some stamps. They weren’t very good. Nothing I ever did in that class was very good. We made bowls out of magazines and mine was the shittiest of them all.

    by Katrina on 06.29.2010
  24. Carve the name into stone
    Into a tree whose bark is long strong
    Carve a heart with our initials
    As long as forever
    Carved into nature
    Is our mark and
    The memory of us

  25. I have always thought that carving was really neat and wish I could do it. I mean, i could probably do it. just too impatient to try really. indian, wood, tree, knife, job, statue, boat, water, stick, arrow, talent

    by emily t on 06.29.2010
  26. She wanted to carve her own little niche in the world. Naive? Maybe. Mostly hopeful and full of ambition.

  27. She carved up the ham on the table, thinking of nothing more than how much she hated her husband, this life that he had forced her into. As she slammed the knife down on the table, rattling the china, he looked up from his newspaper. “that news is old you know” she said, dryly, reaching across the table for her drink. “that doesn’t mean i shouldn’t know what’s happening in the world. It wouldn’t hurt you to pay attention.” Pay attention my ass, she thought.

    by Kerala on 06.29.2010
  28. carving my ribs into scrolls with a butcher knife
    how could you let this happen
    i can’t see the glass buried in my skin
    where did it go
    i really fucking miss you and how you carve me up

    by Sasha Ambartsoumian on 06.29.2010
  29. carve into me your dreams of when we were we and now i am i without you. a hopeless sorrow so strong…

    by gabrielle on 06.29.2010
  30. carve, carve, like carving a scuptute of somesort, I would be so rubbish at carving, like ice, i went to lapland once, like 3 years ago as you do and there was this ice palace with so much carved ice in it, there was an ice toilet, i would have hated to be the person who had to carve and ice toilet… what a loser, i always think of carving wood for some reason, can you carve wood ? I know you can chop wood like that idiot on britains got talent who just sat there and choped wood, but can you like carve sculptures out of wood? hmmm, i think if you could, it would cause many splinters, i havn’t had a splinter in years, i was gonna write days but its been years, i have forgotton what they feel like i think they hurt though, well yeah its a chunk of wood stuck in your skin, eww, its like when people put pins through their skin on their fingers, pahah, ridiculous, i think carve also has something to do with chicken and turkey, carve up the turkey for christmas, i like relating carve to that memory :) such a good feeling, when a slice of turkey has been carved to perfection

    by Becky Howe on 06.29.2010
  31. Carving out the wood with a knife, whittling down the figurine of the old sailor, the curls of white pine falling to the floor of a dusty old garage.

  32. After Katrina my I went into the destroyed ninth ward to find something left from my history. I found the pink house where my mom and her 6 sisters grew up and there still carved on the steps was the heart that my dad had carved with their initials from 1967. I sat on the steps on the desserted block and wiped at the tears.

  33. Commitment, Closure, Containment

  34. i always wanted to carve something out of like soap and stuff. but i never did. i want to carve a statue of a dinosaur. yes.

    by lilly on 06.29.2010
  35. To carve can be to feed, and it can be to violate someones innocence. Carving can feed a family. Carving can kill them.

    by Ash Hartridge on 06.29.2010
  36. carve the meat clean away from the bone daddy let us eat forever never let us starve always provide for us always love us please forever and ever happy holidays i lovg

    by Clara on 06.29.2010
  37. I want to carve this feeling out of me. why do I have to feel so overwhelmed by these stupid thoughts. Life is complicated enough without my mind making things up and making me crazy. I’ll carve these feelings right on out!

    by Kristin on 06.29.2010
  38. You can carve any surface, what’s your style? Hearts on wood, tat on body, cuts on flesh.

  39. Carve, hmmmm. I really am not sure what I should write about. Actually. This one time at Erik’s party, and Virgil was carving/whittling that thing he was making, it was so cool. I wanted to try so badly. I wanted to know what it was as a finished product.

  40. carve deep carve sleek. deep into a abyse of nothing and yet everything. elephants carve giant caves with their trunks to get salt. Kitum Cave is where the Ebola Virus is possibly located…