
June 29th, 2010 | 313 Entries

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313 Entries for “carve”

  1. Skull, skin, bones. These are the first words that came into my mind when I read “carve.” That disturbs me a bit.

    by Zora on 06.29.2010
  2. Adam had grown up watching his father do it. He knew his father had grown up watching his father do it. He knew his family had been the best carvers in the region. But when the time came for him to learn the trade for real–not just messing around with knives and blocks of wood like he had done previously–Adam’s father died. With no uncles there was no one to teach him. Not only did Adam feel as though he’d let down generations of family, he felt like his life lacked purpose.

  3. Carve is what you do to a pumpkin. Or to a ski slope. Or what you’d like to do to you mother-in-law sometimes.

    by Laura Bush on 06.29.2010
  4. caves, cavemen. love hate anger. impressions. no way can you live without fidgeting.keys. opinions, thoughts.

    by talisa on 06.29.2010
  5. carving is a dance. There is something aching inside of this medium begging to get out.
    A cat calls from a piece of stone.
    A nude dancer in a piece of wood.
    They’re dreaming of the day that you can set them free.
    They’re calling your name. They’re dreaming of Sky overhead. Of your hands on them.
    Kiss them and set them free.

    by Jennifer on 06.29.2010
  6. I winced; Just as he had broke the news to me, his words were so powerful and so full of hurt that it felt as if he was carving deep into my chest and pulling out my heart. I feel this way a lot of the time when he does cer tain things. Just that deep feel ing that my heart is slowly break ing right in front of his eyes and he doesn’t even know it. The only one that knows the pain that I have inside of myself is me. I couldn’t believe what he had done and how badly he had hurt me. I don’t want that look any more, I don’t want to love him any more. Every time I think about just how much I love him, it brings tears to my eyes, because I know there is a pain deep within me that he would never ever see, or ever comprehend.

  7. Wood, or people can both be carved. The most famous carved fruit is the pumpkin, which most people think is a vegetable, those nutrition noobs.

    by Taylor Bruck on 06.29.2010
  8. I winced; Just as he had broke the news to me, his words were so powerful and so full of hurt that it felt as if he was carving deep into my chest and pulling out my heart. I feel this way a lot of the time when he does certain things. Just that deep feeling that my heart is slowly breaking right in front of his eyes and he doesn’t even know it. The only one that knows the pain that I have inside of myself is me. I couldn’t believe what he had done and how badly he had hurt me. I don’t want that look anymore, I don’t want to love him anymore. Every time I think about just how much I love him, it brings tears to my eyes, because I know there is a pain deep within me that he would never ever see, or ever comprehend.

    by Jillian on 06.29.2010
  9. wood
    toy story
    pink floyd
    smoke on the water
    society issues

    by lucas on 06.29.2010
  10. Hey hey, what do you say I love to carve some monkeys out of potatoes becuase I’m a senile old person. That’s all I am.

    by Louise.N.M on 06.29.2010
  11. It took only a minute to carve my name into his arm. I wanted him to look there and remember me; remember what he did to me. When he woke up he would see. And like he would always be in my head, he would never be able to forget me.

    by Clare on 06.29.2010
  12. Carve. I do not know what this word means. At first, I thought it was crave, and I was about to wright about food or something, but it wasn’t.

    by Louise.N.M on 06.29.2010
  13. carve a heart on a tree not a turkey, you’ll see. For the love of the earth is complete inside me. ALl the things that are done with the love of the sun will be seen by the light of night.

    by Shira on 06.29.2010
  14. I carved a semi-circle out of a piece of apple with my knife.
    “Why did you leave me?” I asked, but only the wind answered.
    I popped the apple piece into my mouth. It tasted sweet, and it made me sick.
    Why did you go?

  15. He sits down at his desk and pulls out a fresh block of wood. He grabs his knife and starts to think. What is it going to be? Whatever he wants it to be.

  16. The dark, sullen man began to carve into the marble stone. Though only a cube of rock, saw the figure beneath. His eyes smiled.

    by Rachel on 06.29.2010
  17. He carved out his place in my heart. It was no longer mine to give. He sat on the shelf and laughed as I attempted to brush him off.

  18. i carved into the butter as it eased its way to create a luscious design of swirls.

    by rita harbie on 06.29.2010
  19. There was a carving on the leg of the table. The lines intertwines like sinews, creating intricate patterns. She stared at them, remembering him. He’s gone now.

    by Karen on 06.29.2010
  20. He began to carve his knife into the soap, making a small figurine. Was it a ballerina? Yes it was. He clearly missed her. Katherine.

  21. She carved the words into her heart so she could keep them always. They remained a constant reminder of what was said. She would not be so quick to ignore them and she would not be too smitten to forget.

  22. He carved himself to her image, to the hopes she held and the promises he made in the late night. In the mirror he could trace the lines, lines carved from moments of refrain, and times of great restraint. In the end, soon, the image created would break and wither from his frame, lies contorted and left in her arms as he slipped by, out the window. The somedays he pushed ’round and back in his mind. He continued to carve, carving the image she created, an image he accepted.

  23. The wood was smooth between her fingers in some places but rough in others. Her family always carved the totem poles, floated the trees from the abundant forests to their small villages. It was their rite of passage, to carve something outstanding that would withstand the erosion of time. The lacquer was new but the traditional paints were made from plants and fish as they always have been.

    by Zita on 06.29.2010
  24. its nice to carve your life, your things because someone else up there its carving your destiny for you

    by Dani on 06.29.2010
  25. my dad udes to carve sculptures when i was little, when he was still an artist. i miss that, he made me a magic wand once it is awesome. i carved soap with a butter knife, not the sharp knives.

    by hannah on 06.29.2010
  26. As a baby, we are handed a wood ax: the power of choice.

    And then we go at it. Life. We chip away what’s not needed, and hope David is underneath. Or maybe even, we might find ourselves…..

    But you’ll never know if you don’t have the guts to swing the ax… just carve.

  27. Sitting in the forest, alone. I look down and see a large stick that had just fallen. Having just a nice knife with me, I begin to carve. All that results, is a sharp stick. But what is it that made me start? Boredom. I carve boredom.

    by Trent on 06.29.2010
  28. i dont know what carve means i think they refer to going deep into something. I like to go deep into my feeling and the things Ido on a day to day basis…everything is soo much better if you carve deep inside of what you feel and hat you do every day. I beg you to carve deep into your soul so you can find a better you ebery day and every night that you sleep.

    by alicia on 06.29.2010
  29. carve, it makes me think of turkey. last year everyone made me do the turkey and I’m not sure why. Its like no one else had ever done it before which was stupid. Its not that hard to cook a freakin’ turkey. but I did awesome so now I will probably have to do it every year :(

  30. Carve a pumpkin on the day of Halloween. Spend the time with your family, and enjoy everything you see.

  31. She traced her hands along the markings in the tree. The impression will last for eternity-unlike the summer love they shared so many years ago.

  32. I trace my hands along the marking in the tree. It will be there forever. Lasting until eternity. Unlike the summer love they had so many years ago.

  33. i would like to carve out his heart slowly. removing the insensitive parts that surround the small pulsing muscle.

  34. I’ll carve our names in hearts in every tree in town, he promised. Just our initials all over this freaking town. And she believes this. She believes this because he means it. He’s the first one who meant what he said, and for this, she loves him more than a million carved trees can ever explain.

  35. i carved a bear from a soap bar it was awesome carve some beavers like from yea

    by z on 06.29.2010
  36. I carve pumpkins. I don’t really, but every Halloween I always want to. A couple of times I have tried, but I don’t have very much artistic talent. I’ve always wanted to carve totem poles and when I was little I used to use big crayons and try to carve them into shapes.

    by Kate on 06.29.2010
  37. carving animals i like to eat animal animals are fun to play with and they make a really great companion i saw a horse the other day and they scare me i like to eat beef cows are cool

    by Richard on 06.29.2010
  38. She began to carve out a place for herself in her life. No longer would she stand aside without thought for herself.

    by slrslr on 06.29.2010
  39. I will carve a place in your heart and then I will simply lay my name on it and wish you respond to it cause I really want you to know what I think about me because carving really matters to me and I want

    by Dali on 06.29.2010
  40. He would forever be there, she thought, as he leaned in to kiss her again. She responded robotically, not really caring as she realized the implications. She would forever remember him as her first, her first everything. He had carved his way into her heart, and no amount of sanding it down would erase that.