
July 12th, 2008 | 204 Entries

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204 Entries for “carefully”

  1. I carefully held the petals of the flower between my thumb and my finger. It looked so precious and quiet. But it spoke to me. In a quiet voice. In a quietly demanding voice to hear and be heard. It looked so beautiful, held in my hand. Its softness and its lushness speaking to me.

    by HerWonderland on 07.13.2008
  2. The simple proximenty of her life was in balence.
    Fate would carefully pick away at the hold of her thoughts. And she is sent into insanity. cutting away at the beauty withing her, she carefully destroyed herself.

    by Lilli on 07.13.2008
  3. One must plan one’s day carefully. Carefulness is the essence of life. A thing done carefully is done well. Carefully one can make good choices. All good choices in one’s life are made carefully. One must choose one’s clothes carefully

    by samar dhaliwal on 07.13.2008
  4. It is not right to be moving in to fast. You may not be able to force things the way you want to. Just relax, take two steps back and think about what you really like. Always consider what is important to you at the end of the day

    by Ricky on 07.13.2008
  5. Carefully he strode over the body lying in the hall. The blood pool was growing rapidly and he dare not ruin his brand new loafers. Without so much as a glance over his shoulder he exited the hall, down the stairs and out of the building. The cool crisp air swirled around him as he shoved his hands deep into his pockets and set about making his way home.

    by Megn on 07.13.2008
  6. carefully. we all have to be careful in life, carelessness harbors irresponsibility.

    by lkdsf on 07.13.2008
  7. To be careful has a good and a bad side. If you are too careful in life, you’ll never see anything interesting and exciting. On the other hand….if you are too careless, it could well be, that you won’t live as long to experience all these wonders of this world. To find the right mixture is the key!

    by Andreas on 07.13.2008
  8. I hate being careful, it’s really not an idea worth pursuing, in my opinion. But how am I supposed to write about a word like carefully? Especially when I’m not supposed to think. What if the first thing to come to mind were not to participate in this writing exercise, but rather to write about batteries. Fuck carefully, I like batteries. They power me.

    by Joshua Wiebe on 07.13.2008
  9. The path took us via fields. Unkempt countryside for an uncouth mind. I walked through the tall grass, long straggly nettles abounded. Ahead I could see her. Shining long blond hair mirrored the countryside around us. I longed to catch up, to reach her, to touch, to breathe her in. My fear held me back and I watched for those dangerous stings. I carried on walking; matching her pace for stride; breath for breath. But I trod too carefully

    by Pete on 07.13.2008
  10. cautiously avoiding detection from those who would persecute me. I hide in plain site as they walk right past me I hold my breath as anxiety sets in

    by Niobe Havoc on 07.13.2008
  11. i carefully crept put of bed without a word. without telling him. why. anything. the morning was beyond quiet. it was lifeless. and frightening.

    by nadia on 07.13.2008
  12. am sitting in the dentists chair. she tells me something. she asks me something. trying to calm me i guess. carefully, i clear my throat so i’ll not startle her. but i mess it up and i go choke.

    by mushroom be on 07.13.2008
  13. Taking your time. Going easy. Smoothly. Being perfect in execution. Noticing every detail.

    by Sean on 07.13.2008
  14. as therese walked along the delicate ice carefully
    she was certain that it will break and swallow her up at any minute. Not that this would be a problem for her because her life was pretty shit house anyway. why with her job being ripped out from under her witout so much as a how’s it going ?,are you happy here in our company ?, do you need any assistance with the technology, or are you having any troubles with the other staff etc. the tears were very strong now and she could hardly see where she was going. Oh no she could hear

    by kath on 07.13.2008
  15. carefully, you’ll tiptoe down the stairs, hoping no one will notice. oh, but they will. they will, boy. you’ll never know exactly what to do when they find you. you can run. you can’t hide, though. you’ll never be alone again. never be alone. just do what you feel. say what you mean and every little bit of this will go down exactly as scripted. every little bit. don’t turn this around on me. it’s all you.

    by Jacob on 07.13.2008
  16. gingerly walking thinking too much why? parents intake of breath, climbing the tree, scaling a cliff. don’t be afraid. careful be careful…carefully not courageously

    by monda on 07.13.2008
  17. The man walked carefully on the path, trying not to step on any line. This had been his habit for the past 20 years and his therapist didn’t have an explanation. He thought that his life was like that, the lines representing mistakes he was trying to avoid and his feet were the monitors of his behaviour. He did not know how he could avoid this burden. He had tried everything, even not going out. But staying at home was even more dangerous. He started counting the lines on the bedspread, the tiles on the walls, the wrinkles on the curtains. So he decided to erase the lines of his life. He created a balloon that could take him far away and that way, he could avoid the lines. But…then he found that clouds had lines too. It was too late. He was too high and disappeared in the atmosphere.

    by Y. Eckhardt on 07.13.2008
  18. rawr dinosaur eated the people carefully as not to make a mess!

    by Megan on 07.13.2008
  19. i carefully placed my hand on the gas stove burner.


    stupid fucking double dog dares.

    by eva xiao on 07.13.2008
  20. Always be careful. You spend your whole life being careful, and yet, what we all crave is that one moment when we lose control, and are anything but careful.

    by alyson on 07.13.2008
  21. carefully describes how a person does things in his daily life. Being careful may mean both being to insecure of confident but just wanting to do something carefully. Also it is seem women are more careful than men.

    by Arjun on 07.13.2008
  22. walking across a road you need to be carfull and walk carfully. Dont run. Look both ways and both ways again before cross but not while crossing or you may trip up. Dont get squashed and if you get squased, do so carfully.

    by Wilmie on 07.13.2008
  23. who are you take care i dont know what to bare bear beard carefully fully compliment lucky warm tonight tonight

    by lu on 07.13.2008
  24. carefully.
    to do something with great care and consideration in the hope that of which we desire or are favored out come will prevail. carefullness can be seen as a complete waste of time as the events in this life are never as they seem and our fates are not discided by are one person. in order to truelly be careful, one must accept the situation and that it is likely theere is nothing they can do about it. they must then choose the most appropriate cause and prepare for the unexpected.

    by k on 07.13.2008
  25. Step carefully through life and look up and down among the troughs and mountains. Carefully leave a print of what you are and hope you’ve helped another soul begin their journey. Caring about what you do and who you touch means you will do your very best to help another. Love carefully and touch the heart of life. Know what you are doing now and begin to live.

    by Bj on 07.13.2008
  26. carefully she walked down the rocky shore. for all the hope she had had of these circumstances leading up to this moment it seemed that nothing would provail. despite the careful planning and dedication, she had not yet won the heart of her beloved george, in fact she had lost every hope she had ever had of holding a place in that stone cold heart. she frust herself forward onto the jaggerd edge of the falls. she did not won’t to take a nuther moment to consider, she new what she had to do. for what is the value of a life you can’t live? why pinn awy for years, constintly seecking that which you know you will never find, which you know you have found but have since lost, with no claim for compisation for it was thta which, although being the imbodiment of all salvation and perpose in your world, was never yours and never will be….

    the icy water cut through her like knives but it was nothing in comparison to the blade which had found its home in the area of her body where in lies her heart, the throbbing pain which has not for a second seased since that faitful moment. the merciless pain over ran all other pain in her body. she wanted it to end. eliza did not care where this desprite act of self pity would take her, from what she had experienced the past fwe days hell would be a welcome comfort.

    by kai-lani riley on 07.13.2008
  27. do things very cautiously because you may harm yourself if you dont. Whatever done this way will only result in good things, good product and most of all very neatly done

    by ghazally on 07.13.2008
  28. I sat and watched carefully as the clock ticked and ticked one second at a time. When it was done ticking I held her in my arms and watched the world fade away. Never will it be this way again.

    by Michelle on 07.13.2008
  29. something that you have to do with caution and have to take into consideration risk, reward and on occasion the feelings and/or impact on others.

    Being careful means that you have to sometimes think beyond yourself and your best interests and take into consideration the interests and well being of others even when, and especially when you do not want to.

    by Jon on 07.13.2008
  30. It was strange but simple. A look so clear only few of us really understand. Think but don’t run. Take your time.

    by Joseph Wallace on 07.13.2008
  31. I do everything carefully. I’m so worried I’m going to mess up everything if I don’t do it carefully. I’m always triple-checking myself, no matter how sure I am about it. Sometimes it’s no fun to have to be careful about everything, but it definitely gives me a peace of mind.

    by Christina on 07.13.2008
  32. He carefully lifted the branch from the lifeless body beneath. There was only one hope of recovery and now was the time to pursue it. Dana had that chance and the child lying there was about to find a one of a kind helper in Dana.

    There was one and only one who could perform the miraculous task

    by oli smythe on 07.13.2008
  33. i carefully go about my day hoping to not cross anybody the wrong way. I hope that one day I am able to escape my shell and not care what other people thing. Treading lightly is a weak way to move through life and prolongs the process of achieving what you want. When I am careful I do not feel as though I am living to my fullest potential.

    by Marco on 07.13.2008
  34. I can only carefully blow my nose, as anything slightly more reckless will result in extreme pain. Some call it blower’s rash, others call it a simple chaffing of the nose, but whatever one decides to call it, it remains the same thing. So I can only patiently wait and carefully blow every 10 minutes.

    by alex on 07.12.2008
  35. Be careful! Mindfulness of what’s going on is so, so important … he trods, one step at a time, one foot in front of the other, over and over, in a steady rhythm.

    Effort can be too much. Modulate … crooze. Just Cadillac; note the fine balance and purr of the engine … it’s all part of the plan. All part of the plan.

    by Jeem on 07.12.2008
  36. When I carefully put my ring on the nightstand, I saw that mother was already home.

    by Lola on 07.12.2008
  37. ima a very careful person, when i want to be…then she carefully took my broken hand and placed it upon her lap, and told me i never needed to worry again.

    by irish mike on 07.12.2008
  38. Carefully makes me nervous. I’ve never been good with the apprehension and anxiety that comes with doing something in a careful manner. I spaz out and screw shit up every time. I certainly don’t live my life carefully. I don’t have it in me. If I had the time to think about things, I would get too damn involved and would never do anything.

    by kate on 07.12.2008
  39. Sometimes I over think what I’m doing so as to not hurt others. If I live too carefully it keeps me safe, but then again… it’s rather boring. I want to be adventurous.

    by Colby on 07.12.2008
  40. I moved about my cabin.. cautiously. Wating. Constantly waiting. For what? Anything. Something. I have to be concerned. I have to be careful.

    by magik on 07.12.2008