
August 7th, 2009 | 202 Entries

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202 Entries for “brushed”

  1. I already had brushed. I want another word.
    But we all can’t be too picky, can we? It’s just a matter-of-fact that too many people of this world is picky. Like me not wanting the word Brushed. I guess I’ll have to wait another time to get another word. And I hope that word is not Brushed.

    by Danielle on 08.07.2009
  2. airbrushed. art. Painting during the day. Erotica. Against someone else. Nudge. Getting a hunch. Never understand why he left the way he did….his fingertips against my porcelain skin…

    by Samantha on 08.07.2009
  3. Brushed
    Hushed brushing. So much fun is it not?
    Paint brush, hair brush, tooth brush.
    But it’s in a past tense, is it not?
    Brush, brush, brush.
    It’s a funny word if you sound it out slowly
    Brrruuushhh. Kind of like hush. But with Br- in front of it. Ya br

    by Danielle on 08.07.2009
  4. One night Jerri brushed shoulders with a woman who’s looks and swagger instantly reminded her of the song Rip Her to Shreds by her favorite band, Blondie. You know her, miss groupie supreme. She’s so dull. C’mon! Jerri then found it funny how people could be either forever forgotten or forever stored in her brain as a flickering image of little importance.

    by Xteenuh on 08.07.2009
  5. so last night i brushed my teeth, my hair, my face, i brushed everything. i need to brush my grill though because if i dont it will have that crappy aweful taste on the burger slash or whateever we cook. i just with i didn thave to clean it. how awesome would it be if i was super in shape?

    by Beau Rowe on 08.07.2009
  6. i brushed my hair yesterday and it was so hard to brush because my hair is all course and gross. i can’t stand brushing my hair because it breaks off into little pieces of hair onto the bathroom floor and it’s not fun at all to mess around with. i would rather just shave off all of my hair and not deal with it

    by Ashley on 08.07.2009
  7. I brush the dog every once in awhile.
    Do you have ANY idea how much hair she has?
    Sheds like a crazy beast too.
    No wonder mom has to vaccum every second day.

    by Katie on 08.07.2009
  8. Today i was walking through town and i saw this really hot girl and i went over to talk to her but when she smiled and started talking i smelt something weird and thats when i relized that she must have never really brushed her teeth casue DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN. It was like looking at yellow chicklets, Unlike this girl i know named katie who has awesome lovely teeth, and a adorable quite voice at times :)

    by David ! on 08.07.2009
  9. I came into the room with the giant cat and his fur was matted or lying about the room in clumps. I pulled out the brush from my pocket but he shrunk back in fear at the sight of it, perhaps out of instict. I wondered what this cat had been through. Neverthe less, I stepped twoards the cat. At this, he opened his jaws, showing rows upon rows teeth.

    by ALEX on 08.07.2009
  10. The time I’ll brush my hair will be the time that i shave it off never to grow it again…
    and i love my hair. I love its wildness. its untamed. It’s me.

    by E.M on 08.07.2009
  11. Brush hair. Brush teeth. Wash face. Take vitamins. Go to sleep. Wake up. Brush hair. Brush teeth. Wash face. Take vitamins. – My Childhood Days

    by M on 08.07.2009
  12. like buterfly wings, or a cape, or maybe lips. also, it couyd be like a paintbrush or saomething you know art projects, or maybe glue like a collage or something. is it a minute yet???? this is a really long minute. geezlouise. ookkay brushed so what can i say about brushed……

    by katie on 08.07.2009
  13. away and forgotten, swept aside with the dead leaves on the cold autumn sidewalk.
    the bitter wind howls, the only one that cares.

    by Myst on 08.07.2009
  14. My sister brushed her hair after she got out of the shower — she then noticed she forgot to rinse the shampoo out — oh no she says — what shall i do!!! So, she got the clippers and started trimming inch by inch — more and more — strand by strand — before she knew nit, all gone — who knew she was blind!!

    by Chaz Spencer on 08.07.2009
  15. It was dawn, and the fog seemed to be dancing along the wind, being swept across by breezes of the morning air. The leaves of yellow, green, and orange were also carried gently through the trees, as they brushed my cheek on their way.

    by Amber on 08.07.2009
  16. She brushed a tiny strand of hair back behind her ear as she waited in the dark closet… who was the boy who was going to give her her first kiss? Her hands felt clammy as she hugged her knees to her chest, trying not to shake with nervousness.

    by claire. on 08.07.2009
  17. the paint flowed across the pallet. it was not just her paint. it was her soul that was the art. not the brush.

    by Kelsey on 08.07.2009
  18. I brushed complete lack of funtion today upon hitting the bowl that my brother graciously packed for me at work. Yes at work! I was incapable of even thinking about thinking after consuming the pop can sized hit. It filled my lungs and all my worries, and motor functions right out the window.

    by Danny on 08.07.2009
  19. She looked towards the seat on the opposite of the aisle. He was reading the newspaper, sports section, typical. As she scrutinized his facial expressions, the train slowed to a stop. ‘Next stop, Ravensworth.’ announced the train’s operator. He stood up to leave, and as he did so, he brushed her arm gently.

    by Tori on 08.07.2009
  20. Brush hair, brush teeth, brush hair, brush away all the thoughts of you. Brush away delusions, brush away lies, brush away the irrational.

    by JLL on 08.07.2009
  21. my grandfather used to brush my hair before i went to sleep, that is the only memory i have of him.

    by Megan on 08.07.2009
  22. as i brushed my hand against your hair you smile and catch a chill, i smile back and you are mine. we are eachothers and we have grown together as one entaty. i love you

    by john adams on 08.07.2009
  23. Again? But I haven’t even eaten tonight…or today…or this morning…or yesterday, or the day before, or the day before that, or last week, or… damn I’m hungry.

    by Bodrahn on 08.07.2009
  24. As her hand brushed against their fingertips, she couldn’t help but wonder why she was so afraid. They loved each other, simple as that. Why should love be something to hide, something to be ashamed of? Why did they have to reduce their feelings to numerous “accidental” brushings of the hand?

    by Lola on 08.07.2009
  25. With death? Or love? Or maybe it’s just an anatomically-correct portrait of one of those, with such subtle strokes of the brush? Or maybe we’re just rushing up on our technique.

    by Tuatha na Bodhran on 08.07.2009
  26. i brushed my teeth both last night and this morning. that’s what doctors say you should do. wait no i dont meant doctors i meant to say dentists, but i guess a dentist is just a doctor of teeth, so im not entirely wrong. although i would be wrong if i was to start a sentence with a conjunction, which is what i just did

    by teeth on 08.07.2009
  27. I brushed up against her in the bar and our lives were changed forever.

    by george on 08.07.2009
  28. Sólo sé uno siendo todos.

    by Carlos Alfonso Romero Muñoz on 08.07.2009
  29. The polished silver was coming along nicely, Ian thought. The brushed metal shone in the afternoon sun, the heat causing it to send out distorted waves of air. His first car was glossy with the sweat of his brow.

    by kevin on 08.07.2009
  30. I brushed my teeth about 5 minutes ago, but my mouth still tastes of the cold leftovers I ate as soon as I came in – slightly tipsy, perhaps, but not really drunk: I only had about 3 drinks. And that I needed to get me through the night – bloody Jumpin Jaks – the things we do for our mates! :(

    by Hez on 08.07.2009
  31. I brushed my teeth today. I have a secret though. I don’t brush my teeth at night. I am always too tired. So I just brush them extra in the morning, hoping that not doing it last night will be somehow overcome by a vigorous brushing in the morning.

    by Cassie on 08.07.2009
  32. I brushed my hand against his; it was almost and accident. but briefly, i looked up at his face for a reaction. this wasn’t a normal occurrence for two male friends, and his eyes seemed to say just that. He knew it as well as I did; but that didn’t stop him from linking his fingers into mine, entwining them like vines on the base of a tree. That didn’t stop him.

    by anon on 08.07.2009
  33. Always talked about the brush. It say atop its golden little perch nothing in particular distinguishable about it. Yet every day it sat there. Waiting. Waiting for that same person to come and brush with brilliant strokes. Up and down, through the wavy curves it went. A simple pleaseure for 5 minutes. Then it was over. Back to sit on it perch.

    by Rickopotamus on 08.07.2009
  34. I brushed my teeth then I was told that I had a dentist appointment so I brushed harder. I brushed my cats’ fur afterward and then ran to brush my hair.

    by Annalisa on 08.07.2009
  35. I really like brushing my teeth. It’s like I have an obsession with it or something. I even have 2 toothbrushes in my purse that I carry around with me everywhere.

    by Tiyana on 08.07.2009
  36. He gently brushed the hair from my face and told me it was OK. I didn’t believe him, he ruined my life, why should I???

    by Rachael on 08.07.2009
  37. Brushed. I brushed my hair with my brush. Some pieces of hair came out on the brush. I thought about how hair falls out sometimes when people have cancer. Right now I’m thinking about why I’m writing about cancer if I’m supposed to be writing about brushed.

    by Erin on 08.07.2009
  38. Brushed: Hair, metal, fur? Brushing implies cleanliness and upkeep. Does that make it a positive word, or an overly fussy word?

    by MaoTheCat on 08.07.2009
  39. Brushing dust off her shoulder, she looked at him intently. “You don’t think they’re doing this… on purpose… do you?”
    He averted his gaze, hesitating. “I don’t know,” he admitted. But that was all he would admit to. He could not bear to tell her about the little business card they had left, or the note outside his door. He could not bear to tell her: they were after them.

    by Sierra on 08.07.2009
  40. i brushed aside like the others, only something about you stuck. for a year i have been thinking of you every day and regretting my hasty decision. please give me another chance. i am so, so ready.

    by B on 08.07.2009