
August 7th, 2009 | 202 Entries

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202 Entries for “brushed”

  1. Brushed steel is what our wedding rings are made of. Simple, no embelishment. Just a solid band of beautiful material to state the obvious.

    by Claude on 08.07.2009
  2. my heart was beating really quickly boom boom boom within my chest. there he was, just a few steps away from where i was standing. goodness, i hadn’t seen him in years! did i look okay? alright, come on now, compose yourself. deep breaths, stomach in, chest out.

    i said “hi”.
    but he simply stared me up and down. then snickered.
    and with that he brushed me away like dust off his shoulders.

    by chloé on 08.07.2009
  3. he brushed up his skills

    by ritvik on 08.07.2009
  4. She brushed her long hair over and over again. The repeatative motion calmed her mind. She wanted to look away from the mirror, but her eyes were frozen. Untangling her long strands, over and over again. “Cursed forever by your beauty,” the old woman had said, “I’ll make sure you won’t forget it.” So on and on she brushed, never looking away until her beautiful hair turned an ugly gray.

    by Amanda on 08.07.2009
  5. brushed away by society
    i feel as if im not even in the minority
    im just considered disorderly
    why is this considered free
    society tries to be in control of me

    by saby on 08.07.2009
  6. She was in love. She had never felt this way about anyone, ever. The way he walked, so gracefully, especially for a boy. She held back a smile every time he walked at her side. “Lily, darling?”
    “Yes?” She smiled. And as his lips brushed against hers she knew her life would never be the same.

    by Eva on 08.07.2009
  7. the painting was brushed like the color of the sea. brush strokes are similiar to the wrinkles on my face. when i think of art i think of one human being being brushed by the optical illusion of ones imagination. paint the sun, the sunset, or maybe even the moon but never brush away your sense of creativity that you were born with. why are people so dull sometimes? that is one question i have no answer for. they will use the sense of noting ones reality to the subject of our universe.

    by chelsea on 08.07.2009
  8. She sat on the floor at her grandmother’s feet. This would be a memory that she will always hold on to. The sweet powdery smell of Nana’s skin, the firmness with with she held the brush but the softness of the bristles as they grazed through her hair. “One hundred strokes every night before bed will make your hair soft and healthy”, Nana would say, but she knew that it was just an excuse to keep her closer.

    by Bliss on 08.07.2009
  9. washed, used, smooth, smooth, worn, carefully loved, taken care of. Simple.

    by Shishi on 08.07.2009
  10. I brushed my hair this morning, but I can only do that when it’s wet. When it’s dry, I frizz. I also like to brush my teeth, but I should do it more often or more thoroughly. This is all the point of being brushed, like in an elevator.

    by AnnaBeth on 08.07.2009
  11. Her hair was freshly brushed for the first time since camp, and it felt strange, like there was too much static from the newfound smoothness.

    by Rose Wolf on 08.07.2009
  12. I brushed my hair today after taking a shower. I think I am slowly losing all my hair. I keep seeing more and more hair left in the brush with each passing year. I guess this is what it’s like to get old. It’s weird, I still feel like a kid. I feel like I should be able to go swing at the park with all the other children.

    by Tiger on 08.07.2009
  13. He brushed the strand of hair out of her face. The breeze was blowing particularly strong that day, so every brush only brought back another handful of strands. They both laughed as he tried nuzzling through her hair with his nose to get to her lips. He kissed her gently as the wind wrapped their hair around them both.

    by Paula on 08.07.2009
  14. so I brushed past him, and as I did so a shiver ran up my spine. Was it incredible fear? Hate? Or love? I would never know, maybe it was just the wind on the street as I passed the stranger…

    by Hanna on 08.07.2009
  15. That clean teeth smile of coins rattling in your beat-up jeans, that tennis ball racket of old shoes being thrown down stairs. Let the coffee flow like August through your window.

    by r.a. on 08.07.2009
  16. Brushed is a motion , a soft flowing motion, I brushed against his soft smooth skin, she brushed against the soft fur of the cat that sat beside her. We are just brushed away sometimes and don’t really know it, but yeah, we have been brushed away, away today, you know. As time gets swept, brushed away in time we are all a canvas of brushes colors blended together.

    by cat on 08.07.2009
  17. as i brushed my hair with the silver comb my mother had given me when i was just a baby, the lights flickered, then went out. I was so scared because i was all alone in the mansion, and there wasn’t even a trace of a storm outside!

    by Lauren on 08.07.2009
  18. brushed off for good. left alone. with no one around to care for him, he set off once more into the fray. he left home, left the people who lied and told him he was important, told him he was going to be something. he went somewhere new, where no one knew his name.

    by stig on 08.07.2009
  19. brushed, que chingados es eso, que clase de mensaje criptico?????

    by ale on 08.07.2009
  20. It’s been a while since I’ve brushed my cat. She sheds a lot, and since it’s summer the shedding is out of control. THere are clumps of fur resting in all corners of every room…and sweeping doesn’t help. As soon as I sweep, new clumps take the place of the old. It’s pretty gross. I should just get on with it and brush her.

    by Rachel on 08.07.2009
  21. brushed my cat’s hair – it’s as smooth as silk. she’s not that old – she’s 8 and nicely mature
    i got her from the pound – she was lost and found
    she’s jumped onto my knees – an athlete, i say she is

    by claudine cheah on 08.07.2009
  22. Brushed aside. Brushed away. Brush against my shoulder.

    by Reynaldo on 08.07.2009
  23. As I brushed my teeth, I found a chip, and I began to wonder, “how could a chip get there and me not know it?”. Such is life. We have chips and cracks tat we just aren’t sue how they got there.

    by Chad on 08.07.2009
  24. bitting into an apple, when my hair is napppyyy. something i need to do to my hair. doesn’t happen very much.

    by vanessa on 08.07.2009
  25. Brushed is how I felt when I was pushed away. Brushed away from your day. Brushed each day from you sight. Brushed you sight and you senses. Never letting me in. Never letting me by. Never letting me know why you felt it.

    by Gothic on 08.07.2009
  26. It was brushed metal, or so it seemed that color in the late summer dusk light. As I approached it I realized it wasn’t metal at all it was

    by Rob on 08.07.2009
  27. I brushed my son’s hair with my comb and delighted in the way his tiny curls bounced back into shape. He wakes with a fuzzy clump every morning which I tease back to shape over the bathroom sink before sending him to his childminder.

    by Jill on 08.07.2009
  28. air brushed. Paint brush. I wish I knew how to paint. I see lots of paintings, espcially water color and it makes me envious of those who possess such a beautiful skill. I’d love to learn to paint. Its a creative outlet.

    by Binny on 08.07.2009
  29. I just brushed my teeth. My mom just got me a new tooth brush actually. I haven’t used that one yet though. My dad like the one he got for him though. haha So i guess it must be good.

    by Liz on 08.07.2009
  30. i never brush my hair, unless i’m straightening it which is hardly ever. brush brush brushfire. we have those a lot in florida. i prefer unbrushed hair to brushed hair. it looks way sexier. sierra from versa emerge has the best “un brushed” hair look. i’ve got a major girl crush on her.

    by melanie Bertelson on 08.07.2009
  31. she woke up in the morning and she brushed her teeth. it was the only stable thing she had in the clusterfuck that was her existence. if anything, it was the only thing she looked forward to doing.

    by Michelle on 08.07.2009
  32. you brushed you hair when you get up in the morning. if you do not the hair will be knotty and it’ll hurt a lot. people who don’t brush their hair are gross.

    by brenda Sue Somes on 08.07.2009
  33. he brushed up down this way and that the canvus was coming to life as the paint dripped red blood spots on to the carpet

    by mel on 08.07.2009
  34. His hand lightly brushed my face as he stared deeply into my eyes. Was this really happening? Could this really be true? I tore my gaze away from his own, not wanting to show him my real emotions. He asked me if I was okay for the fifth time.

    by Abby on 08.07.2009
  35. As I sat brushing my hair at my vanity mirror, I was struck with the sudden realization of just how similar I had become to my mother. As a child I remember standing in the doorway, watching as she sat at this very same vanity brushing her hair in much the same fashion as I now was.

    by Megan on 08.07.2009
  36. combed, untangled, stroked my tresses of long auburn hair. The curls fell naturally along the lenghts of her back, tumbling like waves, with a touch of

    by julie kelford on 08.07.2009
  37. today i brushed my hair after i got out of the shower. i had washed my hair using john friedas shampoo that smells gloriously like mint. i then used some conditioner. when i brushed my hair, it looked so shiny and soft. my brush then smelled like mint. it was nice. life would suck if we didnt have brushes. i would walk around with tangles in my hair

    by z on 08.07.2009
  38. I brushed my hair back, brilliant brown hair. The ageless manifestation of a million, billion years in the making. Cover our heads, cover them with hats and wigs and plastic surgery, yet we’ll be born with the bit of fluff on our heads. Unless it’s chemo or skinhead mania for you. My father’s home.

    He’s wearing a hat.

    by Panda on 08.07.2009
  39. He brushed past her like a herd of elephants trying very hard not to be noticed in a china shop.

    She ignored him anyways.

    by Jennifer on 08.07.2009
  40. i brushed my teeth still half asleep! Last night i couldn’t sleep well. I had some terrible dreams

    by kopinjol on 08.07.2009