
June 11th, 2010 | 228 Entries

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228 Entries for “brave”

  1. I tell myself “be brave!” but, aw, who the hell am I kidding?

    by Maria on 06.11.2010
  2. my boss today called me brave because she told me that i could package a mirror without breaking it, i didn’t ever say that, the mirror is totally going to break in transit.

  3. The warrior marched into battle, her hair flying and whipping about. The fierce look in her eyes was enough to make anyone tremble. She was the picture of brave, her and her sword.

  4. how brave is it to plod through life, one day at a time, living hand to mouth, never giving up? think about it! it is not easy… believe me….

  5. i wish i were brave. just a little bit at least. sometimes i cant ever bring myself to doing anything because im simply not brave enough. damn.

    by Krista on 06.11.2010
  6. i always wondered if i was brave or not. i dont think i am brave but sometimes peple tell me i am brave and it just sucks that i dont believe them. maybe im not brave enough to think im brave. strange. bravery bravery braveryyyyy. hm. interesting how i have no real thoughts on it. im just not brave enough. haHA

    by mary on 06.11.2010
  7. My husband was always brave. That much I knew. Insanely, kindly, brave. He fought a war, he was there for the birth of our children, but most of all, he is brave in leaving us, when he lost his final battle. I will always remember my husband for that, for doing the bravest thing possible. For facing the other side.

    by Aliyah Jones on 06.11.2010
  8. Brave through the hindrances you find so appealing as of late. They’re right in front of you, you fool! Oh, the clashing disappointment that abounds these walls, you are not protected though you longed so badly to be. You cannot receive what is not of owe.

  9. She cried harder into his shoulder.
    “it’ll be okay” he said with a brave look on his face “we will find her”.

  10. I’ve never thought of myself as brave, but brave are the cops and the firefighters, and the single Moms and the actors who need work.

    by Dawn Sehmer on 06.11.2010
  11. courageous. both strong and fearless. outgoing and intelligent.

    by Chelsea on 06.11.2010
  12. i thought i was brave, but then i heard my daughter’s story of singing before 75 girls for her chrous final, only topped by her recital of 4 pages olf lines in front of her enteire drama class. how did my child find so much nerve to make a name for themselves at such a young age, with no promised reward by a letter A?

    by booboo on 06.11.2010
  13. Brave. A word we too often take for granted. Sure, if we go to the dentist and don’t cry, we call ourslves brave. But what does brave actually mean, anyway….?

  14. I’m brave in the mornings. A coward at nights.

    by newsha on 06.11.2010
  15. Standing there, it would be easy to think that it is brave to leap, and braver still to climb down again. Or perhaps leaping is an act of faith, stepping down cowardice?
    He wasn’t brave enough to test that out.

    by Giles on 06.11.2010
  16. I’m not brave. I like to be brave but Im not. I’ve never been. Bravehearts have something more than life to hang on to. I’m not brave. But I try to be.

    by Newsha on 06.11.2010
  17. He was so brave. I’d seen him in action many times before, so this was not my first. My first time was a hit or miss, and I instantly fell in love with him…

    by flutterbye96 on 06.11.2010
  18. the bravest person i know is my mother. no matter what she does, she is never scared. however the only time she is scared is for me, because she is my mother.

    by marinna on 06.11.2010
  19. In a cave, in a far away land, a dragon waited for his true love to come and slay him. However, the chances of this being a fellow dragon were fairly low, and this dragon would have to marry a human and die by her hand. One day, a person came along to a seaside cliff and discovered a mossy ledge there. He decided to climb this, the rest was left unknown.

    by Julie on 06.11.2010
  20. Brave like sky alone in the sun. Completely blinding. It’s there for you and I. We cannot muster this tybe of bravery to be so alone for everyone else. We admire it… we should. Bravery is something i hope to muster, to have it running through my veins.

    by Celeste Malouff on 06.11.2010
  21. i wish i was brave. sometimes i think i am brave, but then sometimes i feel like the most scared coward on the face of the planet. what do i even have to be brave about? i dont do anything. i work. i see my friends. i go home.

  22. He as not the bravest man in the world I suppose. But to me, he was braver that a lion tamer, or a mighty hunter. He was brave and he protected a whole generation of us.

  23. His breath caught in his throat as he stared down the edge of the mountain. Nervous, he kicked a shower of pebbles down the side. They disappeared. Overhead, a screeching racket broke out, and he felt it was possible he might sooner jump than face it. He was scared; he couldn’t fool himself. But it had to be done, so whether it took him an hour or all night, he would do it.

  24. I’ve never been brave, I’ve been bullied and never stood up to people but I always wanted to know what it felt like to kill someone.

  25. The lost soul went into a dark cave. No candles, no light at all. He went with just hope. He had to find the lost child.

    by JimJim on 06.11.2010
  26. That’s it, I’ll do it. I got to be brave. Just pack my bags and get out of this country.

    by Jón Hjörtur on 06.11.2010
  27. Bravery is highly prized by everyone. It is the characteristic of the knight in shining armor, the fire-fighter who enters into the burning building, or the person who sticks up for themselves. Without this feeling, there would not be the courage to pursue anything. Instead, people would hide under rock with no thought of foraging into the unknown universe. It takes bravery to get out of bed and take on unknown day for what it has to present you.

    by Eric on 06.11.2010
  28. So once a man decides he’s got to do something he does it. Simple as that boy. Now you know people are depending on you for this. You haven’t got anything to prove to any of them. You just know you got to do this.

    by Zeke on 06.11.2010
  29. To be brave means that you choose to face the things that make you weak.

  30. They say the warriors were the brave ones, the ones who made all the difference by going out to hunt for the tribe. But perhaps Singing Owl and Laughing Star are more heroes than the warriors will ever understand…

    by on 06.11.2010
  31. brave brave

    by jim on 06.11.2010
  32. He was there. He was the best. The bravest, no one could deny that. No matter how much of a jerk he was, I did not know anyone else who would fight in World War II against his own country to protect his fiancee.

  33. im brave because i have no fear braveheart was a good movie. brave wave . brave,brave,brave.

    by jim on 06.11.2010
  34. my mother is brave for dealing with her brain stem stroke every single day of her life. She is brave for not giving up when she had to relearn everything, like eating and driving and talking and even blinking.

    by stephanie on 06.11.2010
  35. Brave means being able to face anything, admit that you are wrong when you are and saving a life looking for nothing in return. I know a lot of brave people, and many of them I admire. Being brave means being someone elses rock, but knowing that sometimes you always have to crack no matter what. Brave is something that is hard to come by now a days.

    by Alexys on 06.11.2010
  36. She wasn’t very brave…not really. Her courage extended to dealing with children’s cuts and scrapes and fishing the cat out of a tree. The one thing that was beyond her comfort zone were spiders.

    Those, she killed from a safe distance with a can of hairspray and a match. Little black spots on the walls were worth the ability to kill and scream at the same time.

  37. i can be brave sometimes. when i think of the word brave i think of people with a lot of courage. there are different types of bravery. some could say soldiers are brave. others may say that people who stand up for themselves and others are brave.

    by Julie on 06.11.2010
  38. you put on your brave face and exclaim that you aren’t prejustice.then you catch your son waxing off to gay porn and slap him in the head.i guess i better not ask you to go down on me while i’m wearing stockngs and a pleaded skirt

    by georgie porgy on 06.11.2010
  39. someone who is able to do something dangerous. Not scared, willing to do something scary. Begins with a b and ends in an e. I am brave. It is very couragous to do something scary.

    by a on 06.11.2010
  40. Brave – yes, that’s what they said Jamie was when he went to the ocean for the first time. Oh, he’s ever so brave for going and drowning himself because he has nothing else to do but search for glory in death-filled waves. That’s not bravery.