
April 26th, 2010 | 314 Entries

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314 Entries for “blocks”

  1. blocks are good if you are a baby. they are good for little tiny motor skills. If you are not a baby, blocks are good for murdering. or…not.

    by Brooke on 04.26.2010
  2. i tend to get writer’s block(s) sometimes. my neighbors get blocks of a different kind. their cars sit on their blocks in their front yard. that visual will definitely block creativity.

    by Lizette on 04.26.2010
  3. There was always something in the way. The “family” on the television. Her programs. His work schedule. The space between their beds.

    It was as if the universe had conspired to perpetually keep them two feet apart.

    by Danielle on 04.26.2010
  4. The city block baked beneath the afternoon sun. As I walked, my stomach rumbling, I thought back to a stories in my childhood. I was once told that when the temperature was high enough, you could cook eggs on the cement. I looked down at the carton of eggs in my hand. This should be interesting.

    by tara on 04.26.2010
  5. Blocks of lego. my favorite child toy. my favorite toy is meant for a child. But, i want to play it as a n adult. Going back to my childhood is not a surrender to childishness..

    by Nicolas Melo on 04.26.2010
  6. blocks. i remember when i was in kindergarten, we would rotate activities we did during the hour or two after lunch. one of my favorite activities were the blocks. i didn’t realize it at the time, but it must have been because blocks aren’t awkwardly gendered like a lot of kids games. anyway, this one time, we made a coffin out of the blocks… and my friend gabby climbed in. it was eery, but i remember it really vividly for some reason.

    by danae on 04.26.2010
  7. i watched the blocks fall i wish i would of caught them but it was to quick. time went on and i couldnt forget the blocks what do i tell my father he’ll never forgive well he sopposed to but not this time.


    by Harrison Crow on 04.26.2010
  8. little kid godzilla destruction. sharp corner bruises. primary colors.

    by tori on 04.26.2010
  9. Blocks are fundamental to living! I mean just listen to the word block. It makes you feel better about your life! No, really blocks can be super cool and there is so much you can do with them, including throwing them at elephants with penguin heads.

    by Kendrahh on 04.26.2010
  10. mental blocks are problems we all have to deal with in every day life. one of the biggest mental blocks comes when trying to write a paper or trying to write a certain amount of cohesive, tangible words about a stupid word. Like the word blocks for instance. I’m having a very hard time thinking about anything more to say bout blocks, so I guess you could say it’s a mental block of sorts, but don’t say that because I hate puns.

    by Sean Reed on 04.26.2010
  11. I live within blocks of my school. It’s really easy toget there and see people getting blocked by taller people in basketball. It’s cool how blocks can make cubes. And cubes can make anything if they try hard enough. because, if they don’t try, what kind of cubes are they? Not very good ones if you ask me.

    by asdfaeagag on 04.26.2010
  12. Blocks. Building, creating, stacking higher and higher until I can’t see them anymore. A new beginning, full of promise and hope, stretching to the sky. Until they all come tumbling down…

    by Em on 04.26.2010
  13. blockade against my left.
    stranded to whats right.

    but the waves keep me uncentered.

    by saetia on 04.26.2010
  14. things that stand in my way
    building blocks from my childhood
    blocks are square
    blocks can crumble
    blocks are moveable
    colors of blocks
    disigns of blocks
    mental block writer blocks road blocks

    by jess on 04.26.2010
  15. I think of the hit–block.

    I think of the pain–block.

    Honey, what’s in there?

    I think of the curses, the scream storms, the rage.
    I think of the pressure and mountains of pain.
    I think of cursing my useless body.
    You can’t win a gold? You can’t be my girl.

    I think of the diving block.

    Leap into the water.

    Smooth under the surface, and hopefully icy cold.

    Come up for a breath, and go, and go, and go, and go, and go…

    and be gone.

    I think of the diving–block.

    by Charlotte Fraser on 04.26.2010
  16. Blocks, I used to play with blocks when i was a kid, Although when i think about it now it was always more about destroying what i built rather than the building itself. That’s only semi-disturbing i suppose.

    by David on 04.26.2010
  17. Blocks. Teeny tiny building block of differing shapes and sizes. I used to play with them as a kid–who knows where the hell they went off to–but yes, I do remember them. I think we used to drink lemonade then, too, without Jack. How strange we were as kids?

    by Charlotte Fraser on 04.26.2010
  18. Building block tower
    Knock it down, build it back up
    Am I the tower?

    by Rik on 04.26.2010
  19. I used to play with blocks when I was younger. One time my brother built a block tower as high as the ceiling at day care. All the kids were jealous because the teacher allowed him to stand on the chairs to get the block tower to the top. But he did. It was all in great great fun. One kid then knocked them down.

    by Amelia on 04.26.2010
  20. a b c blocks. stacking one on the other. it’s a simple existence.

    by lyla on 04.26.2010
  21. He sat on the floor, his little chubby legs crossed at the ankles, building a tower of bright red blocks. Painstakingly, he placed one on the top of the other, with all the care of a skilled surgeon. His little pink tongue, out between his lips, as he concentrated fiercely on what he was doing.

    by roxanne on 04.26.2010
  22. Building blocks of the world are to be determined in an age where science and faith are the battle of all eternity. Who is really the one to decide how and when you climb the blocks laid in a symetrical stair like pattern, which will lead you to the land you please. Success? Maybe or where will you actually go when climbing these blocks?

    by derek on 04.26.2010
  23. So he looks at her…she wants to reach out. She wants to hit him, yell at him, scream, cry, kiss, beg, anything; but something is blocking her. She storms into her bedroom, and collapses at the desk, tears streaming in a rage down her cheeks. She picks up her pen and stares at her notebook, longing for words…but something is blocking her. Her life can’t seem to unclog.

    by Chrystyn on 04.26.2010
  24. Building blocks
    Tumbling blocks

    Build me up
    Knock me down
    Never mind me
    I’m just a tower

    Like Jenga
    Pull out a few blocks
    I’m still standing
    Pull out some more
    I’m still standing
    But push one misplaced block
    And down I go
    Ready to be rebuilt

    One day
    You’ll not be able to knock me down
    My glue is getting stronger
    And there’s more of it
    So make the most of now
    Because soon
    My fragility will be a memory

    You can bring me down
    Only so many times
    Before I stay down
    But don’t be fooled
    I will always be rebuilt
    Someone else will rebuild me
    And hold onto me so I don’t collapse again

    Tower of blocks
    Fragile tower
    Fall, tower, fall

    by Rik on 04.26.2010
  25. reminds me of childhood. from abc’s to legos to those big light colorful ones that i used to play with instead of reading in kindergarten. blocks are the ironic foundation to all things child and adult, blocks of time bricks and all else

    by Nick on 04.26.2010
  26. I think of children. Little kids and colors. Even though there are millions of kinds of blocks, and blocks could even mean other things like fighting blocks or video game blocks, I think of kid blocks. It might be the colors of the timer and the color of the word. The colorful nature could subconsciously put that in my head.

    by Nicholas on 04.26.2010
  27. blocks, the childlike simplistic recreation of a toy in shape form, bridge a wonderful link between the real, bleak world of actuality with the unrealistic but terrifically wonderful world of imagination. Only a

    by chandler on 04.26.2010
  28. we walked twelve blocks to the place we heard the party would be
    and when we arrived we saw smoke
    and we smelled sweat
    and your hand just so delicately brushed mine
    and my heart beat faster than i knew how to accomodate
    so i got a cup and i poured some courage into myself
    and we became what we have always meant to be.

    by rachel wilson on 04.26.2010
  29. you can build with these, but sometimes they get in the way of what of your progress. they must be removed, on stepped on to take you to the next level. block can be fun…colorful..they remind me of kindergarten play time..laughter and innocence.

    by Jamaine on 04.26.2010
  30. blocks are toys typically played with by children. They are often wooden and can be painted with shapes, symbols, or colors. Because they are such simple toys, they are mildly boring, unless you are a child or some easily amused individual who wants to make a super cool tower.

    by kaylee roettger on 04.26.2010
  31. mondays tuesdays wednesdays and thursdays lets throw in fridays and saturdays while we’re at it watching kids fool around with their vast shapes and sizes of different blocks. Piling them up and tearing them down. While us parents sat back and watched them baffled by the way a child could be occupied days at a time with such inanimate objects…

    by Val on 04.26.2010
  32. The blocks of ice piled into the freezer, popped out one by one by my grandmother. She looks so skinny, but her eyes light up like the brightest watt bulb there is that doesn’t hurt the environment. The noises are bright and color, and the ice melts in the water like butter almost before sinking into the bottom.

    by Scythe42 on 04.26.2010
  33. they keep falling, reds, yellows, greens. rotate, rotate, so they will fit in place. lonely days playing tetris to pass the time. sundays, wednesdays no longer completely vacant.

    by esperanza on 04.26.2010
  34. they can stack up and be successful, or attempt at great heights and crash to the ground! your personality and outlook on life is basically a set of flimsy blocks that you determine the outcome!

    by thomessa on 04.26.2010
  35. blocks are square and you are supposed to think outside of them. I don’t know the purpose of a block or why we use it for such a wide variety of things. It seems so plain and boring because they are everywhere. blocks blocks blocks…i have writers block

    by Jessica on 04.26.2010
  36. I fall slowly down the grid
    I am just a piece too you?
    I inch down with every other piece of your life
    slowly clicking into place
    I wish I were more than a block to your
    I could have swore I was more then a piece of a puzzle

    by IAmIntergalactic on 04.26.2010
  37. Block. They create, the restructure, they make up so many things around us. Legos are considered blocks, bricks are considered blocks. I’m sure children that played with Legos in their childhood grew up to design buildings, become architects and engineers.

    by Roy S. on 04.26.2010
  38. I used to play with blocks as a kid. I would build with them, obviously. they fascinated me, the different ways that they could be put together. Their different combinations intrigued me and play a part in how i am today. Blocks were the building blocks of my brain and my interests. I love architecture, math, creation and other such thing.

    by Jalen Michals Levy on 04.26.2010
  39. blocks for thinking, blocks for making things, construction, rearinging it seems as though are life is full of blocks. Blocks to our family, road blocks. . . When will we get rid of all the blocks and be ok ?


    by pamela on 04.26.2010
  40. Come in all shapes and sizes. I like building blocks. I can use them to carve my career. When i started doing what I love best, I had small building blocks. They eventually grew into larger blocks to make a foundation for me. Blocks are amazing and can come in all sorts of colors.

    by Justin on 04.26.2010