
April 4th, 2009 | 307 Entries

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307 Entries for “blackout”

  1. The blackout started suddenly, as blackouts do, but it only affected half of the city. So the girls were surprised to get a call on one cell phone from a friend a few blocks away asking to come over to wait out the blackout. Surprise company can be pleasant, sometimes, and it’s nice to be able to help out a friend.

    by laura on 04.05.2009
  2. its dark out tonight. The birds are all asleep, no moon no stars. is this the end of us? the end of our world. the vampire are coming, we are not going to survive.

    by Kassandra on 04.05.2009
  3. Darkness. Seems like a scary position to be in. When was the last blackout anyways?

    by Sequoia on 04.05.2009
  4. oh no there is now a black out
    all the lights have gone out, it must be a blackout
    its going to be a black out

    by nicole chua on 04.05.2009
  5. The city is dark, the streets quiet as everyone huddles in their homes. The city, normally so noisy, so lively, has become a graveyard.

    But above. Oh above the city, it is a far different story. The air hums, intense with the sound of a hundred motors thrumming through the night sky.

    by Cate on 04.05.2009

    by TORI on 04.05.2009
  7. lights. camera. blacktion. things shroud and spill, and suddenly. black. things will never be how htey used to be, the lights are out, bridges burnt, and it doesnt matter if our eyes are closed or open.

    by weylin on 04.05.2009
  8. i had a blackout when i was younger. i fell down, and myteeth bled, my vision was blurry, and i felt tired and terrible. it was scary…

    by Michaela on 04.04.2009
  9. one time i blacked out at a concert and a girl who didnt even kno me carried me to the health tent it was so embarrasing.

    by alex on 04.04.2009
  10. When you hit your head you may blackout. It is possible that is you drink too much it can also cause you to blackout. The only time I’ve experienced a blackout was when I was playing as a child and trying to see how long I could hold my breath. I know it wasn’t safe to play like that, but everytime I tried it I would eventually blackout & become conscious again within a few short seconds. It had a very weird feeling to it.

    by Letha on 04.04.2009
  11. My mind blacks out as my soul reaches a new depth. I thought it was all gone, I thought there was nothing left of me to give. I thought all was black, but it is in the darkest of nights that we can most easily see the light. The light that teaches me how to see.

    by intheend on 04.04.2009
  12. The lights went out. She couldn’t see her own plams in the inky feld around her. The darkness pressed on her eyes, causing her brain to fumble for anything to latch onto, any scrap of light, but there was none. Almost tangible, she reached out and tried to feel, but all that met her hands was empty air.

    by Erin on 04.04.2009
  13. head explodes, need a drink, about to puke in the kitchen sink. Don’t want to find out (dum-diddy-dum-diddy-dum), just want to cut out.

    by bork on 04.04.2009
  14. dark night everything was haunting about that night, so gloom…like the shadows would swallow you whole..all in one shadowy mouth of death. then it happened…he appeared before me. And I Knew I was Dead.

    by blest on 04.04.2009
  15. Its a blackout. The sky darkened as if it harkened the arrival of the abismal scene of the lucid absence of electricity from our citys. We all had to rely on nature and on our own sources, I guess you never relize how much you rely on machines an electricity until you are without it, really makes you think about whos really in control.

    by Eric Harrell on 04.04.2009
  16. there was a dark and dank place that Gerald used to go and hangout. there wasnt very many places that he could go to nowadays because of his addiction, he like many addicts needed a place to go when they blacked out.

    by Chris on 04.04.2009
  17. it was totally my dark, i couldnt see a thing. my little sister, totally terrified held on to me like some cherished treasure. suddenly, i heard a knock. who on earth would come visit during a blackout? suddenly, my thoughts began to think wry. maybe…just maybe, it was more than a blackout. maybe it was something else all together…

    by celia on 04.04.2009
  18. the room was completely dark when she woke up. She couldn’t think of why. She looked toward her blacked out windows and smiled. She pinned blankets over them so no light would show through. But she always had the overheads on, even while she slept. She looked up toward the dead light bulb and wondered how long ago it went out.

    by Cae on 04.04.2009
  19. 2003
    the mac and cheese wwent bad.
    I couldn’t go to my friends house.
    the lights came back on at 4 am, i was the first one awake. it was cool. it was hot. I was tired.

    by j on 04.04.2009
  20. In times of desperation…we often feel we have a blackout of the soul. A time of complete darkness in which we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Is the light still there? Will we be forever lost in a “blackout” of life? Of happiness? Of love?

    by irishgrl1123 on 04.04.2009
  21. Hurting again in the dark. I don’t understand.

    by runaway on 04.04.2009
  22. in the dungeon of silly nightmares we claimed to be true. Only in indignation could my insides become mushy.

    by molyq on 04.04.2009
  23. I would never want to experience a blackout it sounds scary and crazy. I think of blackout curtains, like during WW2. That must have been an awful experience. I can’t imagine living every moment in fear, like those during the war. Even though we are supposedly at war with Iraq I don’t feel like we are.

    by Steph on 04.04.2009
  24. we took lots of random pictures in the hostel room when there was a blackout.hah.

    by sab on 04.04.2009
  25. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    just a couple of h’s.

    by chinny on 04.04.2009
  26. The black out of NY, 2004 (?) was a surreal time. It was my last day of work, and I was training my replacement, when the computer died. Then we looked around and realized the building was out. Then we found out the block was out. Thoughts of 9/11 flashed through our minds. But we were okay.

    by amy on 04.04.2009
  27. The lights had gone. The noise that had been drifting down the dark alleys had begun to dissipate. All along the outer banks of the Tames people were beginning to turn in for the night. It was the daily blackout. The daily time of fear.

    by andrew on 04.04.2009
  28. darkness grips me
    as i sit in the cold
    any moment
    where i am
    could be gone
    it’s wartime
    i sit in the cold
    it’s a blackout

    by esha on 04.04.2009
  29. i stare at the screen, there is nothing at all that i can recall. no past and no future. all i see is the screen in infinitesmal detail, the pixels, the speck of duct, the disjointed letters..

    by pranob gupta on 04.04.2009
  30. space, end of the world, black hole, color out, cross out

    by tyler on 04.04.2009
  31. oh my god, so i cant believe it. i cant see anything. i mean i can type and everything–no worries about misspelling and whatnot. i can backspace perfectly if i just think about it. i can visualize it. sometimes that would be visualise, but really only in britain. or so i’m told. right? anyway. i still can’t see. awkward, huh.

    by alex on 04.04.2009
  32. blackout. like on st. patrick’s day and i drank too mch and blacke out and some mexican kid tried to rape me!!! :O and reitler smashed that dude’s face off a pool table. and i met ely. bam. :D blackout.

    by olyvya. on 04.04.2009
  33. there was a blacout in the city and it hit the rain in the head and hte head hit the rain back
    the city woke up after a time and time became unstuck then was stuck no more but it could not hacre veen different but it was so different
    wasit not.

    by jennifer on 04.04.2009
  34. It’s black out. The night has fallen, but I can still see a bit of the sun’s rays in the distance. It’s a beautiful night to be out. The moon is hidden behind the pines, but your face lights up enough for the both of you.

    by hugarbol on 04.04.2009
  35. Blackout is the one way which all men can see beyond the edge where reality unravels and the strands sail away forever.

    by King on 04.04.2009
  36. I was looking at the starts how beautiful they were. Always shining giving light and hope , but not tonight, tonight was different. There was a planet wide eclipse everyone everywhere dark. A complete blackout.

    by Caleyan on 04.04.2009
  37. When its dark, and when its light, there is no excuse other then what is in my hand for everything to become quiet and everything to die. That is when I blackout.

    by Hannah Thornhill on 04.04.2009
  38. I scream
    and in the darkness
    my shouts go unanswered
    as i fall
    on my face
    in this place where even light
    is afraid
    to show it’s face
    and i am ashamed
    of my timidness
    to charge head on
    into that foreboding future

    by chinny on 04.04.2009
  39. this is really weird i have no idea what to write about. im confused and would rather watch the tv instead of being confused. wtf this color thing is weird.

    by moly on 04.04.2009
  40. drunk and stoned, stumbling through a forest, familiar, but a challenge. she’s gonna be alright. tomorrow. waking up to the tinge of her stomach. to the grinding of a body expelling, stupor.

    by lou on 04.04.2009