
July 9th, 2009 | 177 Entries

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177 Entries for “berry”

  1. Berry, I think raspberry, blackberry, strawberry. Summer, my grandmother and me in the kitchen preparing desert with blackberries. My grandmother giving me the berries to eat – giggling- laughing = being happy

    by juffie on 07.10.2009
  2. Th first thing I think of is my friend, who we call Berry. Because that’s his second name. He is very lazy and very selfish but not malicious. I think of him like Michael Jackson or Peter Pan. He just doesn’t want to grow up. He lives in a perpetual neverland, wishing it was the early 90s. But its not.

    by martin on 07.10.2009
  3. I’ve never really been a big fan of fruit. I know it sounds weird. But it’s true. Berries, however, are different. When I was little I would pick berries off of bushes in my backyard. ‘Mulberries’, my mom called them. She always would make me show her what kind of berry I was eating first. Apparently some are poisonous.

    by Brittany on 07.10.2009
  4. There we were, just minding our own business when we heard someone shouting our names…we turned around and saw it was out old school friend, Barry. But of course, when we say it, it sounds more like “Berry”.

    by tj on 07.10.2009
  5. Ich liebe Beeren. Schon als kleines M’dchen stand ich in unserem Garten, oder dem meiner Grosseltern und plueckte fleissig Beeren. Eine nach der andere, wobei nur die wenigsten auch wirklich in meinem Korb landeten. Die meisten kamen / Haps, in den Bauch hinein!

    by Eva-Maria Obermann on 07.10.2009
  6. I love Berries. They are beautiful. So small but beautiful. Raspberries have the color of love. When you eat them you feel love. Love in general or love for the berry? i feel love for the Berry. But i guess if i ate one in the presence of someone i loved it could be a deeper love. When one eats a Berry you can feel love for anything.

    by Serena on 07.10.2009
  7. berry wow that is very good yummy in fact. hmmmm what would i do with a berry right now? now it depends on what kind we are talking about….a crackberry otherwise known as a blackberry could be fun but i don’t think i would have much use for one. i think i’ll stick with my real berries instead thank you very much for they are delicious!

    by tegan on 07.10.2009
  8. I love strawberry and even black berrys how about you berrrys are great when your on a brake.

    by alicia on 07.10.2009
  9. hot molasses dough korey I feel that in the lines gooey but pristinely crisp when frozen. stains my hands and teeth. we look like vile clowns in darker shades of grimacing sadness. I can feel the hunt arousing some distant thought of savory sweetness. taste. tart.

    by korey on 07.10.2009
  10. fruity and tarty in one. just like me a flibber-di-gibbet type of fruit. they are scrumptious and you lose yourself for just a second as you savor the sensations of your encounter

    by dyan hageman on 01.01.1970
  11. berry- juicy, lush, fresh, round… squeeze it inside your mouth, crush it against the roof of your mouth, feel it burst, fill your mouth with ripeness… nature’s gift, nature’s fresh ripe present plucked from the bush…. compact

    by ell on 01.01.1970
  12. the berrys are fruits i really like, like the blue berry, once i drank a blue berry tea, what i like most of those teas are the color, i might guess i don’t choose any tea because of it flavour, i only choose it by they colors

    by capuccino on 01.01.1970
  13. as tasty as your lips pressed up against my mouth, the succulent fruit which has become so well know to me over the coure of my short life. indeed, almost a love for the sweetness springs to mind.

    by sdas on 01.01.1970
  14. berrry; a juicy fruit that bursts in your mouth when chewed. it is small and round and found on a bush. it is usually red or blue/purple.

    by Maggie B. 555 on 01.01.1970
  15. luscious succulent berry for the wine of life, lunches and mad days. Antioxidant to life and leisure, fun and pleasure. It’s good for you so eat it and think of the taste , the feel and the sensation it gives you as it slides around inside you mouth. mmmmmmmmmmm

    by Stuart on 01.01.1970
  16. the berry fell from the tree on a dog that turned purple and began speak orange then red then cat it was very confusing and tasted great. The problem was the fake berries lying to all the real berries about how big their buds were. It was really sad. the idea of berry became merged with a load of sand that fell from the giant tree.

    by Mike Hurley on 01.01.1970
  17. I love summer berries, fresh off the vines. Blackberries grow here. They are tart and warm and seem to have absorbed all the sunlight. They stain our hands purple and our hearts pink. I love summer. And berries.

    by Ginga on 01.01.1970
  18. berries…. hmmmm they are purple and blue and red and orange and green. goose berries are so good. they are placed ontop of french vanilla ice cream as a decoration. they are pretty cute.

    by molly swain on 01.01.1970
  19. Berry. My granddaughter loves blueberries, but we have to cut them in half because she’s only 10 months old and we don’t want her to choke on them. She also eats raspberries and strawberries, but she seems partial to blueberries, as is her father, or so I hear. I really can’t confirm that because I’ve never really asked him what berry he likes the best. But I bet it would be the blueberry. I once heard him ask his wife,my daughter, for a blueberry muffin, so there you have it. That’s proof enough for me. When are these 60 seconds going to end. I have to have been typing for a minute. When does it tell me? How does it tell me? I need answers because my fingers are getting tired. Please, someone, help me!

    by Richard Battin on 01.01.1970
  20. I have a mixed-berry drink that I am drinking in a coffee shop called Remedy and it’s wicked good. Mixed with a chess bar and eight hours of work, life couldn’t be better. Who knew? Life’s little moments can be friggin’ awesome! Cheers!

    by LAPinell on 01.01.1970
  21. Strawberries are scarce in Michigan, except when they aren’t. For months, we suffer through the Florida/California crop, waiting for the day when the farmer’s market will fill with baskets full of the real thing. Smaller, juicier, and so different from the out-of-state variety they might well be a different species.

    by H.Dodger on 01.01.1970
  22. there is a time in which no man can see past the work of his own hands, in which he will be constantly constrained to work the red blood of such agricultural stains off his past and hands. The Fruit of his Labor is none other than the chains of his slavery. A time to act is upon him, freedom is his only if the smell of Berry can be erased.

    by michael mount on 01.01.1970
  23. I saw a berry one day, I loved that berry
    The juices dripped out of my hungry mouth and down my chin landing on my crisply clean and white. O boy my mom’s gonna be so mad!

    by Sarah Janssens on 01.01.1970
  24. I love berry’s or berrie’s I guess that’s the way to spell it. Anyway I don’t know anyone by that name. Friut?

    by Edwin Nelson on 01.01.1970
  25. There once was a boy named berry. He lived in the mountains with his father, mother, and two younger sisters. In addition to these family members, he shared his family’s home with two rather spoiled dachshunds. One day, when all were away, Berry took his two dogs on a walk

    by Christopher Robbins on 01.01.1970
  26. Berry pies oozing with juice stain your lips. Sweet tart sugary filling and warm, buttery flakey pastry. Berries ripe from the field holding the sun’s warmth and sweetness.

    Berries on icecream, berries with whip cream. mmmmmmm! Summer taste!

    by deb w. on 01.01.1970
  27. the berries were sweet, their lucsious red colour and the sweet, almost sickeningly so, scent of juniper and spring. They sparkled, almost, in the hazy summer sun, and the glistening upon their skins was that of dew, of freshness and promise. Today is a new day, a summer’s day, they screamed, and those who saw their vivid essence could only agree.

    by ;lau on 01.01.1970
  28. snazzleberry, razzleberry, dazzleberry, regardless of the name all the berries held within them such a distinct taste I had never come across anything the likes of before. The patch where I found these berries in particular clearly had never been trodden upon by human foot, which only increased the uniqueness of my find. Will the world be ready for such extravigant tastes, its up to me to decide.

    by Andrew Hogue on 01.01.1970
  29. strawberries are good. blueberries are, perhaps, better. but i am only talking about the flavor variety. when it comes to the actual berry, i would much rather have a strawberry. the ultimate berry? that would be of the bonds variety. berry (er, barry) bonds. one of the greatest hitters of all time, steroids or not.

    by stephen morris on 01.01.1970
  30. I like berries. Well not really some berries are icky. But I do like my blackberry. It helps me keep in touch with my friends. Well sometimes, I do turn it off to ignore people but that’s alright. Hmm how strange how its turned from a fruit into a piece of technology. That’s how the world is nowadays I guess.

    by Netta on 01.01.1970
  31. I am berry smooth, berry good looking, and berry sexy.

    I berry much would like a berry smoothie.

    So give me one! Thank you berry much.

    by Shawn Kuhn on 01.01.1970
  32. strawberries are just going out of season and I’ve enjoyed them so much. So sweet and red and pretty. Now the blueberries are here so never fear — except my husband started asking me questions in the middle of this so I failed my task…

    by Karel on 01.01.1970
  33. the thing about berries is that they are expensive. in every way too. they taste great and are fabulous but they are way too pricey. think pink berry. way too pricey. frozen berries to make a shake at home, pricey. even captain crunchberries are more pricey than other cereals.

    by Mindy Fortune on 01.01.1970
  34. fruity fruity. strawberry. cranberry. berries and cream. starbursts. yummy. food poisoning. camping. plants. trees. hungry. argg. year one. austin sucks. ok. go.

    by Tina Hopkins on 01.01.1970
  35. Berries are supposed to be very good for your health. Blackberries, strawberries, blueberries. Stocked with antioxidants and such. I need to eat some more, actually.

    by LAR on 01.01.1970
  36. berry red delicious wonderful. kate berry is the one person from curry who i have met and will be transfering with me to suffolk. well, she has already trans, what if i can’t hango ut with her anyways?

    by meg clifford on 01.01.1970
  37. berry. berry berry. like strawberry or cranberry. kind of makes me want to eat some pie. or have some of my grandmothers strawberry preserves. yum. she is excellent at that. although, i wish she could get around better these days..shes getting slower and slower..and this has nothing to do with berries at all.

    by lalallaa on 01.01.1970
  38. berries are fantastically delicious. They are by far the most delicious fruit, and consumption of said fruits elicits a sensation unrivaled in the world of consumables. I would have to say that raspberries are my personal favorite, but I tend not to discriminate against any berry.

    by the eag on 01.01.1970
  39. Well, Yesterday I Saw A Berry In The Forest. It Made Me Realize, That It’s Finally, Truly Summer, And The World Is Starting To Regrow. All The Bushes And The Trees Are Green Again. Flowers Everywhere, A Forest Is My Home.

    by Sandra Snow on 01.01.1970
  40. i love picking strawberries in the summer when the red juice stains your fingers. The sweetness oozes from the soft flesh as the sun shines down on you. It is the perfect snack right before the beach and there is nothing like fresh berries.

    by Whitney Pray on 01.01.1970