
June 12th, 2011 | 585 Entries

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585 Entries for “beloved”

  1. The only time I actually hear the word ‘beloved’ used is in the famous line “Dearly beloved”. Now that I think about it, I don’t even know when beloved would be appropriate to use…

    by Anon on 06.12.2011
  2. beloved
    use to love
    toilet paper

    by august on 06.12.2011
  3. There he was, just standing there as usual… and I couldn’t help but love him. He didn’t love me, but who really cared. He was my beloved, always would be. All I had to do was show him that he loved me back just as much, if not more. Until then, I was content to simply watch.

  4. honny
    get on well

    by chechu on 06.12.2011
  5. Not beloved. Not dearly beloved. I don’t know why this is coming at me in so many different ways; it cannot be true. At the same time, I am tired of fighting it. I am so tired of fighting it.

  6. I am beloved. Something that means to be dearly loved, or very close to the heart of another. i have someone beloved to me. <3

    by Marrah on 06.12.2011
  7. John sat with a bit of an overly-focused stare as the cameras swiveled into position behind him. David was atop a fake rubbish heap, getting some direction, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth ever so slightly. John’s heart was sent a-flutter at the sight of his beloved unconsciously teasing him like that.

  8. it is easy to be beloved
    keep the word tied to tongue
    tangling over the brightest of symphonies
    and dragging the rest of the world along
    this is how it ends
    with everyone watching
    trying to be
    the paparazzi of the world

    by Caryn Dreibelbis on 06.12.2011
  9. my father was the most beloved person i’d ever known. everyone was so attracted to his energy and his personality. He brought our family together in the most unique and powerful way. he truly was a solid rock and center stone to our family. Being the only man in a family of four it was interesting that he never felt left out or overpowered and he always held his own while remaining the focus in our hearts

    by Julie on 06.12.2011
  10. i am chris’s beloved i love you miss you so much why did you have to leave me. i want to cry and i could be depressed but we will meet again.kisses and hugs my lover and sweetie and hunny

    by Liz on 06.12.2011
  11. i will be beloved if you will belove me, and being beloved is an illuision. if i would be beloved than i would be lied to, and sometimes a lie is what you need to live. be beloved. be beautiful.
    love. live with love.

    by mil3s alon3 on 06.12.2011
  12. I leaned on you too heavily,
    my arms flung around your neck,
    and you stumbled in our kiss
    then smiled and laughed
    the day before you left.

    by Y.B. on 06.12.2011
  13. I need to practise this more, I cannot think of a single thing to say and what I think I cannot write…my beloved is far away from me and I am lonely and missing him.

    by Nazish on 06.12.2011
  14. i am my beloved and he is mine someone who is loved very dearly be loved you should be loved we should all be loved be-luv-ed be love education perhaps people’s tattoos not mine

    by meg on 06.12.2011
  15. My beloved is a man. He knows how to treat me right. As he holds my hand I remember how much he means to me after all these years of being abused.
    My beloved is a man, who has been my savior too many times.

    by Cons on 06.12.2011
  16. you and me. That day, all days. love you

    by Ana Catarina Magalhães Figueiras on 06.12.2011
  17. She was beloved. She was unlike anything he had ever seen before. She captured his heart and stole away his mind. She left him wanting more because he couldn’t understand just what it was about her that had him this way.

    She was truly one of a kind. When she smiled at him, his heart melted for her. He called her his beloved every day. She was his everything.

    Every day that he woke up beside her, the awe washed over him again and he couldn’t breathe. Her magnificence lit up the room, brighter than the rays of sunlight streaming in through the window.

    by Jamie Betts on 06.12.2011
  18. Beloved. Bluest Eye. Songs of Solomon. I am a lover of books and Toni Morrison spoke to me as no on else could. She isn’t supposed to. I was born to a rich, Jewish family in northern California. Not exactly disenfranchised. But the way her words tasted like candy on my tongue made my heart dance. The curves they strung across the page formed a map to my soul.

    by JAMJAM on 06.12.2011
  19. To love is the greatest gift we have. To be loved is the greatest privilege.

    by Stevie on 06.12.2011
  20. My beloved is a dear friend to me and will always be there. My beloved is kind and warm and generous, but never soft. My beloved thinks that the world would be a better place if we all counted to ten every time we got angry. My beloved is a giver, a lover, a thinker, a dreamer. My beloved is all of these wonderful things, but best of all, my beloved is mine.

    by Carielle Doe on 06.12.2011
  21. ohh how one day i wish to be someones beloved.
    someones other half,
    the thing holding them together.
    but mainly, i need someone to hold me,
    to make sure i never crumble into a million, unfix-able pieces,
    to protect me and hold me in my times of weakness;
    and mostly, to love me, like no one else!

  22. My beloved, how sweet you are. Your slanted smile and beautiful eyes. My beloved, you will always be loved.

    by Nancy on 06.12.2011
  23. You were once my beloved. The one I woke up to each morning. The one I gave my heart and very being to. You knew me like none other. You showed me passion like I had never seen before. You said I would always be yours and that I was truly your one and only. Now I see you walking down the street with another twat on your arm. I guess you lied beloved.

  24. You are the one true love of my life. As I stare at your perfect face I see nothing but inner beauty. You are my beloved, my child, and my love. You are the very best thing that has happened to me… My beloved.

    by Jazmine on 06.12.2011
  25. I can’t have kids, so when I think of beloved I think of my dogs. they’re my children in a very real sense. it doesn’t exactly fill the void but it works. I’m not lucky enough to be in love with a man, so my precious boys are good for now.

    by whitney on 06.12.2011
  26. if you sound this word out, its really “be-loved”.
    why is the accent taken away from this second “e”?
    is it a secret message?
    or perhaps an inside joke between two infamous writers in love?
    i can’t help but wonder..

  27. love anger betrothed marriage soulmate girlfriend wife hunger pain heartfelt serenity contemplation solemn fair angelic ethereal full innate passion adoration forever beauty

    by mark steyn on 06.12.2011
  28. I am nobody’s beloved.And i think im alright with that. I might one day be sad that im not a beloved. But for now, ill be content with the fact that i am my own beloved. i can love myself as much as anyone can love me, and that keeps me from hating that i dont have someone to call my beloved.

    by Barra McKenzie on 06.12.2011
  29. I loved him so much….he was my beloved, wasn’t he? Right? Please say yes…or say no…I just need an answer…I’m begging you….the universe…whoever’s out there…TELL ME if he’s the one. I feel like I should know if he was, but what if I shouldn’t? I wouldn’t know. This is my first chance at love.

  30. i like mexican pinapple craters in my pants with live fire breathing scorpions that punish the children in bolivia with crackling pop rock lazer beams, the pudding of doom made my puppy fly into a fit of blind rage and draw a squirrel.

    by ryan on 06.12.2011
  31. Beloved
    the arms that seem frail
    use every ounce of energy
    to cup the cheek
    of their beloved
    a moment that has left to quickly
    for only one heart
    is left

    by Innes on 06.12.2011
  32. i love you. you are beloved to me there is no one in teh world i’d rather be with right now. beloved. you are the love of my life. how i wish. how i wish i could be loved and i could love you. beloved. you are loved. beloved by all. loved by all but me. i love you. i wish i could. beloved. you are the love of my life, right?

    by Anna on 06.12.2011
  33. my beloved sits beside me always.
    watching me as my beloved does.
    and forever he will be with me
    his beloved
    and he mine.

    by Gladine Simplice on 06.12.2011
  34. beloved husky, a polar bear carpet of white fur, a whiter patch above her neck, brown ears and a pleasant, safe face, she had the look of an animal that had no idea it was a wolf.

  35. He was my beloved, my only I wanted him forever and always. Forever and always the taylor swift song. I loved that song even though I hated her. Such spineless idiotness I wanted to punch her, wanted to punch most of the girls in my school who liked her who was well everyone. The world can be so idiotic at times, it makes me want to cry. but then again there is so much RIGHT with the world, ppl only seem to focus on the bad, m I the p0only one who thinks this? yes? no? maybe so? Idk myself, but sometimes it seems to me that the bad is focused on so much that it starts to become the ONLY thing ppl see and they dont realize thee is actual GOOD in this world, which is sad becuz there is SO MUCH this world has to offer, wouldn’t you agrree? it should be loved more. <3

    by Victoria on 06.12.2011
  36. You are beloved by all
    I am not
    Others brake your fall
    and let me crash.

  37. beloved. A term of endearment. Something that i have rarely heard. Maybe i haven’t met the right people, or maybe i had and just cant seem to keep them but somehow i tell me self to keep going.

    by Casey on 06.12.2011
  38. Yo! What up? I just came to drop a word. You know my beloved sister that I got yo back. Well, that’s it. Laterz!

    by on 06.12.2011
  39. It’s a velvet dress. I only remember it so well because one day I wore it, and had a nosebleed. The color of blood matched the color of the fabric. I remember wearing it the night I tangled a toy truck in my hair and brother thought we should chop it all off and we did. I remember the little gold moons and French words…something ‘lune’ and ‘noir’ and all the rough, worn patches.
    That nightgown was beloved.

  40. California. Her beloved cousin, her only family member, her next of kin, her last lifeline.
    All the way in California.
    While she’s here, in Hawaii, a tropical paradise, battling with herself for dominance, for balance, for peace.
    She’s not sure she can find it.