
December 1st, 2009 | 492 Entries

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492 Entries for “bee”

  1. as the bee went up the tree, it found itself stuck in some sap. Along came a pest, the only pest in all the land that would be able to save and nurture the bee. Together, they buzzed away, on a journey into love, knowing that it was only going to be the two of them from here on in.

    by frank t on 12.02.2009
  2. i already wrote about bee. there is not much to say. all that comes to my mind are stinging fuzzy flies and the girl who’s death got better attention than the suicide of my friend. oh well, that’s life. — or death, i guess you could say.

    by katie on 12.02.2009
  3. i will bee the most inspirational mind to cross this earth. i will beefriend the bees beecause bees will want to bee me.
    the death of bee was tragic, but not as much as the loss of my beeloved gabe.

    by katie on 12.02.2009
  4. i love the way bees fly around a flowering plant in the warm summer breeze. i love how bees exist to produce honey for their existance and our enjoyment. bees are sometimes demonized for their sting, but they really are gentle beings.

    by BJ on 12.02.2009
  5. Sitting on the front porch, lemonade in hand, I look out to the kids laughing on the lawn. I swat at the buzzing bee, not letting anything ruin my perfect summer day.

    by sarcasmsweetie on 12.02.2009
  6. buzz buzz and drip drip my honey is sweet my sting is bitter i love the flowers the woods the trees buzz buzz with me i will be your bee buzz with me

    by Baylie Williams on 12.02.2009
  7. sylvia plath’s father was a beekeeper. she would remember this about her father more than anything towards the end of her life. i wonder if he gave her honey.

    by l on 12.02.2009
  8. On average the Mexican bee can consume thrice it’s orignal size and shit out 3 ounces of honey

    by on 12.02.2009
  9. they say bees will talk to you
    and i know they talk to me
    i let them out the window in droves in summer,
    catch them under glass for a minute, then
    they fly away.
    they come to me in dreams, honey-scented,
    murmuring their love for someone who has saved them.
    later, i dream of a king of all bees, who saves me too.

    by francesca on 12.02.2009
  10. the lovely bee stung my horrid brothers wife. he perfume was very strong and gave me a head ache i’m guessing the bee as well.

    by q on 12.02.2009
  11. bee

    by quinn on 12.02.2009
  12. a spelling bee with little kids that are smarter than me spelling words that I did not know were part of the english language. honey for my tea that I do not drink a regular basis and should. I really like this green tea I have with a hint of lemon and alot of honey. someone at my work commented one day on how much honey I was putting in my tea. they said something like whoa how about a little tea with that honey. i wasn’t very pleased with this comment. who cares how much honey I put in my tea I thought. sometimes i like to squirt a dab on honey on a spoon or my finger and eat it plain. its delicious. i think i have been stung by a bee a few times in my life. it’s been awhile knock on wood. stings scare the crap out of me. we were playing slosh ball over July 4th and a few people stepped on bees and were stung. i did feel bad for them but was thankful I did not get stung. even though bees are scary if you really study them they are pretty beautiful. that color and the way they make honeycomb. we had a huge bee hive outside of my work building and our engineer cleaned it up and found these huge pieces of honeycumb with an insane amount of honey that he gave away to people. i never got to try it. wanted to though.

    by Liza on 12.02.2009
  13. flowers everywhere
    yet the bee
    pursuing me

    by jane on 12.02.2009
  14. Hanging in the air
    they whirl and buzz
    and buzz
    Running on the ground
    I dash and crash
    I am
    of bees

    by jane on 12.02.2009
  15. don’t do it!

    by alec on 12.02.2009
  16. A bee loves his nest,
    He is loyal to his queen,
    He sees all around him,
    The pollen in between,
    Love for other bees,
    As they help him gather.
    But when a human comes,
    Disturbs what is his,
    He grows angry and stings,
    Doesn’t have to think twice.

    by Joe on 12.02.2009
  17. scarry. it’s so small but still it can make you feel so bad as nothing else.

    by on 12.02.2009
  18. scarry. it’s maybe the only thing which i’m afraid of. I always want don’t meet it.

    by on 12.02.2009
  19. Bees are scary and their sting hurts. When I was younger, I got stung… it was really traumatizing as it was in a shop. I was crying the whole car ride back. But I got a bag of ice from the store which helped ease the pain!

    by Chisaku on 12.02.2009
  20. there was a little buzzing sound right next to my knee…not an ankle bracelet but a bee, I cannot say to whom I adore this lonely craving sound or was it me who wishes near

    by corn on 12.02.2009
  21. when i was young i wanted to be a beekeeper an alchemist turning insects and flowers into gold when i grew up i wanted anything but to be stung.

    by sunburst on 12.02.2009
  22. Bees bumble. They bumble about all day long lazily and they scare the crap out of you when they get too close. Though I hate this about them and I’ve been stung a plethora of times in my short life, I love them. Honey is heavenly and one of the greatest things to heppen to this earth. But they mean summer. And i miss that.

    by Orionsvelte on 12.02.2009
  23. bee! bees really freak me out. but i have a friend who loves them to death. ‘bee brethren’ she calls them. and they buzz buzz around her, which is really terrible because that means they’re buzzing around me, too! and just because they like her, doesn’t mean they like me.

    by a.j on 12.02.2009
  24. I am totally scared of bees. Although, Ive never been stung by one. I did get stung by a wasp on my foot though, it was quite, quite painful. Bees are very pretty though. At least, in my opinion. Yes.

    by Hannah on 12.02.2009
  25. buzz buzz, lots of fuzz. pollen…death. All the bees are dying, did you know that? I mean, there are other insects that are capable of pollinating plants. But without bees there might be no honey, and what would peanut-butter and toast be without it.

    by Geoff on 12.02.2009
  26. Heh. I like watching them. They show up in the Smithsonian, or is it just the NC Museum of Natural Sciences or whatever? There’s one museum I’ve been to that has a colony, anyway. I like watching them run around their “hive and run through the tube flying away. They look like they’re going so many places… and then they all come back eventually.

    by Greyson on 12.02.2009
  27. the bee was humming softly as i walked out the patio door. i looked carefully but didn’t see it until the sun glazed swiftly across it shivering wings. my first reaction is to swat it away or dead which ever worked, but then i remembered how much i loved his honey and let him steal my flower

    by joanna on 12.02.2009
  28. My boyfriend keeps honey bees and makes mead out of his honey. I feel our relationship has revolved around these little creatures. Plus, I have an unusual name that starts with the letter B, so his family all calls me B also because he started calling me B as a form of endearment. But they have just never learned how to say my name.

    by on 12.02.2009
  29. and so it whizzed through the flowers. hurry hurry hurry. it’s his job. the queen is hungry. but if one so much as harms another. a stab of vengeance and the busyness ends.

    by wl on 12.02.2009
  30. I am the monarch! I have nothing to do with bee’s but i have a hot wife that doesn’t know what oxygen is because she spends almost every moment of her life smoking. In fact, I think she is the sole creater of the hole in the ozone layer. I’m positive actually. It’s horrifying.

    by Kiyoshi Shaw on 12.02.2009
  31. summer vacation. eating outside my sister and i sitting on the picnic table and bouncing on the board seat. well, it started humming and bees came out of the pipe holding the board up!! my sister and I got stung about seven times!

    by patrick on 12.02.2009
  32. Today i saw a bee that was beautiful and free. It reminded me of the joys of summer and spring.

    by Ginger Jones on 12.02.2009
  33. Bees make honey, and they are very technologically advanced, as far as insects go. They work together very well and don’t fight or slack off, which would be a good lesson for the rest of us to learn. Why can’t I be a bee? I would like that. It would be so much easier to be a bee.

    by sarah on 12.02.2009
  34. hives and patterns of dance go to flowers and think of how sexy those stamens are they collaborate as a swarm to achieve their objective and act simply in relation to each other that creates a really complex behavior. I’ve heard that if you’re being chased by bees and jump into a pool, they’ll wait for you to emerge so they can KILL YOU.

    by M Kraatz on 12.02.2009
  35. bee all you can bee, isnt it kool play on words as weel as being a wital part of the ecosystem. and they

    by Vojo on 12.02.2009
  36. They can hurt, but vital to our way of life.. Pollination is very important and nature does it for free. If we lost our pollinators we would have to do it ourselves, if we even could, and that would cost countless billions and hours of labor. So nature gives it to us for free, dont step on the bees!

    by BT on 12.02.2009
  37. Bees sting. And so many other things STING too. I guess I’m only using BEES because BEES were what was given to me. But seriously, I HATE it, the stinging. Especially the kind of STINGING people do–because it is so often that they don’t know they’re actually STINGING you.

    by on 12.02.2009
  38. bee’s sting. bee is the second letter of the alphabet. i like bee’s on honey nut cheerios.
    bee’s sting with a stinger.
    im very hungry.
    im starving.
    no, bee-ry hungry.
    its red now.

    by lauren on 12.02.2009
  39. buzzing like a crazy buzzing bee. stings sharp to the skin. i got a bee sting once when i was very young. i cried about it actually. then i’ve had a kinda of fascination with bees since then. i still fear them, but i like to watch them anyway

    by Sam White on 12.02.2009
  40. Charlie equipped himself with a pencil and paper and attempted to spell the first thing that came to him: SPELLING! He gave up after a few tries though because while he could get the SPEL part alright, he became confused when trying to make ING. So he moved on to BEE and was met with almost immediate success. B-E! Charlie admired his work, added a few more Es, just in case, and went to show his mother.

    by Hannah on 12.02.2009