
July 8th, 2010 | 211 Entries

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211 Entries for “bear”

  1. Large and dangerous creatures. They are champions of the forest. Teddys are seen as snuggling and comforting, but grizzlys are scary. Be cautious.

    by Kevin on 07.08.2010
  2. And then, a bear the size of a small minivan came lumbering from the treeline, his eyes staring intently at my PB&J. I did what could be done at that point. I called for Chuck Norris. The bear, deciding no PB&J was worth a battle with the Chuck, ran.

  3. Bears are just one of the many pissed-off animals in the catalogue of pissed-off animals.

    Bear: Humans often mistake bears for being angry creatures, while in fact, they are just irked. Being continually denied delicious people food and being hunted is enough to be quite irked though. Bears.

  4. Bear with me now, althought I know that it is difficult to understand. I miss you, not just what we used to be together, but simply you. You changed me significantly and I cannot ever forget that. We parted from each other’s lives to early for my taste. It might have been soon enough for you but if I could just have a few more days, my soul would be at ease. Breaking up meant not just ending our relationship but ending the best friendship that I have ever had as well. You are the most amazing person that I know, even with all of your flaws and frustrations. Not being able to talk or even to see you leaves me with a gaping hole that it feels like everyone can see through. My family and friends all walk on egg shells around me. It has been three months since we went our seperate ways and I have only seen you once. The awkward hello and the conversation that followed made it seem like having my wisdom teeth removed was nothing. I just want to be able to talk to you, even to just chat about the weather.

  5. He wasn’t innocuous at all–he was a hidden bear, a monster, a freak. He was dangerous and could attack at anytime with no warning, mauling you as he pleased. I wouldn’t ever try to bait him, but he didn’t need baiting to charge.

  6. That creature was not one of our kind – long exiled, we pushed him over the edge to see what would happen. His hairy fingers gouged lines in the dirt. His blood seeped into the earth. The curse of the primitive man is to bear the punishment of the civilized.

    by a on 07.08.2010
  7. I saw it coming towards me, teeth bared, claws out. I did all I knew of and tried to make myself bigger, but it still didn’t stop.

    by Lex on 07.08.2010
  8. evokes a feeling of love more than fear, i dont know what this has to say about the world or what our views of wildlife are becoming but i think hug before i think mutilation.

    by Anon on 07.08.2010
  9. It trickled warm, flat, mixed with backwash, down my acrid throat. I fell to the ground, hacking as the irritation roared down my airways, clutching at my…
    oh, whoops. I suppose this may still make some sort of sense anyway…

    by Giles. on 07.08.2010
  10. It’s standing in front of me, panting. Do I run? Do I freeze? If I scream will anyone hear me? Before I get the chance to do anything, a voice rumbles through the silence of the forest.
    His voice is deep, half-growl.
    My knees are still shaking.
    “So… read any good books lately?”
    I didn’t know bears could read.

    by Yelena on 07.08.2010
  11. I immediately think of teddy bear then black bear. A black bear crossed the road while I was driving with my father. Up north. Back in the hometown. The northwoods. Something familiar yet I am out of place there.

  12. gggrrrrr Im a bear.

    Im a grumpy bear.
    Where’s my honey bitch!?

    by Lauren Michelle on 07.08.2010
  13. snow outside, curled up inside, the baby nestled his mother. moving ever so closely to feel her paws around him and her sweet breath at his nape. it was going to be a long winter, but he didn’t mind.

    by caitlin on 07.08.2010
  14. the red bear the blue bear i like colors. i love mayday parade. and the maine. and bands as those. i miss him. i need to stop. i love this right now. i got my best friends, best cars, errrthang. it’s just amazing. if only he would love me and not my best friend.

  15. I love bears. I hibernate sometimes, so I sypathize with them. I wish I could be a bear. I wouldn’t be a polar bear though. I get cold too easily. I’d be a grizzly or a black bear. they’re cute :)

  16. brown big fat bear. makes me think of valentines day and that stupid ber my ex got me. hes an asshole. i wanna burn it so bad.

    by kendra on 07.08.2010
  17. this pain is unbearable.
    the simple thought of you makes me cringe.
    this love is pain.
    and i can not bare to hold these tears in.

  18. bears are so much fun. I think my dog should have been a bear. I like grizzly bears and polar bears, but grizzly bears mostly. They make me think of the grizzly run at Darien Lake. Bears are very dangerous.

    by Jessica on 07.08.2010
  19. bears have time to relax when they hibernate. they feed off fat and infinity is their friend. i wish i was a bear, to bear, no restrictions. the freedom to frollick in honey and sun, oh i wish i was a bearing bear.

    by tasha on 07.08.2010
  20. I love the new bear exhibit at my zoo. It has a river filled with salmon so that they can catch their dinner like in the wild.

  21. I can bear it. I can take anything that comes my way. Anything that life decides to throw at me I am ready to tackle. Nothing will stand in my way and I will not allow anything to take me down. I will bear every burden.

  22. I will do nothing for no one. I will do everything for any thing.

    by Margot on 07.08.2010
  23. She wrapped me up in a bear hug, the likes of which I haven’t seen since. Even after the hug, she refused to let go of me, holding my shoulders and staring into my eyes. And that’s when I knew: you will always need your mommy.

  24. Look out!
    He’s coming for us
    We’re sweet as honey
    and he can smell it in the air.
    Look out!
    He know’s we’re on the prowl.
    He’ll eat us up
    and leave us in the morning
    Or beaming?

    by Skye on 07.08.2010
  25. You have got you bear pain. Its what makes life worth living. If there were no lows, you would never know you were high.

  26. I love bears. Teddy bears mostly. Theyre so fluffy and their eyes are so bright! when i was little i wrote about how when i grew up i wanted to be a teddy bear! my favorite book was coudoroy. i love him!

    by nikolette on 07.08.2010
  27. brown and big. never seen one in real life. bear bear bear. beer. beer is always good. i like drinking beer.

  28. A memory of my childhood. Her house was always filled with bears; her mother made them as a hobby. I have a couple of my own, one of which is very dear to me. They are a comfort at this point. Every time I see their beady little eyes I’m reminded of my youth and our friendship.

  29. The large brown bear lumbered across the campground, sticking his wet nose into anything that would accommodate it. I sat silently in my car, windows rolled up and keys in the ignition just in case. The only sign of life coming from my area was the flashing and clicking of my camera.

    by Heather on 07.08.2010
  30. As i plunged into the woods, my pursuers hot on my heels, I stumbled onto a well lit clearing. In it, I saw a large black bear. Stunned, I stopped running, and for a few vital seconds, we just stared at each other. I managed to catch my breath, and without a word, continued on my flight

    by George Mason on 07.08.2010
  31. Pooh-bear, like from the Disney show. And Piglet. Black bears and things like that. Teddy-bears and stuff.

  32. I can bear many sorrows when the moon is full and the cone is overflowing with ice cream and the sun is warm but not too hot and the days are long and bright, and it is the coldness of the night that is the measure and size of the bear.

    by Nancy O'Neill on 07.08.2010
  33. I watched terified as the beast stalked toward me. It was an odd thing, in such a situation i always thought that my life would flash before my eyes. but no such thing occured, i was not granted that as i watched the bear stalk toward me.

    by samantha on 07.08.2010
  34. They’re large, horribly fierce. They have giant fangs that oftentimes drip with scarlet blood, and claws that tear through flesh and bark. Their fur reeks of mud and gore, and each them they take a step another lark flies off into the abyss, terrified.

  35. Cries of nature search an ear. Listen to the future. Listen to the past. Now compare the two and see how close they are together.

    by Ralgy Cepeda on 07.08.2010
  36. The bear climbed over the mountain. The bear climbed over the mountain. The bear climbed over the mountain. And then he jumped straight off.

  37. A bear with arms stands to fight to tear with strong strokes of long glares.

  38. I can’t bear the thought of you leaving
    two and and half months of only letters
    can we make it?
    can we strive?
    our future is hiding in the tears of my eyes.

    by Haleyhaley on 07.08.2010
  39. there are a lot of bears in Kinnelon, New Jersey. They like my pool especially; the mom’s and the baby cubs. I personally like panda bears because they’re Chinese, vegetarians, and sadly are endangered.

    by Hayley on 07.08.2010
  40. Viscous saliva drips from it’s long, yellowed fangs and onto the freckled bridge of her nose. Hot, sticky breath billows across the planes of her cheeks.