
July 8th, 2010 | 211 Entries

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211 Entries for “bear”

  1. Once there was a very nice bear, by the name of Ursa
    She lived in a cave with a cricket who would never shut up
    this cricket was very nice, but Ursa couldn’t sleep with him
    So she killed him. It was sad

    Thus is the nature of bears. Amen.

    Not all bears are like this, though.
    Mix, the bear across the goat trail, ate her cricket instead…

    Thus is the nature of bears, Amen.

    by God on 07.08.2010
  2. He wrapped her in a bear hug. She blushed at the sudden contact, then pushed him back. He wouldn’t budge. It took him too long to muster up the courage to do it, he wasn’t about to stop anytime soon.

  3. It was early dawn when Charlotte came down the path dragging a bear cub by it’s head. Charlotte was 5, eyes of ocean blue, a mess of golden hair a halo in the morning light, a grin as wide as the sky. The bear was bawling it’s head off. “Look ma! A teddy bear, a teddy bear!” Close by maternal snout was just lifting a grubby scent out of the air when Charlotte’s mother tornadoed out the door. She grabbed Charlotte with one hand and with the other whirled the cub back up the path.

  4. the bear was outside the window. watching. breathing. watching. waiting. watching. he held a knife in his paws and his breath was heavy in the cool air. the bear watched and waited.

    by ali on 07.08.2010
  5. The bear roared, raising its gigantic muscular arms above its head in an attempt to ward off the attacking wolves. The smaller creatures turned tail and ran, not willing to clash with the powerful creature.

    by Arturo on 07.08.2010
  6. I don’t know what I want this word to mean.

    Is it bear, like the bug lumbering beast that peruses through forests?

    Or, as in, it’s hard to bear sometimes?

    Or as in, be-ar, like, be-arrrrrr. You know, ‘be a pirate, ARRRRR!!!’

  7. i like to bear with my boyfriend he is always ready to snuggle and he is like a bear in alll sense he is cute and hairy :) and i love him so much even tho when he gets mad he can be like an angry bear ad

    by reyna on 07.08.2010
  8. There once was a bear with no hair who din’t care. Was it fair that he had no hair? Don’t dispair. Well, I’m happy to share…anywhere.

    by Mark est Tres Beau on 07.08.2010
  9. Why do bee’s make honey? For bears, of course. So why do bears eat honey? Because bee’s make if, of course.

    by logan on 07.08.2010
  10. never the less.
    She was my best friend
    we ran
    drank our tea with the queen.
    The next thing i knew
    she was too young for me
    I moved on
    and lost our imagination in dreams.

    by koikoi on 07.08.2010
  11. bear hair fair fare wear tear mare share lair care..?

    by rhyme on 07.08.2010
  12. It was weighing down on him so. I couldn’t take it anymore. I went to see him between classes, after school, and on the weekends. Pretty much anytime I wasn’t learning. He was going downhill and fast.

  13. Had a wyrd dream last night. There were about twenty or so giant Kodiak bears– like, mutant Arnold Schwartzahulk bears, and maybe five of us puny humans, all in the same cliff-lined lake area. The bears didn’t like us being there, and were doing everything in their power to give us a bad case of dead. Pretty intense stuff, but somehow I was still alive when I woke up. Go puny humans!

  14. Bären fressen alles, was rumliegt, was sie kriegen können. Erdbeeren, Him-, Brom- und Blaubeeren. Zelt schließen. Lebensmittel in Tüten oder Plastikdosen geruchsdicht verpacken. Sonst kommt der Bär.

    by EliEli on 07.08.2010
  15. the bear sits by the stream, waiting for the fish to swim by. the fish are scarce this year. Why is that? how will she survive and feed her babies? the winter is closing in, there isn’t much time left, the bear frets.

    by Amanda Newcomb on 07.08.2010
  16. “Did you hear that?”
    “Hear what?”
    The End.

    by Martin on 07.08.2010
  17. it roared and stood on its hind legs, stretching to its full height. “My god that motherfucker must be 8 feet tall!” “Pshaw. I’ve seen bigger.” “That’s what she said”

  18. the bears in the woods hate little blond girls that break into her house. so they sent the big bad wolf. to bad there was a lumber jack was there

    by jack on 07.08.2010
  19. Bear with me here, he said. But she didn’t want to. She was sick with just hanging on, so called “bearing” people simply because she had to. From now on, she will choose who she wants to listen to, make her own rules. Right after she finished listening to him.

  20. There are no effing bears in England. This is extremely unfortunate for me, seeing as there are at least two instances in 1906 where bears in England would be helpful.

    by Anny on 07.08.2010
  21. bearing it any longer
    would not be torture
    but a lovely change of pace
    because I love being smothered
    in your chest

  22. a bear. i want to write a story about a bear. there are so many different kinds of bears though. polar bears, grizzly bears. brown bears, black bears. pandas are bears to aren’t they? to bad their endangered.

    by Julie on 07.08.2010
  23. He looked at me. And I looked at her back through one eye, and a long barrel pointing to her: I have the power, I’m bigger than you, I’m at the top of this food chain.
    “Beast!” My gun cried.
    But as we stood, eye to eye, I saw that her glassy, frightened eyes. I lowered my gun. And I backed away slowly. Her massive body charged at me viciously and bellowed like a monster. I began to choke on my own heart in horror. I’d lowered my gun, I’d declare peace!
    These were my last thoughts as a mighty mother tore into her son’s dinner. I’d declared war on so many creatures…but putting the gun down meant vengeance. I’d become every dinner I’d ever eaten.

  24. Grin and bear it, they say. But no. I won’t grin and bear it. I won’t act like this is okay.

    I won’t. Because I don’t have to. Because it is okay.

    Grin and bear it for yourselves.

    I hope you’re happy with her. Because you’re never getting me back.

  25. I’m a bear, I’m a bear. My mother was a Kangaroo. I’m half a grizzly, half a Jew, throw a little Pickaninny in there too. That’s right I’m a black bear or to be more politically correct an African American who loves to be your Teddy Ruxpin too!

    by James Welling on 07.08.2010
  26. I can’t really live like this much longer. It hurts too much. I don’t know what to do from here except be ready.

  27. I heard a rustling outside of my tent, last night. When I looked outside, I saw one solitary paw, reaching toward the food I had stashed in supposedly animal-proof containers. However, as as I looked up, the paw became connected to the leg, and from the leg to the rest of the bear.

    Yawning, I zipped my tent entrance and slept again. After all, it was only a dream. (Ugh. NOT my best work)

  28. i feel like a bear. I want to tear up every single living creature i see. smash their face with my paws wreck havoc with my teeth gnaw at their limp bodies and tear away their sould. You made me feel this way You are the reason why I hate everything. I lost my sense of humanity eversince you stopped talking to me

  29. a brown giant animal which lives in the jungle. and mostly used as the tiny sweet animals in the toy market. additionally means holding sth on your mind. such as, bear on your mind that no one is allowed to go out after 10 pm

    by nazlı on 07.08.2010
  30. Once upon a time live a tiny little polar bear named Polly. She live with her parents in the deepest part of the Artic.

    by Jaime on 07.08.2010
  31. the bear was huge. so huge that I thought when I first saw it that I’d stumbed across some sort of tree. I just sort of stood there breathing loudly. Odd how loudly I was breathing. then the bear snorted and I smell its breath.

    by H.M. on 07.08.2010
  32. Stephen Colbert hates bears; he says they’re godless killing machines and the number one threat to America. I beg to differ. I say America’s biggest threat is cats with the case of the crazies. It’s true! Try and walk through a doorway when one is spazzing out, like mine’s been doing. It’s impossible!

  33. He couldn’t take it, this feeling of being useless. “I cannot bear to lose you this way.” he whispered softly into her limp hair. It was futile of course. It was obvious to the sullen audience who were carefully removing the IV’s. Her will to fight it off had given out just moments before, and with that, escaped with one ragged breath. The essence of her life dispersed around the room, clinging to the people within.

  34. can’t bear it any longer
    the beast in my brain
    it’s taken over
    i try to fly and
    pounding pounding
    will it ever stop?

  35. Like a polar bear in the swimming pool, he swam and jumped and dived. His fur flowing in the warm water on this hot summer day.

    by Gina on 07.08.2010
  36. Bear the weight of your job, and be glad you have it. It seemed such an easy command when my father said it, but watching Sam struggled, I knew it couldn’t be as simple as it seemed. Why, if it were, would he sit for hours, staring out the window, the salt-sweet scent of tears wafting from him? Why, if it were, could he not be happy with me, could he not smile? Why, if it were, would he have left? Why would my father choose to make him kill for me?

    by on 07.08.2010
  37. The bear came into her yard quietly with two little cubs at her heels, and went to the garbage cans where they began to look through her garbage.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 07.08.2010
  38. the child, the annoyance. the pain. everything. bear it.
    the furry animal. the claws, the gnaws.

    by Priyanka on 07.08.2010
  39. Bears marched in an uneven line across the path, swaying with the breeze, decay hanging from them in limp, watery strips. I couldn’t stop the Necromancer from raising, but I could sure as hell stop these poor animal from ever walking again.

    by on 07.08.2010
  40. “Grin and bear it,” spat the dirtied and bloodied soldier standing in front of us. He shoved his red-hot fire-poker at Sam, who winced as his skin sizzled in a long strip over his right bicep.

    by on 07.08.2010