
February 7th, 2011 | 638 Entries

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638 Entries for “alarm”

  1. I don’t like waking to an alarm clock! It’s so unnatural … and so much more pleasant to gently wake to the rising sun …

  2. A pulsing ceased by sticking forks in forbidden voids. Smothered, rather than stopped as it resounds in your mind before sleep. Worry, fret and the loss of things when we walk to masses with masses and masses for God knows how many hours with many, many noises.

    by Maria Keenan on 02.08.2011
  3. what I hear and can’t control. set 5 of them. AM intervals. finish the assignment, heart is pounding through my ears, exhaustion, 2 hours. distracted by people sitting beside me in this library.

  4. That goddamn alarm. Always taking me out of peace. It rings the booze from last night around my head worse than tripping all myself did. Shit, I’m still drunk. I can’t quite reach the damn thing, so I get up to turn it off. Down, I go. The floor is so soft. Time to sleep again.

    by Taylor Wood on 02.08.2011
  5. it screams
    something must be wrong

    thieves or fires
    or both

    noise and fear
    are tragic partners
    in this game of hit and miss

  6. He rang my alarm when he started talking about marriage on a snowy night drive back to his place. I was dropping him off and thought he was joking when he mentioned wanting me to be his wife. Someday. Soon. Not…ready… my thoughts pulsed with my break lights as I came to a stop. I gave him an uncomfortable smile as my breath blew out my nose, smoky into the black air. We didn’t say anything. I turned back to the road and lifted my foot off the break. Making a right turn I said to him, “I just don’t know if I’m ready for marriage yet.” I focused on the road, not looking at him, somewhat afraid. “That’s ok,” he said giving me a cold kiss and leaving the car. He waved as he walked up to the door. I smiled and took my foot off the break.

  7. there was once a man who woke up to an alarm. The alarm was not of the audible sort, but an internal alarm which alerted him of the near-by danger present with his every step. He stopped. Looking up in the pale blue sky, he sensed it again. Something is coming.

    by Connor Gerlitz on 02.08.2011
  8. Wake up. The siren sounds. All around you the smoke falls. And with the smoke, falls people. And with this beginning, you reach for your blanket and cover your mouth. The armegeddon has just begun. Good luck, fight well, and whatever you do, don’t die.

    by Kevin Burdick on 02.08.2011
  9. Alarm went of this morning a little after eight. It wasn’t all that fun and I sat in bed for a few minutes after it went off just so I could tell myself that I needed to wake up. I don’t know, it probably wasn’t my best plan. I did wake up to find a wonderful text from my girlfriend, which has so far made my day much, much better. She’s so great.

  10. The alarms made him restless. He could smell the fire, he could hear the sirens, he could feel the hysteria around him.

    The planes. Those howling bombs.

    He was way too young to see those bodies all around him.
    He was way too young to meet the glorious Mr. Death.

  11. awake
    new beginnings
    radiating sunshine
    silver rain laden clouds
    frosty snow fall
    turn over
    pillow over ears

    by Radhika on 02.08.2011
  12. I don’t really know how to describe. This is how I feel a lot of the time. I always feel nervous and on guard. I don’t know why I feel like this. Is it genetic? Or have I developed this over time. Hopefully it goes away soon. Can’t live like this for much longer, sir.

    by Emily on 02.08.2011
  13. The alarm sounded. People started running around. Someone had to keep their cool, but it seemed no one would. As the crowds began worriedly filing out of the building, no one could even answer the question of what was going on.

  14. 9:00.

    My alarm every morning. Most days I try to delay the very thing that I must do 5 days a week. Going to work.

    Blerg. At least I have a job that most would die for.

  15. Jebem ti taj alarm opet zvoni… pokušavam ga izignorirati i u miru piti kavu, nejde. Ne znam što da radim, tražim sjekiru nalazim samo čekić najebat će hoće zamahujem no glava odpada i pada na moju glavu sad ne da mi sve zvoni još me i glava boli.

    by Mimi on 02.08.2011
  16. I woke up to the screeching and horrible sound of my two-belled alarm vibrating itself off my nightstand. Last night was not the best time of my life. Every since my bastard of a boss fired me for something as ridiculous and sexual harassment, i’ve been drinking non-stop. Whatever.

    by Tim Foster on 02.08.2011
  17. My alarm did not go off today. Normally it would, but I must have gotten enough sleep last night. That is not typical. Lately I have been more and more willing to sacrifice sleep time for the chance to read more trashy, escapist fiction. But my alarm has no sympathy. It seems to say, every morning, without fail, get up and do the same goddamn things you did yesterday.

    by Natalie on 02.08.2011
  18. The alarm on the house always goes on whenever i forget to turn it off when i have to let the dogs out who who who who let the dogs out? i dont know snoop doooggg. let me tell you :) the blue light in dads car is an alarm!! who ever knew? alarm me with kisses. <3

    by alyssa on 02.08.2011
  19. car, fear, safety, police, guns, me afraid of darkness, fire, fire fighters
    call someone if u need help
    at the end of all strengths
    red lights ticking on a bomb

    by nnnn on 02.08.2011
  20. The alarm went off. Hit the snooze. Still it blairs, it squeals. I have no choice but to force open my crusty eyes and see what all the fuss is about. Digging out the sleep, green goo, I focus on the room. Oddly its flashing red. My head is pulsing. The throbbing won’t stop and I have no idea what is going on. I’m crying. I’m crying? No, it’s my mother standing in the doorway. She’s spilling tears and hugging me and I’m all wet. She releases me from her deathly hug and pulls back bloody hands.

    by Kristen on 02.08.2011
  21. i have an alarm his name is john he wakes me up every morning and scream why why do i have to live with you and i scream back beacuse then i throw a shoe at his face and go buy a new alarm hahaha and i do the same routine again :)!

    by devan on 02.08.2011
  22. wake up in the morning with a loud annoying sound right near you. TURN IT OFF!!also cant stand it!!!!! time to go to wake up

    by Mari on 02.08.2011
  23. A device that is used for emergencies. It could be used for your clock or school.

    by doansut on 02.08.2011
  24. hey my alarm didn’t go off this morning. I hate when my alarm dosn’t go off. i really do hate my alarm.You dang alarm.

    by cochetta williams on 02.08.2011
  25. they are really really really really really really really loud they also hurt my ears hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

    by CESAR on 02.08.2011
  26. A clock, waking me up in the morning. Very loud noise. Annoying, and loud. Make people hate them.

    by Marley on 02.08.2011
  27. An alarm wakes you up in the morning at any time you want it to. Sometimes it can be annoying because you want to sleep in but it’s helpful, because it wakes you up in time for school. There is many different shapes, forms, and colors of alarm clocks which sets your alarm for you in the morning.

    by Lauren on 02.08.2011
  28. i have an alarm clock in my room its pretty awsome it helps me wake up in the morning but its so annoying Everyday It goes beep beep beep I have one on my phone too thats even louder i wake up to

    by Anya Henry on 02.08.2011
  29. When i woke up, my alarm went off. It was very loud and annoying. I couldn’t shut it up. I asked my mom to get me a knew alarm clock. She still hasn’t got me one. I hope she does soon.

    by Alyssa Rhodes on 02.08.2011
  30. bloody hell, what the hell was that? Oh it was just my alarm. Hit snooze and go back to sleep. Wake up in a panic… its half past 10 and i’m late for that thing, you know that thing that we booked and can’t wait to go to.

    by marcus thomas on 02.08.2011
  31. When the alarm sounded I was totally not expecting it. Who knew the end of the world would come so quickly? They said the alarm would sound and we would have about 30 minutes to say our good-byes before the meteor woul

  32. Alarm. there is an alarm when your alarm clock goes off and when something is done in the microwave or oven.

    by happyfeet on 02.08.2011
  33. I hate the alarm that goes off in the mornings. And I like the fire alarms that we have at school.But I don’t like waking up in the morning with my alarm.

  34. I already wrote about alarm yesterday. What’s wrong with this program? I was looking forward to another word because alarm only has negative meanings for me. Maybe tomorrow the word won’t be alarm again.

  35. The shrillness that comes to mind leaves me with but one thought. Rage. I think that’s it…

    How are you?

    I’m okay.

    This is taking a damn while.


    by Andres on 02.08.2011
  36. Loud
    Phone alarm
    Fire Alarm
    Blow horn
    School fire alarm

  37. An alarm is a sound that goes off if there is a fire or shop lifter. It makes a loud nose to warn you about a fire, shop lifter, ect…. it is really load. and it hurts your ears.

  38. I should have headed the alarm, that little bell that went off in my head when he evaded my question. That evasion led to outright lies, and those lies…well who knows where they led? He tells me nowhere, but I wonder. It seems they must have led somewhere. But where? I may never know.

    by Andie on 02.08.2011
  39. I hate alarm clocks in the mornings. They wake me up during good dreams. I love hitting snooze though.

    by on 02.08.2011
  40. I hate them! They wake me up every morning with that stupid beeping sound that WILL NOT stop unless you through it against the wall! I Hate waking up…. Sometimes though they can be important, because they can save you from fires and things like that.