
September 15th, 2016 | 107 Entries

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107 Entries for “unanswered”

  1. the question didn’t have an answer. people have been asking it in many different ways for millenia, but still, the mystery remained. maybe if we just sliced it up again another way, we’d get there. normally I wouldn’t care too much about such an old problem, but here we sit… it’s the only way to get us unstuck and I don’t think we have a chance.

  2. The teenager texted his friend,but it stayed unanswered for a week. unanswered

    by Jada Engel on 09.16.2016
  3. I raised my hand but I went unanswered because I was at home.

    by lucien on 09.16.2016
  4. the question didn’t have an answer. people have been asking it in many different ways for millenia, but still, the mystery remained. maybe if we just sliced it up again another way, we’d get there. normally I wouldn’t care too much about such an old problem, but here we sit… it’s the only way to get us unstuck and I don’t think we have a chance.

    by MooseLee on 09.16.2016
  5. She left the test unanswered. She couldn’t face the humiliation. She’d rather turn in a blank test than turn in one that would come back scribbled in red marks, loudly proclaiming everything she didn’t know.

  6. He unanswered my call. God unanswered my prayer. This is nothing new in my life. I’ve always asked questions which were returned with a lot of lies.

    by Carmen on 09.16.2016
  7. Unanswered- like a phone, text, question, prayer. Leaves you hanging, awaiting a response. Your mind waits anxiously; hopeful, worried, optimistic. Is it a door to a world of opportunity, or the last window slamming shut? Unanswered is what we need it to be.

    by Lauren on 09.16.2016
  8. I think that my friend has when deaf recently because I asked hime if he was a dork about four time and every time he did not answer me.

  9. Unanswered questions are the worst. You want to ask more but you don’t know if the person is going to be annoyed with you. What about the questions that are too hard to ask like ‘Am I good enough’ or ‘Why do you not want me’. The unanswered questions are the most difficult ones.

    by Brit on 09.16.2016
  10. On a lonely night, I cannot get those unanswered questions out of my head. Why did you go? Why would you leave me? Why couldn’t you love me a little longer?

  11. the thing that is not answered.

    by Madison on 09.16.2016
  12. the unanswered phone call. The unanswered text. The unanswered question. Life is full of unknowns, of things that will remain unanswered. Yet it is our task, our purpose to keep searching.

    by Jordane on 09.16.2016
  13. Um. Maybe what I want to do, what I see myself doing for a living, as a career, is a bit unanswered. ‘Cause there’s a million things I wanna do, but I gotta narrow it down.

    by Imani on 09.16.2016
  14. When you don’t respond to someone, then their request will be unanswered

    by louise on 09.16.2016
  15. unanswered

    by louise on 09.16.2016
  16. “unanswered” prayer … what a struggle!

  17. All my unanswered questions swirled around me making it hard to breathe. I tried to push them out of my head but they kept coming back.

    by EllieBellie1012 on 09.16.2016
  18. Die Frage aller Fragen momentan bleibt wohl unbeantwortet. Bestehe ich oder bestehe ich nicht. Immer denke ich wie schön es wäre, wenn die nächsten 2 Wochen vorbei wären. Ich freue mich so auf zuhause. Aber wenn ich mir vorstelle, dass ich es schaffe, werde ich es auch tun.

    by Hanna on 09.16.2016
  19. confused and eager and curious. something left hanging around in the air. unsettled, something that causes a feeling as if things aren’t complete. surely not comfortable. it’s like reading a story left in cliffhangers. is it falling, or staying? no one knows.

    it’s like taking a quiz with no final answer. it’s like doing things without knowing it’s right or wrong. unsettling.

    by Adina on 09.16.2016
  20. the question was unanswered because it was to hard for me.

    by pendergast on 09.16.2016
  21. Not getting your feedback. Not completing a conversation. a “miss call”

  22. Ja, unbeantwortet… diese Woche hab ich besonders Angst und dieses Wort schwebt über mir: meine Bewerbung für die NZZ… ist seit einer Woche unbeantwortet. Ich fühl mich hängengelassen. Es war schon etwas viel erwartet, zu denken, dass sie sich gleich am Montag bei mir melden. Aber ich hab jetzt umso mehr Angst, dass es nicht klappt. Die Zeichen sind auch nicht die besten, um ehrlich zu sein. Allerdings weiss ich nicht, wie der Ablauf ist und deshalb bin ich in diesem Hang zwischen Zuversicht – die ich letzte Woche beim Bewerbungschreiben ja noch so fest hatte – und Pessimismus, der sehr schnell in Selbstzweifel umschlägt und den leidigen Verdacht: vielleicht bin ich einfach nicht gut genut! Mit Eifersucht schaue ich auf alle Teilnehmer, oder gar Referenten, die heute am Reporter Forum teilnehmen konnten und als ihre Berufsbezeichnung “Journalistin” angeben können. Seit langem hab ich mal wieder eine Perspektive und bin doch so weit von ihr entfernt. Ich hab doch als Kind schon Journalistin werden wollen! Nach ein paar Jahren ausprobieren, bin ich jetzt gewillter und überzeugter denn je, mich voll und ganz ins Haifischbecken zu schmeissen und alles rauszuholen, weil ich innerlich denke: das bin doch ich! Leider sind die Chancen begrenzt, das wirklich so umzusetzen – denke ich, und deshalb bin ich so auf Nadeln. Die ersten zwei Tage hab ich versucht, dieses Gefühl zu unterdrücken. Nach dem Yoga am Mittwoch hab ich aufgehört, dagegen anzukämpfen, weil schliesslich ist mein Gefühl, dass ich das Volontariat unbedingt will und dagegen kann ich nunmal nichts tun. Ich bin mich schon so fest mit der Niederlage am auseinandersetzen, was vielleicht auch übertrieben ist, aber ich bin sonst so perspektivenlos. Ich denke oft an meine Datingzeiten zurück und einerseits fällt mir dieser Vergleich ein: Tobi – ich dachte vor zwei Jahren noch: jetzt hat alles andere Sinn gemacht, ich bin bereit für ihn, dem kann nichts mehr im Weg stehen. Und dann kam es doch anders – und besser. Andererseits kann ich auch sagen: ich habe so oft gezweifelt an mir selbst, was Männer angeht und mit meinen Gefühlen, ich dürfte im Datingdschungel nicht mitspielen ohne zu wissen warum – und dann kam alles gut, ohne Knorz und ohne Drama. Beim durchschauen der ganzen Profile fühle ich mich auch, als wenn ich im Journalismusdschungel nicht mitspielen darf, obwohl ich doch qualifiziert bin!

    by Claudia on 09.16.2016
  23. She looked down at her phone. 6 missed calls. “Geez, this guy is relentless, isn’t he?”
    Maria looked over. “Damn. Call him back already.”
    “I don’t want to. I would rather not talk to him until I know what I am going to say.”
    “You could let him do the talking.”.

  24. the way I look at how things happen in life is when one says they have an unanswered prayer they are missing the point…as it should present them with the opportunity to re=evaluate their wish and perhaps see that they were meant for another reality or purpose. it is an chance to see differently.

    by PJ Holmes on 09.16.2016
  25. unanswered means that the questen

    by lora on 09.16.2016
  26. Every conversation seems to end the same way. I say something and it goes unanswered. If he were as insane about this as I was, it wouldn’t be like that right? There’d be an even mix. The random kindness wouldn’t be so jarring. This slow, sinking feeling of being ignored wouldn’t be there. He would care as much as I do. Talk, as much as I do. Start conversations, like I’m burning to, every hour of every day that I spend alone, searching for new jobs. Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated that he isn’t filling the space, isn’t jumping in place, isn’t being the perfect new thing I wanted him to be.

    by Rose on 09.16.2016
  27. I have not unanswered you but, you did.

  28. “Unanswered?! How? I clearly looked through every single question and check them three time over again.” Said Stella Marie, when her 8th grade teacher told her she left question number seven unanswered.

    by TessaAnn on 09.16.2016
  29. Unanswered questions. They will always be there. They should always be there. No need to worry. That’s their use. In their nature. they take you somewhere without knowing in advance where, without there being a need to know, without caring, at the end, about their answer.

    by e on 09.16.2016
  30. She had so many unanswered questions. Why had he left? Was it something she had done? Was there someone else? Or was she seeing this whole situation from too narrow a perspective? Perhaps something had been going on in his own life that was larger than she could imagine, something private and internal and slowly growing until he simply could not stay any longer.

  31. I have always felt life is like an unaswered question. There are so many questions we ask ourself everyday in life and often they go unanswered. Who is answering these questions for you?

    by Olivia Sewell on 09.16.2016
  32. I think a lot about unanswered prayers. Why does God allow some prayers to be unanswered and others to be answered quickly. I think patience is a virtue when it comes to trusting God and his plans for our lives. We don’t know what he has in store for us.

    by Rachael on 09.16.2016
  33. There were unanswered questions in every area of her life. Still, she contently stared at the distance while she prayed and let go and let God work…

    by Carla on 09.16.2016
  34. You were gone too quick. There was no time. But while you were here, I couldn’t ask. I wouldn’t ask without your permission. You never could give it to me. Not about this. the most profound of questions.

  35. I have so many unanswered questions. I am not even sure if I can ask them all. I am like a child with this. Sometimes I just wanna know if fog are just low flighing clouds. Can someone please answer that question for me?

    by Corinna on 09.16.2016
  36. There are many things I’ve come to learn about the ending of any relationship, one of the most important being learning to be okay with the unanswered. The what if’s, why’s, the how comes. If we’re ever to fully immerse ourselves in the lessons and experience of what was, we need to be okay with not knowing what could’ve been.

    by Stacey on 09.16.2016
  37. Why did you just leave me hanging?
    I thought we had everything going on for us. I thought I finally found the one but your silence is like a slap to my face for being naive to believe that happy endings even exist.

    by Dia Lao on 09.16.2016
  38. unanswered questions
    leap on my lap
    peeling off layers of our pasts
    orangy scents?
    I’ve never heard from you
    but felt you deep beneath my brain
    hero, hero,
    make it rain
    rain, rain
    please don’t
    go away

  39. Too many questions are unanswered in this world. How should we integrate societies? How should we no longer differ between race?
    This world is going to be a mess.
    I know how to deal with it

    by Rosa Schmidt on 09.16.2016
  40. He left many an unanswered email, and never explained to his assistant why he never got back to them himself. Annie spent all afternoon, working through her lunch, getting in touch with so-and-so and whosherface, playing catch-up.

    by Emgee on 09.16.2016