
July 6th, 2009 | 98 Entries

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98 Entries for “yarn”

  1. She followed the yarn trailing the ground, an orange line slithering over every terrain, sometimes doubling back on itself before coursing on around trees, over curbs, along the margins of discarded books, leaping and kinking through crowds of shoppers and between kissing couples. She followed until it got too dark, never finding the start, never reaching the source.

    by Brian Slusher on 07.07.2009
  2. I love its touch. The thick red strings pour down over my wet body as I reach for a cool glass of lemonade. The sun is warm today. Perhaps we should go outside. Screw that, son. Let’s make or break it in the only way we know how.

    by Nathan on 07.07.2009
  3. I yarn for many things that have disappeared since I grew up. Mostly it is the feeling of lightheartedness that I miss

    by juffie on 07.07.2009
  4. yarn is used to make clothes. I remember stories of cats playing with yarn. It also implies telling tall stories that are usually false such as in spinning a yarn.

    by Muhammad on 07.07.2009
  5. yarn? YARN AGAIN? Darn this yarn it’s making me crazy. Ice, ice baby.

    by polaris on 07.07.2009
  6. yarn, a word not to be used to much, for it rhymes with barn and warn. And never were truer words spoken.

    by Polaris on 07.07.2009
  7. every little child believes in some yarn hoping that it will come true some day. but it never happens. it ends in tears and disappointment and the child looses

    by sel on 07.07.2009
  8. The yarn was flying through the breeze. Easily, She may have caught it but she didn’t. She felt as if it was her life. Slipping through her fingers, crazy and unpredictable. Every day she regrets not grabbing the yarn.

    by Missxperkii on 07.07.2009
  9. Yarn is for knitters, crocheters, weavers, embroiderers and the like. It is beautiful and versatile and you can make virtually anything you want out of it.

    by Terri Pengwin on 07.07.2009
  10. What is this that I’m wishing for? To tell a story, to spin a…. dare I say it, dare I actually say the word? No, not here. I’m not an old man sitting on his verandah telling a tale or two. That’s not me. Not yet.

    by Ed on 07.07.2009
  11. Words stretching out into a scarf of similies, a cardigan of metaphors. Knitting many people into their magic, their warp and weft brightening lives.

    by Sarah L Dixon on 07.07.2009
  12. I sat with the yarn on my knee and cried. It was you, all you, and everything that you were. All I saw or heard was the click of your needles and now, now the little sitting room was silent. It seemed to crackle like your cardigan and smelt of turf and tea.

    by Brid on 01.01.1970
  13. ball of string it is long and would take a long time to take apart and put back together it is many different colors it is scratchy it is gross when wet i want to know how far it would stretch

    by jarad on 01.01.1970
  14. The yarn of my days spins ever outward, twisting into snarls and knots I seek to overcome, whether through tedious untangling or by simply jumping over the ones too scrambled to untie.

    by Michelle Porter on 01.01.1970
  15. And it tangles us together, a nevr ended web of something that was once so tight knit. We began together, we transformed together, we were made into something new together and then when it was done we aged together. Now it’s a mess. a tangled mess.

    by Brenden on 01.01.1970
  16. yarn is a word, that man can yarin in turkish understand. Yarin is a word that is in english tomorrow.

    by ibrahim on 01.01.1970
  17. oneword? I see two: read and wear. which one is the one? That is the one question to me at this one time. Is my 60 sec’s up?

    by andy spencer on 01.01.1970
  18. The cat hooked the ball of yarn with a claw and let out an excited mew. The people watching could not help laughing as well.

    by Summers on 01.01.1970
  19. I’m sorry, I’m Dutch. I don’t quite know what the word yarn means. It reminds me of the word barn, which is one of those places where all farm animals are. Yarn…I still wonder what it could mean. Reminds me of the word yawn too, which is what you do when you’re sleepy.

    by Chandni Dwarkasing on 01.01.1970
  20. Yarn… same letters as Ryan… I never noticed that. Sadly i will never be able to look at yarn the same way again… ’cause there’s a kid named Ryan who can rape you with his fucking eyes (do you get the pun?) Well have fun America and other countries ^_^

    by Dexter on 01.01.1970
  21. yarn, ties us down to the earth, it binds us to our souls. If I were yarn I would stretch forever and devour thoughts and warmth.

    by alice lucas on 01.01.1970
  22. No one in my family sews things. They repair, sure. But they don’t create. They’re content with the old and used, frightened by the undiscovered. And I can’t take it.

    by Jim T, on 01.01.1970
  23. and the only thing she had left to remember him was the piece of yarn he had given her on her birthday. in any other situation it would have been a stupid gift. he was the only one who could make something so average and insignificant into something magical. a secret between the two of them, that no one else would even understand. it was part of their own world they could disappear into whenever they pleased. but not anymore.

    by jaywaii on 01.01.1970
  24. My life is a bundle of yarn, ever winding and turning and being pawed by cats and beasts. I think I should just curl up, spherical and full and warm sometimes. I’ll curl into you, weaving patterns in and out of you until my clothing is all gone.

    by sagittarius. on 01.01.1970
  25. I love you…

    Cassie is a whore ’cause she used Yarn and put it up her arse… I mean seriously…. WTF Don’t you agree…she told me it gave her a buzz…. WTF

    Well time’s up… weird isn’t it???

    by Cassie Boyce on 01.01.1970
  26. unwinding, never ending. tangle them up, never let it go. weave into items you’ll treasure forever.

    by alysia on 01.01.1970
  27. like a ball of yarn, we are all wrapped up. when one tries to unravel us, we often fall apart, into the hands of others. in some cases though, we are knotted and stubborn

    by ashleyjones on 01.01.1970
  28. The tangle of my mother’s knitting fell from her hands as she died. I saw, in that same moment, the miracle of my own birth. Then I started to cry as the wool tangled around my own fingers, the needles grazing the skin of my fingers but not drawing any blood to spoil the scene. It was too… calm, for that.

    by Charlotte Brown on 01.01.1970
  29. kitten gambling playfully. calico, stripped. a sweater. two needles. taught to me by a wonderful lady now gone, but her memory through yarn.

    by Nikkiannna on 01.01.1970
  30. my mother got her yarn like this: she would buy sweaters from used stores, Goodwill, Value Village, whatever, and these were nice sweaters, maybe dated or ugly but made from good yarn and then she would unravel them, start from scratch.

    by Jason V on 01.01.1970
  31. I had a piece of yarn that I loved. It’s not the yarn itself, it’s the meaning behind it. My mother died holding it. It means a lot to me. I will pass on this piece of yarn.

    by Evalyn on 01.01.1970
  32. yarn. is that a woman is supposed to work with? i don’t want to make you scarves. I don’t even know how to sew. But I know music. And I’ve been kissing for years. So let’s make out while we slow dance. And promise me you won’t put me in a box because I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to fight my way out of it just yet. Let me feel free.

    by abigail covington on 01.01.1970
  33. yarn is what you use to make scarves and things for people during holidays. You can also make people baby blankets, which is a very popular thing to do. I had a baby blanket when I was little.

    You can also say that this word is what you do when you are tired; as in: I yarn when I’m tired.

    by Nia Loveday-Gibson on 01.01.1970
  34. I used to knit with yarn, and tried very hard to knit argyle sox for my brother-in-law. But when I finished, I knit so tightly, he could not stretch the sox to go over his heels,

    by Nancy Evans on 01.01.1970
  35. i told a big yarn and it was threaded with the best of intentions. I wove in all my hope and dreams and idle foolishness. this yarn was ll about the how when I was walking to school I saw a dragon in the clouds, and how it followed me to school.

    by p.j. on 01.01.1970
  36. yarn is used for knitting and often other uses can come into play. yarn can be used for strangulation or murder. sometimes even suicide. this is a handy use because of all the poor people out there who need to get shit off their chests. i like yarns many uses. my favorites are murder. i like the rainbow yarn the best !

    by Jayla on 01.01.1970
  37. a yarn reminds me of how people spin their tales.

    oh dont spin a yarn.

    in other words, “shut your yap”

    by cat cassidy on 01.01.1970
  38. maybe i am over
    -zealous, leather
    -bound, a story
    needing to be told
    before the fire
    finds grows cold.

    by pardonm3 on 01.01.1970

    by kiley on 01.01.1970
  40. her hair fell like wet yarn as we pulled ourselves up onto the rocks. She tossed it playfully over my face. The look in her eyes was crazy. i had never wanted anything more than that kiss.

    by sweetsado on 01.01.1970