
November 14th, 2015

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40 Responses to “direct”

  1. I am a very direct person. No, that’s a lie. I am actually not direct at all but at times I will be blunt which is different. I like being told things directly, but not in harsh ways. It is helpful to be direct.

    by William Lowe on 11.15.2015

    direct my path how do you know where your supposed to go in life. how can you find your purpose. the time has come for you to choose, choose wisely for it may be the only time you have a choice. no one can make the decision for you its your decision. what are you going to do? your young but your only young once don’t think that because you are young you don’t know what you want from your life you can make a choice.we all can make a choice

  3. the direction of him was unknown to all except him, his meaning in his own head were those no one else could even comprehend. How can he be direct about such things, the things that he KNOWS are right in his own head, but not to others

    by Troy on 11.15.2015
  4. I want to be a director
    said me at age 14
    which was different than me
    at age 10 who didn’t know
    that women could direct
    because the image she knew of directors
    was a man with a turtle neck
    a slight man
    with a thoughtful grimace
    who shouted at damn actors

  5. hello world!

    by eve on 11.15.2015
  6. straight forward i am carried…i carry others along my path…as one we arrive directed…directing…along the path of life living each day……

    by eve on 11.15.2015
  7. “So, I think, maybe, sometimes, you’re kinda, sorta, like a…jerk, maybe? Sorta. Sometimes”

  8. her palm tightly wrapped around his index finger, he felt her fear pulsate as he directed her to their mother.

  9. When you think about how many times people don’t direct you properly you wonder if anyone even really knwos the way. direction and being able to direct someone is not easy but finding the right way is possibly the whole point of life anyway. to direct one

    by Nicholas on 11.15.2015
  10. She stood in the middle of the room, looking around her as a war played out in front of her eyes. Her body was like a statue, and she found herself unable to run away from the white room — not that she could, for the room was locked. The white floor was stained with blood, and droplets of the red liquid was painted on the formerly clean wall. Everyone were shouting, crying, and fighting; more and more dead bodies kept piling up. It was amazing how a room of mere forty five people could turn into a deadly room filled with rage.
    She took her bow and got into the position to fire some arrows, when she realized that the person who started all this war was merely sitting quietly at a corner, enjoying himself. Without giving it another thought, she directed a golden arrow — her trademark — at his direction, and released her grip on the sharp object. A split second before the arrow was planted on his body, a shrill cry could be heard from just beside her, and a stab could be felt on her neck.
    She couldn’t feel anything, and for a moment, the world turned muted before everything went black all around her.

  11. She stood in the middle of the room, looking around her as a war played out in front of her eyes. Her body was like a statue, and she found herself unable to run away from the white room — not that she could, for the room was locked. The white floor was stained with blood, and droplets of the red liquid was painted on the formerly clean wall. Everyone were shouting, crying, and fighting; more and more dead bodies kept piling up. It was amazing how a room of mere forty five people could turn into a deadly room filled with rage.
    She took her bow and got into the position to fire some arrows, when she realized that the person who started all this war was merely sitting quietly at a corner, enjoying himself. Without giving it another thought, she directed a golden arrow — her trademark — at his direction, and released her grip on the sharp object. A split second before the arrow was planted on his body, a shrill cry could be heard from just beside her, and a stab could be felt on her neck.
    She couldn’t feel anything, and for a moment, the world turned muted before everything went black all around him.

  12. Direct is the most difficult way to go, yet the best. Direct can hurt but it heals. Direct is scary but brings relief

    by Karin Herbst on 11.15.2015
  13. Say what you mean. Sick of this miscommunication. Be upfront, and direct. Tell me the secrets you’ve been so eager to release. If you don’t love me anymore, let me know.

  14. what we want
    what we will
    what we take
    what we fill

    things we love
    things we fear
    those we wish
    would disappear

    direct from you
    straight to me
    a crown of connected

  15. It was all she ever wanted. Sitting back in the chair, watching the thing she created move on its own. She looked over at the stage manager, intent in his screen, whispering into his headset with great care and diction. She looked at the stage, to the actors totally invested in this crazy game. The audience’s energy was palpable.

  16. direct and indirect and free indirect discourse i think it is? that was when i learned the word sonorous. sonorous is a beautiful word and i think it could put me to sleep. when i see you the world will spin tomorrow and we will dizzy and fall in a beautiful way.

  17. A trait of his she cannot forget was the way he looks at her eyes with such desire and authority that she cannot help but give in and surrender in his arms. She never saw such a direct gaze from anyone else ever again.

  18. In high school directness is a hard thing to come across. You have girls not being direct by talking about you and boys being to stupid to be direct to ask you on a date. Being a teenageer might be one of the hardest things in the world.

    by Aliyah on 11.15.2015
  19. It’s something entirely different to wade out into the world and see the ripples you make, which, though small, can be enough to change a life; to go out and have a direct and lasting impact.

    by Shr on 11.15.2015
  20. estoy convencida que si le vendo a las personas directamente huirán como locos, por eso he decidio escribir cosas utiles en mi blog y mercadear mi blog… luego de tres meses por fin entendí de qué se trata las tres partes que escribí en mi ebook, jajajaj la ironía, ahora si se va a vender, porque estoy convencida de que esa es la manera.

    by Monica on 11.15.2015
  21. he walks in. hands covering his face, as if he could hide himself behind those palms. He stops in front of the conter, facing a back of someone who might be his victim of love.
    without any preamble he ring the bell.
    Instead of ordering some tasty food, he manages his breathing.
    A man comes to his view. His collar is a bit untidy when he faces him. A smile on the man’s face is quite enough to make his legs weak again.
    He stares pass the man’s eyes, and
    “date me!”
    and he doesn’t forget to say ‘please,’ in a softer tone but is enough to make the man in front him smile sheepishly before replies,

    by azuki on 11.15.2015
  22. what i do, what i am, but not how everything has to be, all the time. I can let nature play some too, sometimes. Mostly I want to be in charge. Mostly I am.

    To be direct with you.

  23. He was a very direct person. Always was. \it got him into trouble lots of times because not everybody wanted or needed to hear exactly what he thought. He didn’t care. that was the ay he was. too bad for them if they didn’t like it. so what. He had friends. He had enemies.

    by colleen blomkwist on 11.15.2015
  24. I never knew how to be direct with people. I guess I’m always afraid of offending, of hurting someone’s sentiments, and that’s the last thing I ever want to do. Always speak in subtext. Hope for the best, that the other party can decipher what I mean.

  25. I feel like I direct things in my life the way I want them to be. Not like they should play out automatically. I can sometimes be so direct, that I feel bos

    by Jennifer on 11.15.2015
  26. You were born in Spring
    They said
    Which is why you always see
    The beginnings of the world,
    The dawns of the days,
    The buds and blossoms
    Even amidst a plain of thorny weeds,
    Or hiding in the bogs of darkened marshland.
    Yours is not the power to command
    Yours is not the power of stoic rigidity
    Yours is the wind,
    The power to dance amidst the storms
    That drive others to hide,
    Fearful of the thunder and lightning,
    The music of the heavens,
    That sing of life being poured anew into the Earth,
    Whose golden-haired daughter’s naivete
    Birthed the autumn drought and winter chill,
    Before we had come to know,
    Or perhaps recollect,
    What beauty truly was.
    So dance in the pools of water,
    Your shirt, wrapped and clinging to your skin,
    Heavy with the Ocean’s tears,
    Happy, sad, and bittersweet,
    And celebrate the recollection of unity
    As his wisdom seeps from your vision
    Landing lightly on your lips,
    Drawing others, enveloped in the creation and upholding
    Of the elements they claim opposed,
    When they are but linked,
    Into the clear vision of your direction,
    Reminding them of the beauty
    That fills the cracks
    Which hold their focus,
    If only they cease, and take a closer look.

  27. Directly powering the station, I stared intently at the gauges, making sure I wasn’t getting too hot. I remember touching the direction carefully to see if it would burst but nothing really happened, so I assumed I was fine.

    by Josh on 11.14.2015
  28. Directly indirect, that’s how it played. Boredom was how it came across to her by the time the story was over. “Finally” she thought. Then the room filled with light and all was set to right or so was believed, until a rumbling came in on a disquieting breeze.

  29. He was direct. Always. He never beat around the bush, and he never filtered his words. Honest and direct isn’t always the best course of action however. Sometimes things need to be spoken softly. If that’s the case, he certainly isn’t the man for the job. I’ve seen him tell people the most horrible things without even looking like he felt bad. Sometimes, I wondered if he was a machine, I mean, how else could he always be so direct?

  30. directly directed directly. American culture is largely in-direct a stark contrast to many other cultures of the word. Notably, the United Kingdom. Also, Ghana. Direct communication. Confrontation.

    by N on 11.14.2015
  31. I went directly to the store because I was told directly by my mother to pick up some eggs. When I got to the store, there were no eggs. I couldn’t go home empty handed, whatever would I do? My mother would kill me if I went home empty handed. I searched for a clerk for five minutes! I was almost ready to give up when I finally found one. I asked him if they had any eggs.

    by Angela on 11.14.2015
  32. They said direction is key in life. Go direct they say. But what if I can’t find my place what if there is no way to direct myself. I’m trapped in this pot of insanity and I can’t climb out. Why is it that everything must go through the worlds tourtoreus hands. Why does it have to be us. Are we just simple pawns the higher beings just throw away when we are not needed? Are we just livestock waiting to be eaten?

    by Cass on 11.14.2015
  33. this is awesome, i cant believe a site like this exists, those are my direct feelings about DIRECT.

    by daniel on 11.14.2015
  34. there is no direct path or direct image to the world i see. everything my eyes and tongue direct to a straight path, it seems that there is no right path. here i wonder in the foggy forest making my slithery path to the unknown.

  35. The kid direct his rage at his parents. Breaking his toy he was frustrated, but his not mature enough to own up to his mistakes.

  36. Direct me in the direction I am supposed to go. I’m taking a leap of faith here and I’m not sure what’s on the other side. The other side is like a tunnel with a light at the end.

    I will follow the light for now, but hopefully I’m not just another bug heading towards the zapper.

    by Charlie on 11.14.2015
  37. I waited for the traffic cop to direct me across the intersection, but as he gestured, I saw, out of the corner of my eye, the truck come hurtling toward the young woman in the black cap and yellow jacket. Instinctively, I blared my horn, and the officer managed to duck out of the way as the crazy man behind the wheel of the pick-up roared past, kicking up pebbles as he went.

    by Belinda Roddie on 11.14.2015
  38. Like most twenty something Australians she had done her time trouncing the footpaths of Europe, marvelling at the hallmarks of culture, in between swilling enormous beers and snogging random strangers from around the world in bars full of everyone but Europeans. But it closed in on her. All that history, stone and concrete, the man-madeness of it. She missed the wide open spaces of home, the vast shimmering horizons and thumping rhythm of the sea. She missed that direct relationship with nature like it was one of her family.

  39. Despite how little time we may think we have, there’s always time to impact someone elses time here

    by Erin Mulcahy on 11.14.2015
  40. Something is so beautiful about the way someone can directly affect you just by a glance. one fucking glance and they impact your whole life. how crazy that someone can do something so simple yet so powerful. its beautiful how little time you need.

    by Erin Mulcahy on 11.14.2015