
March 9th, 2011 | 808 Entries

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808 Entries for “wondered”

  1. I wonderd how life works but its awsome life is just great :) and everything does happen for a reason

    by ashley on 03.09.2011
  2. I am the worst at that! after everything I always wonder and fret about it. I wonder if that would of still happened if I did that or this hmm… I know a lot on wondering

  3. Hmm.. wondered. I wonder a lot of things. But its mostly random things haha. Like last night i wondered what id be doing tomorrow. Or like i wondered when i was gonna wake up or something. So yeaa

  4. I’ve always wondered about a lot of things. THere are some things that are just never going to be answered, like most of quantum physics. But I can’t help but try to understand everything. I just can’t stand not knowing something, so that’s why I’m always wondering. Right now I’m wondering why the computer isn’t letting me post. So here I am, destined to write for another minute about all of the things I always wonder.

  5. Wondered is a strange word. You can wonder about anything. Example: I wonder if their is track practice today? I wonder what Mom made for dinner?

  6. to think of to wonder about something to explore your mind

  7. i have always wondered if i will grow up to be what i really wanna be and what day will i die its weird but somthing u want to know all the time if you know what i am saying and i am done buy bye.

  8. Where did all the time go? It seems only yesterday I was just out of college, trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Now, I’m pushing thirty, still trying to figure out what to do with my life. Eash year seems to go by faster than the year before.

  9. i have always wondered why i do not like 3rd hour oh wait its math lol and know im wonderin why it smells in here.

  10. Wondered, she wondered why he was breathing so hard. It made her wonder what he was doing before he came to class. Wouldn’t you wonder why he was breathing so hard?

  11. Have you ever wondered what else is in the deep darkness of the oceans. I have. I have also wondered about space , and what else is out there.

  12. I have always wondered what a hobos life is like. Must be hard having to carry a cardboard sign and and beg for money.

  13. Wondered is term used to think very hard about something like you could say you wondered why the sun is yellow.

  14. I wondered the other day where I will be in 5 years. Married? Traveling? I wonder will I do all of the things I want to do in this life? Will I look back when I’m old and gray and be content with the way I lived my life. Or will I have regrets about the past, about things I never did, things i never said.

    by Mary on 03.09.2011
  15. He wondered if he could eat the apple but when he went to take a bite. I small midget Punched him in the juggular! Ticky ticky!

  16. I wondered where she’s gone. I wondered if she’s gone to stay. Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone. She’s gone too long anytime she goes away. (Bill Withers, almost)

  17. Have you ever wondered why we love, or why we hate? Or why the world has to go to war when it is so much easier to love than it is to hate? I wonder about many such things…

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 03.09.2011
  18. i wondered if i could ever be what i wanted. if i would ever find true happiness. i wondered what happens if i didnt do what i did. what happens when i make a mistake? will someone else wonder about the same things. i wonder if i am me. if i am anything real. wondering if wonder is even real itself. who knows.

    by Nico on 03.09.2011
  19. I wondered why these things were happening to me was he telling the truth or were these lies he made up in his brain. But for some reason i believed him.

    by Mary Russell on 03.09.2011
  20. I always wonder about what I am going to do when I graduate college. What will I be, who will I be with, what will I be doing in the future? Will I have my dream job? Will I still be my Boyfriend of 2 years? Will I have started a family? Who knows. It scares me a lot actually. Sometimes I don’t know what to think and I get confused. I want help, but the only person who can help me is myself. I have a lot of thinking to do. But I will be succesfful, if I’m not, then I’m not ready. I will not fail :)

    by Sam on 03.09.2011
  21. Here is the lyric of one my favorites songs of all times, it was the first thing I thought about the word Wondered:
    “I wonder what it’s like to fly so high
    Or to breathe under the sea
    I wonder if someday I’ll be good with goodbyes
    But I’ll be ok if you come along with me”
    (McFLY – Walk in the Sun)

  22. i always wondered if you love me as mush as i love u … do u? Well how wud i know, ud never get to read this hahaha … anyways i love you .. okay? youre on my mind even when i hav to think abt one WORD!!!!!!

    by Blah blah on 03.09.2011
  23. I was thinking one time and I realized that I was wondering. When you say, “I wondered,” you never really think about the action of wondering. It just happens. It’s just a means to an end. Wondered. It happens so often. I like to wonder.

    by Sam on 03.09.2011
  24. i wonder what it would be like….i wonder a lot. i wonder about the future. i wonder what would have happened if i’d done this or that differently. and then i wonder, why? what does it matter what could have been? the only thing that matters is now and what i can do about my future.

    by brianna on 03.09.2011
  25. I wondered if she existed. You wondered if I knew. Wouldn’t it be easier to ask?

  26. if there was a word that could describe every past action ever made it would be wondered. everyone wonders. it is as natural to us as breathing. maybe even more natural without wonder we would have nothing.

    by Erin Falldorf on 03.09.2011
  27. I wondered how I got here. How come all this shit has been laid to waste. How did it get so bad. I can’t believe my life has turned out like this. 3 years ago was a such a long time. even one year. I wish I had you back. I love you with all my heart and I can’t wait to see you again. I hope all is well. say hello to grandpa and grandma

    by pat on 03.09.2011
  28. i often wondered how different my life would be had i been a bread maker and salesmen, traveling in my truck all day, cursing my stapler and the price of cigarettes and the lack of luck i had at bowling and and socializing the night before, I often wonder how different my life would of been had I kissed her that night, but alas I sleep and think no more.

    by marky on 03.09.2011
  29. I wondered what life was all about as I ate my sandwich. Then I figured life was probably just about me, sitting there at that moment, eating that sandwich. And man did I enjoy that sandwich. I enjoyed it like it was my last meal ever. And it was worth the funny stare

  30. I’ve often wondered what would happen if I completely disappeared.

    Actually I haven’t. That’s just the first thing that came to mind to write. It sounds pretty typical doesn’t it?

    I actually know what would happen if I disappeared so I don’t wonder about it. Well… if I just up and disappeared right in front of someone and vanished into thin air that might be different. And interesting. I suppose they’d deny it – If they were smart!

    by Noisy Quiet on 03.09.2011
  31. thinking about nothing… dreaming of what could be someday. Hoped that the things I’ve done can be changed. Wondered about everything in general, imaging a different person.

    by Shelby on 03.09.2011
  32. i have spent my life as a child and afraid that people will think ill of me if I do the wrong thing or say the wrong things. I am afraid of being alone and I wonder what people think of me always.

    by a.j. on 03.09.2011
  33. i wondered for years about the existance of flower in the world and what their purpose was. why is that some are colorful and some are white? whats with the smells they produce? how is it that some poeple are able to put htem into beautiful arrangements and others, like myself, can only pick them and put them into vases. i have now

    by leah on 03.09.2011
  34. wondered means something to wonder about, or somebody who is wondering

    by Kristina on 03.09.2011
  35. Taking a moment to look around the room (bright, with shafts of light showing how much dust there really was), she groggily got to her feet.

    “How long was I asleep?”

    She ambled her way into the kitchen, to find that coffee and toast had already been made for her.

    by Mara on 03.09.2011
  36. people wonder about their everyday lives and about their futures. i wondered yesterday how things work and how the world works. I wonder what i will do tomorrow. I wonder what everyone thinks about me and what my dad is thinking about. Wondering is what results from curiosity. It is important to wonder to make the world grow and change. All inventions start from someone wondering. Wonderment is fascination.

    by Kelly on 03.09.2011
  37. For some reason, I can think of nothing but wonderbread, with the white package with the red and blue and yellow bubbles. Wonderbread should not even be considered a food, but all the other kids were able to use it to make perfect hard little doughballs for eating or throwing at one another, while I was left with the dry brown expanse of health food store processed whole wheat. People should eat real bread, not wonderbread or anything that must live in a plastic bag on a grocery store shelf.

  38. one word is a very nice concept coz it is kinda original. i hate to think that stuff is redundant as making new things makes me feel like am actually getting to somewhere with my life. so one word is simple yet complex coz from it can come many more words and ideas and concepts. why not peace and less hunger in the world.

    by Arnaud on 03.09.2011
  39. I wondered where I would wander. I wondered with the clouds on a windy day, moving across the sky at highway speeds morphing to parrot to records to cowboys and always there is a dragon. The dragon usually wins.

    by Maura on 03.09.2011
  40. I use the word ‘wonder’ a lot in the prose I write. It’s one of those favored verbs. He wonders– he wondered. He wonders wonderingly (which makes it an adverb, I believe, but you get what I mean). A few months ago, I used ‘little’ just as often, but I weened myself off of it. I stopped needing everything to be so ‘little’. But I don’t see what’s wrong with a lot of ‘wonder’. I think it works.

    by SaeSae on 03.09.2011