
June 18th, 2010 | 379 Entries

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379 Entries for “without”

  1. without. an amazing word. without hope one can’t live. without life there’s no hope. depressing indeed.

    by Mizu on 06.19.2010
  2. without meaning, there is no art.
    no real art.
    you have to suffer, I swear!
    no, I’m kidding.
    But you have to think about life, because life is art and art is life.

  3. Without my boyfriend I would be nothing. He is my sunshine and the start of my day. When I’m without him everything stops and all I can think about is when I get to see him next. I love him.

    by Katie on 06.19.2010
  4. This is what we don’t ever want to be. To have this is to have nothing. That’s the fear. the begining of it all. Where we worry more about what there isn’t and not what there is. It’s the death of adventure.

    To have and to hold seems more important. But we’re better off without it.

    by Leigh on 06.19.2010
  5. without peace we are doomed to die horrible deaths by tools of war. we must not live without peace

    by Kayla on 06.19.2010
  6. i cant live without life
    i cant live without hope
    i cant live without happiness
    i cant live without meaning
    i cant live without faith
    i cant live without help
    i cant live without sunshine
    i cant live without night
    i cant live without you

    by Rachel on 06.19.2010
  7. with­out is how many peo­ple go through life. with­out hope, with­out mean­ing, with­out love in their hearts, with­out hon­esty — to them­selves or oth­ers. It is no way to live — we need to be “with” not “without.”

  8. without is how many people go through life. without hope, without meaning, without love in their hearts, without honesty – to themselves or others, it is no way to live – we need to be “with” not “wothout.”

  9. I’m looking at this word ‘without’ and I’m thinking what i should write about it but just cant figure out what I would be doing without this exercise.

    by Siddharth on 06.19.2010
  10. I am without you. It is lonely. Without ever talking to you, I feel like we know each other so well, but you just don’t know it yet. I am without the courage and confidence to tell you this. I wish I could be without this sadness. One day, I hope it won’t be me without you. I hope I won’t be without the courage, the confidence.

    by tori on 06.19.2010
  11. without you my life is white
    without you my life has no color
    without you my life is lifeless
    without you i have no life.

    by rb on 06.19.2010
  12. Without is the absence of with. With or without, something is there. Or is nothing always there, lingering like a large cavity of absence of space? Without this thought, can we survive suffocated by the absence of nothing?

  13. They put him in a terrible place, between a murderer and a rock, and there’s no where he can run to. They’ve made sure of this.

    They need him, but they won’t admit it. They need him to think they don’t. Because if he were to leave…if he were to…

    Without him, they’re sunk. And they damn well know it.

    by sentinel's glory on 06.19.2010
  14. Without happiness, love, food, caring, the world would be a terrible Place. Without war, sadness, pain, loss, heartbreak–we would all be okay. You can always be without something, but its what you are without that makes all the difference.

    by Lark on 06.19.2010
  15. there is this restless feeling… feeling that there is something that i’m without. i wish i knew what i’m without though.

  16. finding that the breaks don’t work,
    sun has just left the break,
    an eking of the heart,
    my legs are wrecked,

    by FTS on 06.19.2010
  17. Without love we are all lost. We need it in our lives to make us feel better about ourselves and our lackluster lives. Without love we might as well just vegetate. Without love how will you know who cares and who doesn’t? Without love, where is the compassion, the sympathy, and the empathy? Without love, there is nothing.

    by Sarah Mains on 06.19.2010
  18. without pain, love is irrational. if one to truly think about it. it is hard to think about it because you are in so much pain but it is good in the end because it is the pain that you will gain a better appreciation of the nectar in love.

    by zebraesque on 06.19.2010
  19. one of the most frustrating things. when you can’t figure out what you’re without. did you lose something? did someone leave you? i hate feeling without _____.

  20. Without holds a world of intrigue for it speaks of all unpossessed.

    by gino on 06.19.2010
  21. without you
    with out me
    their is no opportunity
    to become
    to conceive
    to create
    what would be

    by Estebananunez@gmail.com on 06.19.2010
  22. i’m spending lots of time without you, even when you are around me. it’s quite odd to be with someone and yet at the same time without them. even if they are in the room with you. and it feels so very obvious that you’re not actually there, even though you are physically. i miss the times when we were close. come back.

    by kirstie on 06.19.2010

    by Ruchir Chaturvedi on 06.19.2010
  24. Without love there is nothing. Love is what drives a mans choice, and determines his priorities. Love is all that matters, without it we are lost.

    by spencer on 06.19.2010
  25. 1without = When Inclusivity Truncates Having omitting underlying Thoughts

    by on 06.19.2010
  26. without you. it’s good. all alone, roaming the sea. I cannot imagine the ship crowded with you, your presence in every corner, every knot in the wood, every seem of the fabric.

    by Gadifere on 06.19.2010
  27. I am lost without you. You were such a good friend for so many years, I can’t believe we will never speak again. Life stinks but death is worse

  28. Without my father telling me who to be and where to go, I’m lost in a sea of midlife crises and fudge ice cream. We all knew he had to leave this world sometime, but one can never fully anticipate the shock, the anger, and the fear that follows. I miss him.

  29. Life without a partner is not an enviable thing. Someone to lean on and be there when you’re at your worst. Someone to cuddle with and laugh with you when you’re at your best. It’s been a while.

  30. When I’m without you I am nothing. I am flesh and bones; no heart, no soul. Without you life is dull. Without your warm touch my skin is cold. Without your full lips and thick flowing hair, I am nothing but a blank stare.

    by JennBlack on 06.19.2010
  31. without is the opposite of with. it means absence, and not being present, not owning something, not be able to use something, not like or dislike something.

    by Esther on 06.19.2010
  32. without you i am nothing, i am empty and bare. without love i will never be happy and you are all that i can love. without….

  33. without the taste of me on your lips without means without love without subject to obsession without shame of the moment without a way without a song

    by Kelly on 06.19.2010
  34. Without, to be without someone is a cures, to be alone and isolated by people is unforgivable. To be without possision is inconciderate of others. No one should be without. Who is to blame I’f you are withoth, you, your parents, your friend or the world we live in?

    by Deborah on 06.19.2010
  35. Without love life is a wasteland of people and places that lack the colors and vibrancy of the one thing that brings us all together. This love, this hate.

    by MarlenaB. on 06.19.2010
  36. you life goes on but i’m gone without you. without the sun there’d be no life on earth. you are my own personal sunshine. you are the glow in my cheeks

  37. Where would I be? Without you. Without this bed. Without this house. Without this air that I breathe. This water that I drink.

  38. this word reminds me of being without someone. it’s negative. to be without is to be missing part of something that should be there. without implies that it was thought about or wanted in the first place and that it feels gone, instead of never having been there in the first place. without is sad.

    by chelsea on 06.19.2010
  39. Without money life is really hard. I have to live without McDonalds, gas, weed… so i guess it isn’t really that hard. After all there are people who live without clothes, food or even sex. I can’t imagine that. I guess I have no idea what it is to really be without

    by Cris on 06.19.2010
  40. The quality of withoutness
    is like a pulse in a room
    where someone else
    holds their breath.

    by will on 06.19.2010