
April 30th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “wisp”

  1. In a hollow world I aspire the feelings of grief, Im hopeless, I leap, I brave and I scrape, I demand my ending, I demand a small solitude, I come back with flickers of flare. I roam a ball of fire, ablazed and will be ignored as wisp.

  2. Wisp, soft dust flame dancing, a blink away from disappearing, taking me through a dark forest, never reaching but never fully gone

  3. Sandi always had a lot of makeup on. She said it made her look older and she liked it. The heavy face came with the respect she demanded from colleagues and obedience to her commands from juniors. Being gifted. or cursed as she liked to see it, with a soft, low voice had never helped her. And the fact that she also had to carry a petite physique with minuscule hands and feet alongside that tiny voice only worsened matters. Growing up, she was constantly being laughed at when shrieking out orders and that ruined her self-esteem for a while. She wanted nothing more than to just be taken seriously. Even her family and younger siblings had unconsciously played parts in further damaging her self-image. Discovering foundations and bronzers and liners from an early age saved her. But no matter what she said or tried to make me see, even with all that makeup on, I could always see a wisp of her youthfulness pass by in the littlest things. From the playfulness of her smile towards my direction to the way she twirls her hair or chews on her pen when in deep concentration. Even her shrilled laughter always running toward heaven gave her away. There was no denying, a child was forced to grow up too quickly.

  4. It leads us to our unexpected fate. It floats, like you never really know where it lies. But one thing is for sure, it may be scary, but it will worth it. So don’t be afraid of it.

  5. The wisp of cloud started to appear over the horizon. She looked up and it and prayed that more would follow, and make bigger clouds which would bring the rain. But when she looked up again, it was gone leaving on the clear blue sky.

    by Chanpheng on 04.30.2024