
April 29th, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “garden”

  1. It’s itchy. It makes my nose run. I don’t like worms. Flowers are pretty, but not that pretty.
    I want to love and like, it seems natural and respectable. I’m a humanitarian, but fuck gardens.

  2. One day as I was sat in the garden, I saw a lorry go past. Curious, I thought to meself, that lorry is a right pain in my arse. Fortunately, I had some tea and biscuits and that helped me mood. Later that evening, I found a toad in the well but he was alright because I like to help strangers, I do.

  3. He moved through the dirt aisles, taking note of the greenery around him. Pausing to check a leaf turning brown, or identifying the mark of an insect’s lunch. All precious herbs the townspeople needed.

  4. The worm wriggles in my fingers. I set it down under my mint, away from the robins hop-hop-hopping and peering. “Go on now,” I whisper, “this is good dirt. You will be happy and make it even better.”

  5. Compared with the concrete of the fenced in yards on the dirt road, the garden in my yard is dark and cool. The cats rest there during the days when the temperature reached over 40D C.

    by Chanpheng on 04.29.2024
  6. How does the little garden improve its finest blossom?
    And let the sun shine of every last petal.
    How effortless it seems to be.
    How absolutely it makes
    Me smile
    You see what you need to see and that is truly awesome.