
June 11th, 2023 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “wisdom”

  1. In the heart of nature, where the brooks sing lullabies and the trees share their ancient tales, the soul finds the deep well of knowing. It’s here, in the symphony of the untouched earth, where sagacity blooms.

    by SLYSLY on 06.11.2023
  2. He’d seen wars. Loved women. Drank through Paris. He knew things. But it was the sea, with its endless waves and abyssal depths, that taught him life. The old man knew the sea.

    by human_esque on 06.11.2023
  3. My grandpa says smart stuff all the time, like, “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” But I don’t have chickens, so whatevs.

    by arlo on 06.11.2023
  4. There, in the solitude of the garden, where time wraps itself in a cocoon of fragrant jasmine and lingering shadows, the soul touches a truth, both haunting and tender, the ages whisper through the rustling leaves.

    by Jaz on 06.11.2023
  5. being wise is like realizing you’ve been wearing underwear two sizes too small. you’d think enlightenment comes with perks, but really, it’s just a different brand of uncomfortable.

    by mellowtonin on 06.11.2023
  6. Oh for fuck’s sake. That is another word I don’t care to engauge with right now. I used to be obbsessed with it. Wisdom and being a Sage. I don’t want it anymore, but what happens if I choose a different path?

    by Lena on 06.11.2023