
October 29th, 2023 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “whimsical”

  1. What a beautiful word – whimsical. It reminds me of a cold morning enveloped by a thunderstorm and rum infused coffee.

  2. Yes, You are totally correct, she told him, and gave him that smile that signaled him that she was being whimsical and she didn’t mean that she was saying.

    by Chanpheng on 10.30.2023
  3. She was feeling whimsical. A little abandon couldn’t hurt? Not just for a bit? The thing about whimsy was to avoid the haters. Nothing spoils a silver lining like more clouds.

  4. Gwendolyn wished upon the brightest star outside her window. It was a dark night and the stars stood out so brightly. She wished that this Christmas she could capture that whimsical feeling she’d had as a child. But a few seconds later, she realized it wasn’t a star – it was moving, slowly, but moving. A satellite, unconnected to her childhood of whimsy and joy.

    by j on 10.29.2023