
October 30th, 2023 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “tinge”

  1. The tinge of the sky brought tears to my eyes as it was the last night i had to be with you. I remembered all the nights before we closed our minds to each-other and it made everything turn blue. The last moment of the fight turned to black and overrides any memory we had of just us two.

    by Abiona Howard on 10.31.2023
  2. What’s this? What had previously been a spotlessly white page, now seemed to have a tinge of… something in the top corner. It looked yellow as I approached it, but then- in a shift of the light- a sparkle of iridescence lit the page up in gold.

  3. the sky was tinged with black. reds, yellows, and soft golds swirled through the clouds. shifting with the coming storm, promising disaster and ruin. our punishment for the reckless lives we lead.

  4. Just the edges colored or touched by red or cold
    Writing is awkward and I feel a big lump when I do it. I try to write around it or write through it
    Maybe bile in my throat as I try to push through my own self judgments
    A little bit of

  5. The white petals were tinged with purple. She didn’t know how this color had developed and wondered if she was growing a new species.

    by Chanpheng on 10.30.2023