
March 11th, 2010 | 245 Entries

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245 Entries for “wanted”

  1. wanted…i use to know what i wanted and now that is no so clear to me. I wanted love a career maybe some kids. I wanted to write a book. So much is wanted and can be obtained but how do you get what you want when your visions starts to get blurred with the things that we call life. I want a masters degree i still want love but what dont i want is the question and that is to be without

    by eroticserenity on 03.12.2010
  2. everyone wants to feel wanted, no matter what. its a basic instinct, its a natural urge. you can say and convince yourself that you dont care about others opinions but deep down everyone just wants to be wanted.

    by Henna on 03.12.2010
  3. I want you. I want somebody. To want is not to need but you often need what you want. Besides, the feeling of wanting something is sometimes created by the fact that the others want the thing as well. you only want

    by Pilou on 03.12.2010
  4. What more do we want but to be adored?

    by Anna on 03.12.2010
  5. I wanted him fromt he moment I set eyes on him, blue eyes I could drown in, brown hair I could rake my fingers through. Nice body, but that was an afterthought really. Those eyes were captivating, holding me somehow, looking into my soul and seeing everything I was and simply accepting it.

    by fi on 03.12.2010
  6. I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms. Most of the time when people say that, they mean naked, in bed, after fucking furiously all night. But I don’t. I mean what I said. I just want to hold her. Just a hug. Or maybe a spoon, but a hug would be enough.

    by j on 03.12.2010
  7. I wanted to figure it out. I wanted someone to tell me how to do it. I wanted, wanted, wanted. I couldn’t stop wanting for it. Every day, every hour, every minute. I was obsessed with wanting.

    by Briege on 03.12.2010
  8. i like being wanted. I like being appreciated. there are so many things that i want…but dont need. i really dont want to go to work. that was a good movie :)

    by Felicia on 03.12.2010
  9. I wanted a joystick because I’ve never had a joystick before. Then, one day I found the joystick at Target.

    by garrett on 03.12.2010
  10. Wanted is a strange word. It can mean several things from being dangerous to a desire. I could be wanted by the law or I could want a new pair of shoes.

    by Randi Prescher on 03.12.2010
  11. whether or not you feel at home somewhere. if people look for your company or your expertise.

    by mary Murphy on 03.12.2010
  12. i am wanted. i see all those eyes, all those people looking at me, wanting. i feel the looks, i feel the gazes i know the spots on my skin they are looking at. i am wanted. i am beautiful. i am skinny. i am the way im wanted to be.

    by inka on 03.12.2010
  13. I still want you. they say you live and learn, but it seems not. After that day, when all went to hell, I could not hate you. I still desire the day I can be with you, smell your perfume, hold you close.

    who knows, maybe I just want to feel love.

    by Dave Brandon on 03.12.2010
  14. police

    by veronique on 03.12.2010
  15. I wanted to move to Canada so I could live with my girlfriend, and went as far as quitting my job and telling them them to go to hell. Unfortunately i wasn’t counting on Canada’s recent policies tightening immigration. A little lesson in humility, eh?

    by Christian Santiago on 03.12.2010
  16. Dead or alive. What’s the name of that crab boat captain? Oh, Captain Phil. We’ll miss him. I’m thinking, not just writing. Time is almost up and there is so much more I wanted to say.

    by Billy on 03.12.2010
  17. a man was wanted for a crime, a crime he may not have comitted he wanted to run away but couldnt because of the felony charges what a shame for him so did he murder all the jews, no no that was hitler unless it was hitlet. then he ate daves wife and children his name was billy. what a winner.

    by nioki on 03.12.2010
  18. want

    by qsd on 03.12.2010
  19. across the front of her shirt it said “wanted” and I suppose it was funny except that she seemed like the kind of girl who hadn’t been wanted, had been a mistake, and now was trying to make up for it with too much eyeshadow and tight jeans.

    by betty wolfanger on 03.12.2010
  20. A large-headed, underweight nerdy pimply guy with gingivitis and strange personal habits for personal companionship in the form of ridicule and general physical and psychological abuse to appease angry old grandfather.

    by Jesse Steck on 03.12.2010
  21. The woman was so happy to hear these words from him “I like you, like a girlfriend, do you think we can make this exclusive?” It had been many years since she had been in a relationship. Had been told that she was wanted by another.

    by Peaceable on 03.12.2010
  22. Everyone on some level wants to be wanted. Not everyone is willing to admit it. And maybe not everyone even realizes this fact about them selves. It is one of the common desires of us all. Are you wanted?

    by Sara on 03.12.2010
  23. The one thing that I wanted most in life is to stop wanting anything. Once I learned to do that life got less stressful. And then you can focus on one thing at a time to bring into your life instead of feeling like you don’t have enough of everything and what does come is met with a feeling of gratitude.

    by Peaceable on 03.12.2010
  24. She stood in front of the shelf, her mouth watering. She could taste the sweet treats already. Her taste buds swelled with anticipation.

    by Trish on 03.12.2010
  25. A man was wanted the other day by the police for murder. No one knows why he would murder anyone, he seemed like a nice man. He was quiet at least, but some say those are the ones you gotta look out for. All I know is that the poor person that died knows for sure and if only there was some way to ask them.

    by Jack on 03.12.2010
  26. there was a poster hanging at the door of the super market,it was written:wanted,for murder.he saw that the person in the photo,was elia the girl he was in love with.

    by edina on 03.12.2010
  27. It was a strange thing, to be wanted–no one had ever said the words to her before.

    “Come back soon, please.”

    Come back? Why?

    But she eventually did, and she continued to visit, even though she didn’t understand.

    Perhaps one day she would.

    by sentinel's glory on 03.12.2010
  28. all i want is to be wanted… i want someone to love me.. for who i am. that’s what i think wanted is. to be loved, to be cared for… :)

    by nick on 03.12.2010
  29. Washing Machine. Barely used. Got divorced and quit washing my clothes. $300 or best offer.

    by Frank McCourt on 03.12.2010
  30. I want to be wanted. Not in a want way, more in a need way. I want someone to want me so much they need me.

    by Lame on 03.12.2010
  31. wanted dead or alive is what he told me. i was scared. you were scared. wanted like a poster. wanted like a kiss. wanted like a bad cop. don’t erase. just type. wanted like a new pair of shoes. wanted like food for the hungry. wanted like money for the poor. wanted like a new house. wanted like a kitten or a baby you can’t have. wanted is everything.

    by Baylee on 03.12.2010
  32. More time. Less hassle. All of the income, none of the work. A workplace that allows me to be me without continually stifling my creativity, my independence. What are they afraid of?

    by Pinky on 03.12.2010
  33. wanted… understanding, of life, purpose and the lack there of. wanted, words to express what it is i really want

    by marcus on 03.12.2010
  34. He wanted to be free. He wanted this more than anything

    by Shannon on 03.12.2010
  35. Wanted, again? This word has appeared twice already, but it gives a different vibe every time. I wanted to know you, I wanted to be your friend, I wanted so much more than just to be an acquaintance.

    by ac on 03.12.2010
  36. wanted to duck into the mountain passes, with their mossy tufts of hair and smooth blue eyes, embossed with the sweet foam of tears and birds

    by Blake on 03.12.2010
  37. i wanted to be a star, famous. everyone shuold know my name. I wanted to be thin, a topmodel.. I wanted so much, but now everything is differnet. But i am not dissapointed. Cause life goes on.. if you wanted or not

    by Knusbit on 03.12.2010
  38. I was wanted. Wanted for a crime I did not commit. And so I ran. I ran to the next town over then the town after that. When I could, I bought a train ticket and booked it out of that small state that had done me nothing but harm. I was going to start over, start from scratch where no one knew me and no one wanted to. Kate, this was who I’d be now.

    by Meredith on 03.12.2010
  39. I wish I didn’t want him so fucking badly. I don’t know why I always find myself craving the ones that will never work – I swear, I can’t like a guy unless I know it will be forever unrequited. But god, the sex is so good.

    by cyndi on 03.12.2010
  40. I wanted love. I wanted acceptance. I wanted to feel like someone truly knew me and cared about me for who I was. HE couldn’t give that to me. He never really knew me, never really loved me, and certainly never accepted who I was.

    by Laura White on 03.12.2010