
July 22nd, 2008 | 359 Entries

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359 Entries for “want”


    by BHAVESH PANDEY on 07.22.2008
  2. I remember always wanting things at a young age. I constantly desired all the overly-advertised colored plastic junk the television hounded my senses with. Now I see value. Or at least… I think I do. I hope I’m a more interesting and developed person, no longer a slave to commercialism.

    by Valeria on 07.22.2008

    by dMAN on 07.22.2008
  4. i want to know about you.. willardmacay@gmail.com

    by willard on 07.22.2008
  5. i want everything it’s pretty simple really. i try not to, but i have these explosions in my whole body and mind and soul that demand things and people and thoughts and food. i sometimes can barely control myself. my self-disipline is lacking. buddihism says we should want, and that’s why i could never be a buddihist.

    by michelle on 07.22.2008
  6. what a girl wants…what does a girl want? who knows…Want want want want want want want.
    I want…little kids want. when do we stop wanting? When are we satisfied? When do we get happy and content? Has it been a minute yet? there is the bell…I want to see what happens…

    by emma on 07.22.2008
  7. I want to be loved by someone who completely and entirely wants me as much as I want them. I know it is cliche but it’s how I feel, and what I want and I can’t change that. It would be like changing who I am. Want… that’s what I want.

    by Raylene on 07.22.2008
  8. you dont always get what you want . I really Want for nothing becauseIm generaly very satisfied with the way things are . So Wanting much isnt a huge thing for me . Thats all I have ,

    by Bill on 07.22.2008
  9. I want some ice cream. Mint chocolate chip would be good.

    by kim on 07.22.2008
  10. want i want to see a baby of my own. I want a fishburger with scallops and also with love and happiness. I wantwantwant her. but not for now. Waiting and wanting I want to wait but I want too much.

    by David on 07.22.2008
  11. i want happiness

    i want friends and wealth

    i want to think such things don’t matter
    a want is a wish

    i wish i weren’t so selfish

    i want things i could never be satisfied by

    i want peace
    i want it for the world

    by ausrine on 07.22.2008
  12. its the word we use most often
    I want this, I want that
    but what do we get from it? There is always a want they say. People say that we always want more… like the grass is greener on the other side. I think though, if we spent more time thinking about what we really want we would be a lot happier… so we can avoid the things that are just a waste of time.

    by yo on 07.22.2008
  13. want…what is it that any of us want? what have they taught us to want? we have become the want generation, but with it masquerading as the “need” generation. the difference is quickly becoming something of the past. i want those jeans. i need those jeans. i want that house. i need that house. no…i will not take it anymore.

    by Bekka on 07.22.2008
  14. Want is the opposite of NEED. If you want soemthing, you don’t neccessarily need it. People who live based on wants instead of needs often life a confused and unfufilled life (possibly partially due to the fact that the aren’t doing the things to sustain life but thats something different). Want what you need, don’t need what you want.

    by Miley on 07.22.2008
  15. Things I want, things I don’t want. Man oh man, I know what this word is about. It’s about this relationship. It’s about taking what we want. Each of us had our misgivings, because I was going away so soon. But each of us wanted the other. Why oh why did we wait? Because we knew it would end way too soon, because it “wasn’t worth it” to start something that wouldn’t last. But you can’t deny what you want. And sometimes you have to know when getting what you want is really what you need.

    by Catherine on 07.22.2008
  16. i want alot but i never get it my parents suck and i have few friends. Ive been bored for a while and the guy i like is possibly to old for me.

    by chara on 07.22.2008
  17. I want to be happy. No demands, no worries..no, I want worries. But I want worries on my terms. I want to worry about who I’ll love, or what I’ll do. I want to worry about what classes to take. I want to be ravished and ravish back. But I don’t want to need.

    by Korista Minney on 07.22.2008
  18. I want a lot of things right now and that’s the reason for my frustration. I need a car and an apartment to be able to live with my fiance but we’re just not earning enough and things are getting harder every day. well I guess it’s more need that want.

    by Maria Isabel on 07.22.2008
  19. she wants everything she’s ever dreamed of, and all she’s ever dreamed of is love. she wants to be loved like none other, like her life depends on it. and some days she really needs to just get out, wants to run, wants nothing but to get out the door and run and find that love that she’s always wanted. a dream is a wish your heart makes but you never realize how far away it is.

    by katie on 07.22.2008
  20. want need feel… the want of flesh and soul burns with in lifeless and cold. Heat and passion die in its wake!

    by Zell Valentine on 07.22.2008
  21. What do I want? Why am I so egocentric to think that my wants and needs come before those of others? Instead of my immediate thought of my own wants why did I not think “what does my husband want?” or “what do my kids want?” What do my friends want?” I wonder if I will ever outgrow selfishness and hope that I can somehow instill unselfishness in my kids.

    by Jenna on 07.22.2008
  22. Heat. Urge. Pressure. Longing. Covet. Desire. Please. Bite. Lick. Chills. Shivers. Shakes. Grabs. Pulls. Sigh. Want. Take.

    by penny on 07.22.2008
  23. I want to be back in Portland. I want to have a great job. I want to see Austin so badly. I want to go camping, go to a fancy dinner and have a bon fire. I want to go cliff jumping again and have n amazing next few weeks. Everyone wants something all the time. Want is a wanted word.

    by Kathleen on 07.22.2008
  24. i want to be with you. I want you to want me how I want you. Need is different from want. People need to eat, need to live, but they want to love. It is not a need, it is meerly a want. Survival does not depend on want, it depends on need. Want is powerful, but it is selfish.

    by Jenna Tonelli on 07.22.2008
  25. I want my life to be special and positive and all of my wants granated. I love wanting to see my children and I love to want to see and want to be with my grandchildren I want the world to be a happy place for all of us to love God and to love the Thinity. I w

    by Suzzie on 07.22.2008
  26. for need of want. i don’t know what i want. don’t know what i want. i want the world. want it all. i won’t stop wanting; but i want to stop wanting.

    by mo on 07.22.2008
  27. obsessions greed sin deadly unfortunate patterns exciting different new bittersweet

    by nicole on 07.22.2008
  28. I want to be pretty, I want to be beautiful, I want to be happy. I keep being told that this is the country of want, but that I shouldn’t want, and wanting is what’s making me so unhappy, leading to more wanting. I want to stop wanting and then I won’t want to be happy or beautiful or pretty. Maybe once I stop wanting, I’ll already be there.

    by Abigail on 07.22.2008
  29. It’s primal. You can feel it in your veins. But when you think of the pain, you cannot go through with it. You won’t go through with it. But that doesn’t keep it from taking over your dreams. Your thoughts. Your relationships. You want it. But you can never have it. Give it up, or give yourself up to it.

    by B on 07.22.2008
  30. Want is never so simple as it seems. For what you want isn’t truly what you desire. The unfortunate truth of this simple, ugly four letter word is that the only thing you want is to remove all wants. And in this ugly truth lies a vicious circle that can never end, for every fulfilled want begets another, unless you can manage to abandon the pursuit.

    by Alex Martin on 07.22.2008
  31. glassws which i look through
    interupted mind
    giggles because hes forigen and odd
    Age 19
    11-13 size jeans
    weight 135.5
    i feel likei i just wrote a personal ad.
    wedgy caused by an odd sitting position
    maybe i should sit in a chair
    im thirsty

    by Christa on 07.22.2008
  32. I want to live a long, full, successful life. I want a million dollars. I want a puppy. I want a panda. I want to cure cancer. I want world peace. I want every person to live like we do in developed countries. I want watermelon for breakfast and pancakes for dinner. I want to have all the knowledge in the world. I want to travel to space. More than all of this though, I want you. I would happily give the rest up. I want you.

    by Chris Fox on 07.22.2008
  33. It begs again. It can never be sated. Always hungry, always wanting. More, more, more. It waits patiently at the edge. It calls from the shadows. It moves on the periphery. A blur, just out of focus.

    by Ron on 07.22.2008
  34. fame and fortune.

    by Kyle on 07.22.2008
  35. I want you to grow up. I want you to stop making stupid choices. I want you to realize it’s not that hard. I want you to call me. I want you to want to talk to me. I want you to love me, but more than anything, I want you to let go and I want you to love yourself.

    by L on 07.22.2008
  36. must have got to have needing all the time never ending never thinking just concious that it must be gotten bring to the house put it down take it out of the box and let the others around the house want the thing that I have most of all its making me crazy the having to have and all of the needing it not but needing is so much that whatever it is I will do whatever to make it right and want it more pushing pulling having to grab for it taking it stealing it scraping buy to get it saving practicing balancing the check book wanting to have whatever I want whenever I want it is mindboggling the concept of having to want and not being able to get it without wanting it

    by whittney greene on 07.22.2008
  37. There are things which I want. I want my boy to grow up smart, and I want to be rich. I want my wife to be happy, and I want to succeed in my job. These are all wants, but I don’t need any of these things. I just need for my family to be safe and healthy.

    by dave on 07.22.2008
  38. I want you so badly. I think about you every day and how close we used to be. What happened to us? What changed in your heart? I often sit and wonder if you think about me too. I want you more than anything else in this world.

    by Kat on 07.22.2008
  39. want is soemting very necessary in life, if there is want here is life, want makes the urge to live, if you don’t want anything there is no necessity to live and life is boring, so want and desire and want more to live life

    by rajneesh on 07.22.2008
  40. Wanting is the act of feeling like you need something. A lot of people want things that they necessarily don’t need. It really pisses me off. Want is often brought on by the pressures of society and what the media and social structures of society engineer us to want. I want out.

    by Corbin Hines on 07.22.2008