
June 10th, 2010 | 309 Entries

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309 Entries for “wand”

  1. wand is what magitians use. its known especially in harry potter. they all have wands. voldemort and harry have similar wands which strengthens thier connection. wands make magic. thats really it.

    by will on 06.10.2010
  2. i wish i had a fairy godmother. one with a magical wand who could make me skinny, fit, toned, and tan. i would love that. just one swish of her wand and i’d be perfect.

  3. The word wand is kinda childish but holds a certain significance to me wholdoes indeed believe that with the right attitude and feeling you can make any activity into a certain type of magic. It also sounds weird

    by Danny on 06.10.2010
  4. A magician is someone who deceives and breaks dreams of little boys. Mine too… also have a wand

    by agustin on 06.10.2010
  5. And there it was, the key to solve all of my problems. The mystical wand that my forefathers had wasted their lives away to try to find; a simple piece of wood with the ability to determine one’s fate.

    by Arturo Villalvazo on 06.10.2010
  6. harry potter took his wand out of his pocket, struggled with it, and found his hand stuck to it. draco malfoy walked by staring at him intently. “potter is that your wand, or are you just happy to see me?” he said smirking.

    by Katrina on 06.10.2010
  7. harry potter may or may not have had one, however, if you change the word wand to willy in the novel repeatedly…

    basically everything becomes better. exponentially.

    additionally, roberta has one in neopets. it’s weird that im a human who’s productive in society and this is what comes to mind.

    by Rachel on 06.10.2010
  8. Famous witch lost her powers. Terrible loss she experience in the middle of the forest.

  9. today i made out with a guy in the grass while all the children played around us.
    i know this isn’t about wand, but i have to tell someone and all my friends will be angry with me.
    i’m sorry to flood oneword with this.
    but i’m so happy too.

    by miranda elissa on 06.10.2010
  10. Ah all i can think about when reading that is Harry Potter. yeah, that’s pretty sad how may entire perception and interpretation of wizardry has known been consumed by a fictional hormonal teenager. Sad. I blame you rowling.

    by Jentlwoman on 06.10.2010
  11. My wife found a crooked stick one day. She picked it up, pointed it to me, and said some aberacadabra! It was her wand.

    by John on 06.10.2010
  12. My wand ahs been around for years im not sure where it came from or why its been loved but i know that it has we all share this wand in my fmaily my doog ate it last week and we killed him to get it out of his stomach the wand is all that matters

    by Jacob Kuhn on 06.10.2010
  13. harry potter has a wand and he and snape go around killing bad men also wands are gay cause fairies use them and fairies are fags

    by Lars on 06.10.2010
  14. Harry Potter used his wand to poke Hermoine, she thought it was pleasurable and told him to take out his broomstick, he went Petrificus Totalus. Ron walked in, saw this happening and was very upset so he went home and drank Butterbeer until he passed out.

    by Lauren on 06.10.2010
  15. Blue ink scribbles its way across the page, coming merely from a wand. The thoughts being carelessly abstracted from line to line are protruding from an inactive brain, lacking drive and motivation. It’s going to be a long night.

  16. Harry Potter used his wand to rid the world of evil, destroying Lord Voldemort and fulfilling his destiny. With the help of the Elder Wand, he was able to achieve his goals.

    by Matthias on 06.10.2010
  17. harry potter has a magical wand. his wand holds the power to save millions of people. Ollivander gave him that wand the same wand that the powerful lord voldemort has.

    by gaby on 06.10.2010
  18. i wish i could wave my magic wand and make this feeling go away. that thing that happened today, and telling you, and now feeling awful. i dont want you back, but now i feel like my intentions in telling you were wrong. was i trying to make you jealous, and not even realize it? we were so cute earlier, and then you left me alone, and someone else tried to take your place without my consent. im sorry im such a mess. i feel like shit.


  20. Oh god. Another wizard. I swear if this one asks me if I’d like to see his freaking wand, I’m going to cut it off and show him the sort of magic I can do. Bet that’ll stop him short. Ha… Short. Sigh. Bloody wizards.

  21. I light my wand and then I’m beyond,
    my dreams and the trees, my cares and the bees
    I’m light as a feather and no matter the weather
    I shine and I find that in the sky I have no mind

  22. Wave around your hands to do a little magic all on your own. Your wand is broken but your imagination is alive and well. We’ve created whole worlds with brand new rules where chaos reigns because everyone is free. We’ve stayed here for hours and the day hasn’t even started yet.

  23. Magical only in your mind as you scribble down the last words of your dying day. People will never see that there is wisdom hidden in those eyes. At just fourteen what of the world could you have seen? Broken and shattered as your life may be that graphite wand with all it’s powers can slowly chase away the remnants of a bad day and bruised face.

  24. a chance to make your dreams come true, a deep lust. Obsession surrounds you while you have this new power of greed in the palm of your hand

  25. In my mind, I wave my wand and the world changes. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not. It doesn’t matter, either way it still changes.

    by jonjon on 06.10.2010
  26. i wander wander who… i wander who.. who. who wrote the book of looooooooooove?

    by Eric on 06.10.2010
  27. Wand. Something I would dream about, or think of in a childish way. I wish I had some kind of magical power, or something like that

    by Stefan on 06.10.2010
  28. She was wearing ballet flats. She kicked them off, though, as she scampered through the grass. “Make a wish,” she would say, and then grin as she blew through the bubble wand. The air filled with iridescent spheres and the sky smiled just a little bit more. Funny how things made of soap can be so beautiful.

    by starchild on 06.10.2010
  29. wander woman was awesome… such a strange name for a character though. she flew, but didn’t frequently walk around aimlessly.

    by Eric on 06.10.2010
  30. Harry Potter uses a wand, which inspires me to want to play the drinking game involving 40s duct taped to your hands.

    by Kirsten on 06.10.2010
  31. i like big butts and i cannot lie. all u other brothers cant deny. when a girl walks in wi

    by Dumbo on 06.10.2010
  32. Harry Potter has a magic wand. He uses it to perform spells and do magic. He fight evil and defeats his enemies. He also uses it to have fun with his friend

    by Anonymous on 06.10.2010
  33. wandering into the forest i fell upon a magical tree. this was definitely no ordinary magical like the ones my father showed but there was certainly something special about this tree as it had colors i’ve never seen before.

    by matthew on 06.10.2010
  34. wave to me, oh. shiver and sparks, oh fireworks.

  35. Magician’s wand does wonders making the audience watch with awe and wonder; an angel carries a wand; a conductor carries one.

  36. It could make all of our problems go away…

  37. Willow wands shoot up from the base of the dying tree, the last bit of life left in the barren landscape that was her backyard. Everything else was gray and scraggly, the green popped out like a whit feather against the black night sky.

  38. With a magic wand I’ll paint the town with my imaginary colors. The colors of my mind can hide my fears, and fuel my happiness.

  39. magic. happening. possibility

    by nbm on 06.10.2010
  40. i held a wand in my hand, the wand pulled free of its restraints in the sand, a wand so dazzling i couldn’t help but to grin, falling free from the earth, i felt so thin

    by jen khari on 06.10.2010