
June 10th, 2010 | 309 Entries

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309 Entries for “wand”

  1. I WANDered lonely as a cloud… Wand. A collection of letters such as A.. W.. D.. N.. I quite like wands, they make nice noises and bright colours..

    by Polar on 06.10.2010
  2. I used my wand to cast a magical spell that send the evil and violent wizard back to the hell form whence he came. I never stopped to think about my actions, hours later I realized the wizard was actually my friend’s dad. Oh, well. Barf.

    by Andy on 06.10.2010
  3. He pulled out his wand from his pants and surprisingly, it worked like magic this time. The dark forces would certainly not prevail this time. Hairy put the invisibility cloak over their heads and was ready to do battle.

    by dan stew on 06.10.2010
  4. harry potter has a wand, and it’s awesome. ron’s is better though.

    by Ashley on 06.10.2010
  5. There once was a magical land that included wizards and witches. One wizard had the smallest wand of all and very little magic. There was no way to improve his magic skills with that wand and thus he was a very sad wizard.

    by Renee on 06.10.2010
  6. A magic wand … I always wanted one when I was younger … especially when I read Harry Potter. Sometimes I pretended I was a wizard. I had fun :) I really really miss those times. It was so much easier to be a kid …

    by Mist on 06.10.2010
  7. wave a wand and change everything. be whisked away to another life in another place, and maybe get it right this time around.

  8. enter spell here.

    by m on 06.10.2010
  9. harry potter. oh why must you haunt me. this is not at all creative, but this word brings about images of daniel radcliffe like white ponies never could. oh lord. now I’m getting excited.

  10. Cherry. Willow. Redwood. Yew. Oak. Pine. Maple. Birch. Ash.
    Wands made of wood.

  11. There was a wand used to find the magical stone. No other tool was available to help, so the wand stood out and it was picked at the beginning. He wondered how quickly the people would respond, the wand didn’t look so useful. But he tried anyway.

    by Mattiel on 06.10.2010
  12. A stick used to cast magical spells and curses upon people. Most famously used by Harry Potter and Co. Associated with witches and wizards, it is a greatly admired cult item.

    by Cat on 06.10.2010
  13. I have a magic wand that can transform pigs into monkeys and make elephants fly. But if you borrow my magic wand you might be surprised because it always makes the owner disappear before the sixty seconds runs out…

  14. faerie powers
    tempting fate
    craving attention
    blowing glass
    standing up
    denying emotion
    temping fate
    faerie powers.

    by sam on 06.10.2010
  15. I picked it up–the wand–in my hand. It felt light. Lighter than something that extraordinary would be expected to feel. I thought for a few moments, then I put it to the paper, letting the words, like magic, flow from the tip.

    by KayKay on 06.10.2010
  16. I picked up my wand and clutched it to my chest, breathing heavily. I could hear them turning things over in the room behind me as I cowered behind the door. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and slowly stoop up, facing them.

    by KayKay on 06.10.2010
  17. I use my wand to saly the dragon, he is very large, with rippling pectorals and a feline face. It was a feat of magic, and no man can best it. They now call me slayer of the wyrm, and all bow before me. I wish I had a carrot. There is nothing to do about it, however…

    by daumor on 06.10.2010
  18. i even don’t know what the wand is but i like it cause its even a word.

    by sajiz on 06.10.2010
  19. Harry Potter, a magical device made of wood and usual a magical compound such as phoenix feathers, that allows the use of magic, or rather magnifies the users natural ability.

    by Sasha Roberts on 06.10.2010
  20. I was told:
    wave the magic wand
    for all your childhood traumas to fade
    all the ill memories
    twisted experiences
    that were lived out years later
    again and again like waves
    just wave the wand
    they’ll disappear

    I left the wand behind
    and chose to stay as I am

  21. The teacher, with his wispy hair and crooked glasses, raised his wand at the board and muttered:
    A long list of words suddenly appeared on the board in front of the class.
    One of the children cried, “I hate spellings.”

    by creator_z on 06.10.2010
  22. the kid just waved his wand at me. i think i should teach hiim a lesson.

  23. and the girl cried so hard that the fat queen heard her tears and came to her. she gave her a great dress and sent her to the ball with just a flick of her wand.

  24. harry potter i use to like alot funny cause i play ;acrosse more and thats what guys call there sticks i dont know what i want to do at this point.

    by maximiliam robespiere on 06.10.2010
  25. It was dark with an crimson handle. It was twisted and knotted much like a tree branch, but without the splinters. It rested in her pale hand like an extension of her fingers. She balanced it precariously between her fingers as she watched for the end of the tunnel. It was dark, but the light from her wand wouldn’t hold. It just kept disappearing like a star in the sky.

    by Chelsea on 06.10.2010
  26. I wrote this already. It didn’t submit. I talked about phonixes because “wand” makes me think of Harry Potter, which makes me wonder what type of wand I woud want and I want phonix becuse I am one.

    by on 06.10.2010
  27. I raised my wand up to my face, bringing it nearer to the light so that i could better read the inscriptions it bore. I twirled it in my fingers, letting it roll from one to the next, getting the feel of it..the weight, the shape, the length.

    by Hayley on 06.10.2010
  28. There once was a WAND that was a magic wand held by a very special boy. This boys name was Harry Pooter. Harry liked to touch his wand and stick it in other guys pooters. He liked gay sex. It was fun! He could CUM! He loved it!!

    by Jessica on 06.10.2010
  29. Harry Potter. Magic. With a little star on top. I’d like one. Candy striped and good for hitting people… at least in Smash Bros.

  30. I use my magic wand to spread joy and peace all over the world. My wand is a beautiful tool to all who recognize that it’s magic is in each of us, just waiting to be used for the good of mankind. Try getting in touch with yours and spread goodness to one and all.

    by Peaceable on 06.10.2010
  31. wand. what you use to make magic. how to solve all of your problems. you think and twirl it around. and your wish comes true. its what gives you hope.

    by alexa on 06.10.2010
  32. He clutched the wand in his hand as he walked into the darkened woods. He hated the damn stick, this was woman’s magic…certainly not a wizard’s.

  33. mirror mirror on the wall, give me a magic wand to conquer all. give me lust, give me love, give me a wand to get what i want.

    by rachel on 06.10.2010
  34. The whole room turn to see what was making the noise. Little did they now that the sound they heard was a short wooden stick tapping on the ceiling. Unassisted. Freaky stuff, huh?

    by Dave on 06.10.2010
  35. Wand. Auf der Mauer auf der Lauer sitzt ne kleine Lisa im Kindergarten und will eigentlich gar nicht da sein, aber der Geruch ist so heimelig und zu Hause ist es auch nicht viel besser, also sitzt sie still zwischen den Wänden und wartet.

    by EliEli on 06.10.2010
  36. The magic wand lay on the table next to her. She took a look at it, fascinated by its shine, its simple look of “I’m magical”. She gave it a wave, and a book flew out of the bookcase and through the window. She winced as the glass shattered. She put the wand back down, carefully, and tried to keep her eyes off of it. She couldn’t.

    by Samantha Owens on 06.10.2010
  37. magicians use wands to sort of change stuff from bad to good or vice versa. Wands are usually pretty in disney movies, but i cant imagine them to look so magestic. What if an evil person is using a wand, would it still look pretty? Don’t think so.

    by layla on 06.10.2010
  38. Let’s start a riot – wave our magic wands like awesome wizards and banish the idiots to Durmstrang. Let’s riot in the street with streaks of light and reducto curses flying. It’ll be bomb. BANG.

  39. You waved your magic little wand and made everything okay again. You told me to trust you and to just believe in what you had to say. So I listened and I didn’t judge, I just opened myself up to you and you had to offer. I soaked up your wisdom and your everlasting love and forgot what we had both done in the past. Afterwards, we sat silence, gathering our thoughts and creating our next battle plan. You looked at me with an expression that I couldn’t place my finger on. I bit my lip and leaned towards you, believing in what you had to say and falling under the spell you had cast on me.

  40. his wand was broken. either that, or what they had been saying was true. impossible, he thought. you don’t grow out of it! who would he be without his power? who would ever listen to him gain? Worse, they would make fun of him now….and what did he have to protect himself? Certainly, not his good looks……

    by zkalioznes on 06.10.2010