
August 16th, 2008 | 230 Entries

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230 Entries for “vintage”

  1. the old car rally popularly known as vintage car rally has really a great collection of masterpieces which were produced long back ….

    by ashish on 08.17.2008
  2. old and holey
    torn and grey
    this vintage jacket
    be disccarded to be free

    by Jo on 08.17.2008
  3. second hand, old but still valued, classic. Good nose.

    by gabrielwoodrabbit on 08.17.2008
  4. Aged like a fine wine

    by Sharon on 08.17.2008
  5. that reminds me of that old dress I wore in that play. What was the name. Yes once again I can’t remember what the name was. I wish my memory where stronger. Wait it was a pink dress with beads. We picked it up at goodwill or some other store that you can find really old clothes just waiting for some special use. But I loved that dress. I felt like a princess when I wore it. And I wanted to wear it every day. But my friends laughed and said I was stupid. I wore it anyway, when they weren’t looking.

    by angie on 08.17.2008
  6. There were items in Gramma’s closet that spoke of a different era; dancing shows, long skirts and ruffled tops. All the boxed items told of decades of joy, laughter.

    by Debbie on 08.17.2008
  7. old dresses clad out by ditsy blondes with dew ridden minds, complete with ugg boots and big sunglasses.
    thats about all. except maybe dusty smelly shops of a time gone by where the shop keeper barely looks up, and if he does he scowls at the people not kitted out in vintage who have dared walk through his uber cool entrance.

    by Gemma on 08.17.2008
  8. It’s old and musty in her closet. I see furs from a long time ago that end in fox heads and sparkly memories. I know that one day they will be mine and I can’t wait. It the same with the tiny teacups in the kitchen. The ones with the floral design

    by Kuikoo on 08.17.2008
  9. we use this word to mean “old fashioned” but it actually pertains to wine making. It simply means the year that the grape was harvested, which this wine is made from. Nowadays, we have vintage clothing and vintage cars. Usually that means that the clothing or the cars are from a certain year or era. 1940’s clothing is “vintage” because it is aged. A 1957 mustang. Can that be vintage? say it isn’t so! the clothes that my gramma wore and the hottest car on the road, both VINTAGE? !!!

    by Heidi on 08.17.2008
  10. old and grandmother doesn’t have a vintage style. My great grandmother has. I’m am vintage. Older than old. I should have burned my bra in the 60s with the rest of the women in the world. I think that the new age style is real gross. Who do they think they are.

    by Dana on 08.17.2008
  11. oh, it was delightful, sipping and letting the warm sweet wine trickle down my throat. It descended into my being with warmth like joy throughout my soul. it was red and so sweet, and the look in his eye as I enjoyed his wine was sweet and hot, as well. he brought me a glass and held it up, looked through the ruby glint at me, and smiled. i received the glass and my eye met his. I lifted it, and sipped.

    by Heidi on 08.17.2008
  12. vintage clothing is never quite as glamorous in real life, always more itchy and ill-fitting than you imagined. except for that skirt that looks exceptional on me… but I’m too scared to wear in public.

    by Allie on 08.17.2008
  13. Vintage conjours up images of classic french wine, aston martins and reject clothing. Vantage is an aston martin, second hand clothes give an ad-vantage to those without the means, and vin is french for wine – you do the math.

    by Sim101 on 08.17.2008
  14. an old object whether material or a wine of some sort. Vintage suggests classic tastes or eras. Vintage suggests expensive, or just an old banger of a car.

    by julie dent on 08.17.2008
  15. climbing the ancient stairs, a pause to stare. Stare deep into the mountains and valleys beyond. The breeze doesn’t do anything. Im dead in this land of never and ever and sewers and cats and feet and foetus and rats and kites and vintage little dogs.

    by ryan on 08.17.2008
  16. I wish I could afford proper vintage clothing- although, I should probably wish I knew how to source and BUY vintage clothing because besides going to Oxfam, or online, I wouldn’t have a clue. But the word vintage is kind of intrinsically interesting, it sounds so…beautiful…whatever it is describing.

    by alex on 08.17.2008
  17. Vintage is a word that describes things that are basically second-hand items that fashion people want to make different because the words second-hand sounds unhygienic.

    by Dita L on 08.17.2008
  18. old but classic.

    by amie on 08.17.2008
  19. Like old wine. Vintage adds about 75% markup on stuff you would throw out. Old and antique. Of an era.

    by Alys II on 08.17.2008
  20. again vintage? i want another word…
    what now? did you ever imagined our end?

    by Danilo on 08.17.2008
  21. is old stuff… but i lik it and i don`t know why but i a have trouble with typing english fast because… it isn`t my original lenguage… “original lenguage” ha ha … thats a stupid way to say that…. but ok … i ooo yeah vintage.

    by Danilo on 08.17.2008
  22. one word is tat you explain your self about in in it. Also one word may be that which made you feel in your life that you cannot forget so easily. My word is Love.It made to to travel from heaven to hell.

    by kumar on 08.17.2008
  23. I liked things back before mass production, when there was craftsmanship. I wonder as the parade of time marches on – will anything produced by my generation be considered vintage?

    by Reggie on 08.17.2008
  24. the vimtage sar camw tootling and tremb;ing around the bend, john felt exhilrated

    by charles on 08.17.2008
  25. Vintage is a strange concept, I mean what is it with the old that is so fucking fascinating to all these people. I mean, I don’t get it. Or then again, I do. The old has style, but isn’t it really just out projection of style. Making up for what we don’t have now?

    by Michael Hockenhull on 08.17.2008
  26. The day became like many that came before it. It had a feel to it. A strange vintage taste that left every one wondering when it was going to end. Although every one was happy to be still alive they all felt like they were getting no where. Some even wanted to give up and die.

    by Lord Rush on 08.17.2008
  27. reminds me of an old guitar… maybe squire, vintage. An old chevrolet truck and a woman with very red lipstick. Cafe racer motorcycles. Vinyl records.

    by no on 08.17.2008
  28. T-shirts worn by hipsters with the names of imaginary places from the slightly faded past – there’s a whole realm of places that have never existed but that all print their own t-shirts and sell them through urban fucking outfitters. It’s not a realm I want to visit.

    by Alan on 08.17.2008
  29. Old, the dust in a theatre, the way you used to feel, the way things were and should be, taste, glamour, the 1930’s, a time forgotten but remembered, wistful, beautiful, decrepid, longing, longing of longing, a thing that never was but always was, what things should become, a love.

    by Sarah Jolley on 08.17.2008
  30. a vintage store, all things old, or at least older than the present time, a way of making old things specialized- of making the old something magical nly because of its age, nostalgia. A current trend, a way of appropriating objects, a label, an indicator of prestige, of

    by kate on 08.17.2008
  31. some of my thoughts from early years have followed until this day and represent a certain state of mind I recognize as my true colour

    by Heidi on 08.17.2008
  32. old, new, cool, clothes, cars, red, hat, gloves in car. girl, red lipstick,leather trousers, fashion, in fashion, retro,

    by Fin on 08.17.2008
  33. it was a hat. she knew it was hers as soon as she saw it, even before she looked at the price tag. but that didn’t matter. it was exactly like the hat that her great grandmother had worn fifty years ago. she had seen the pictures. and now she could, perhaps, recapture some of that grace and some of that elegance that is always lost throughout the years, from generation to generation, and now that ipods and mcdonalds are more common than beautiful hats, she knew she needed it more than ever.

    by emma on 08.17.2008
  34. Vintage tees and jeans litter the front of the college building. Too much vintage, too much age, not enough new and youth. I hear about the days when college students were the ones with new, fresh ideas – now that I’m here everything seems like just a rehash.

    by Jeannie on 08.17.2008
  35. old cute fun glasses. I want some vintage things. I like them. I don’t know where to get them. they are coming back in style for some reason. i don’t know why. i wonder how long it will take for them to go out of style again. i dont really even know what vintage means. i think it means old. maybe? i’m not sure. i like it though. all the celebrities wear vinntage things. i dont’ know why. makes them look cool i guesss.

    by ashley on 08.17.2008
  36. people do such strange stuff!

    by emily on 08.17.2008
  37. I had a bottle of vintage wine. Friend and I were at a party, with cheese. We got to the bottom of a bottle that was passable, but not good in the best sense of the word. I broke out my 68 bottle. It was good, and the party was saved.

    We also wore threads from the local thrift shop, sat on

    by Chris on 08.17.2008
  38. Pretty old clothes

    What I wish I had


    Faded colours

    Lace, ribbons, velvet


    Playing dress-up as a little (and not-so-little) kid.


    by Leila on 08.17.2008
  39. jewlery, dresses, shops, sixties, fifties, movies, beauty, women, grandma! flappers, music, wonderfulness. :] downtown

    by Kasey on 08.17.2008
  40. The vintage car eased its way down the tree lined street as they watched it leave for the final time.

    by Richard John Purvis on 08.17.2008