
July 15th, 2008 | 178 Entries

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178 Entries for “villain”

  1. by tosser on 07.15.2008
  2. A mustache, a nice handlebar or something else that needs to be waxed. A pinstripe coat and a bowler’s cap. Mafia, gangsters, a real villain. Awesome stuff, I’m going to go buy a tommy gun and kill some people now.

    by Andrew Meare on 07.15.2008
  3. Usually with black hair and a long curling mustache. Top hat optional.

    by Matt on 07.15.2008
  4. He was “the Villain” in the relationship. Everyone said so. Hell, he couldn’t complain, he was the one that had set things up. He didn’t want to be liked. He didn’t want to deal with “friends” and wondering what they would think of him. He already knew what they would say. What they might already be saying. He couldn’t help what he was. All he could do was help people hate him a little more. Sounds sadistic. Would anyone believe that he did this to save Her?

    by Morgan on 07.15.2008
  5. Villain. Silly word. Vill. Ain. VILLAIN. Lain… reminds me of laying. Past tense of lay. Grass, parks, benches, beds, hospital beds. Villa. House. In.

    by Paige on 07.15.2008
  6. I’m sick and tired of people thinking that they’re better than everyone else. That they’re special. That there’s less evil in them than is present in everyone else. Everyone has a villain inside. Everyone judges, hates, has prejudices. Everyone can be a villain. Everyone.

    by Paige H on 07.15.2008
  7. who is the villain in our story? Is it you or is it me? I want to believe I did everything right, as best I could, but that would leave you with the blame. I still miss you.

    by A.Marie on 07.15.2008
  8. I am not a villain but a bad guy. There is a difference you know? The villain is the one who gets caught in the end, his plots foiled by some smart-allecky kids.

    No, I am the bad guy, the one who no one can catch, who no one actually sees or knows exist. I am on the corner of your block right now, watching you, waiting…

    by AJ Brown on 07.15.2008
  9. He stands tall in coattails
    foot of the alley
    forgotten love and twisted memories
    squirm down the hollow spine of his throat
    his eyes devour me

    by Sydney on 07.15.2008
  10. “Villain” should not be confused with “vanilla” but unfortunately onewording on little-to-no sleep can lead to typing about the wrong word for 45 seconds before realizing what the hell you just did.

    by Frackentazz on 07.15.2008
  11. I have no idea what this word means. I wonder if I can google it before my 60 seconds is up. Probably not. Baseness of mind or character. Interesting. Still don’t get it :0 A wicked or evil person. OH, I get it now. Sheesh! Looks like I need to take up reading the dictionary in my spare time!

    by Kari on 07.15.2008
  12. Dark, mustachioed and angry, the villain stood alone on the clifftop. He watched the lights of the city play about, on and off, bright and dim. So reflective of the denizens of the city itself.

    They were weak, fragile, as easily put out as the lightbulb. Smash, turn, break, overload. Everyone cracked eventually.

    He laughed, an echo that disappeared into the wind.

    Everyone cracked eventually.

    by Shanna Wynne on 07.15.2008
  13. The villains in superhero movies and comics are often over the top and dramatically evil but in real life there are no true villain because no one can purely be evil.

    by Erica on 07.15.2008
  14. one must play the act so the world will keep on turning

    by d.s. on 07.15.2008
  15. creeping in the darkness, fighting against walls, villain is as villain does and no one knows his name. the wet concrete whispers but goes unheard, and black meets black at night.

    by on 07.15.2008
  16. Ughhh villains are bad guys who do bad things to children filled with volcanoes and orange juice and they don’t really think that Satan is that bad of a guy but I actually think that George Clinton is Satan in the form of an eccentric black man and also pineapples don’t really fit that well into anus’s.

    by Raymond Owen on 07.15.2008
  17. The children!
    …The children!

    Sometimes he wished he could see someone on fire.
    His heart races faster when other people’s hearts do as well.

    by D on 07.15.2008
  18. He can be an angel but he can also be a villain. He goes in cycles. He’s in an angelic cycle now but who knows when his head will explode, his heart will burst and the villian will surface again.

    by Birdie on 07.15.2008
  19. friends have become villians
    all around me i see
    why oh why
    did you ever befriend me?

    by forever young on 07.15.2008
  20. What a bad, bad person. I often wonder if my sister is the villain. Am I villain? Who will be the good guy in our comic book story? There’s so much to learn about ourselves. Who am I? A bad guy or a good guy?

    by Kaci on 07.15.2008
  21. cruel; that’s the best way to desribe his love for me; he was the villian of my heart, the thief of my love; he’d selfishly take from me what I’d give of myself; how foolish I had become

    by Jen M on 07.15.2008
  22. i just wrote about a villain… oh well. Some villains don’t like cookies. Because cookies are nice and villains are evil. This website is actually evil because it has a time limit on it and everyone hates time limits. And my time limit is almost up. Eevviill website

    by Natovr on 07.15.2008
  23. bad evil stupid foolish villain killed a rat one day in my garden and ate it’s brother alive then a superhero chicken came and saved the rest of the rats. poor rats… the superhero loved them.

    by Natovr on 07.15.2008
  24. villian…chillin like a villain on penicillin…haha…so funny on penicillin? who says that. he’s cute though…too cute. and a sweetheart. what was she thinking? young girl…so dumb…he wouldn’t ever not be true. she was the villian trying to make him out to be one. villain stole his heart but it’s back.

    by ~anna on 07.15.2008
  25. He was evil and every part of his face showed it, whether he intended it to or not. The dark vintage clothing he wore swarmed his body in hues of shadows and left nothing but a burning image in my mind. I never tried so hard to forget someone.

    by rys on 07.15.2008
  26. the person who plays spoilsport, and one should always be aware of these type because they are sometimes present among ones friends

    by ashish on 07.15.2008
  27. The villain was a cruel man, but not a bad one. Not in the sense that everyone thought criminals were. He had a family, friends, children. He sat alone sometimes and considered changing his ways, but it was so much harder to get by.
    It wasn’t as if this man was not able to do hard work, but it was simply impossible for him to live on in a way that required it. He was slowing down, his mind was cranking a little more loudly. He had children, for God’s sake, and they needed food! What was he to do?

    by Fumiko on 07.15.2008
  28. This is a villain. A what? A villain. A what? A villain. Oooh, a villain!

    by kira on 07.15.2008
  29. he’s a very bad man in a trenchcoat. his name is mike and he’s coming for you. he has a bag full of boiled lollies, a zucchini in his pocket, a lost puppy, a pup tent, pictures of gladiators, magic tricks and puppets.

    by zoe on 07.15.2008
  30. I’m a villain in the eyes of all those guys I’ve dated, flirted with, or glanced at. They’re so prepared to be treated badly and to eventually get hurt; they’re used to it, they expect it…and blame me when I fulfill their dreams.

    by Gezi on 07.15.2008
  31. The most amazing villain I’ve ever encountered is Iago, the evil manipulator from Shakespeare’s Othello. No reasonable motive, you see- he only inspires his unreasonable envy in his victims to bring their own destruction upon them.

    by Chantel on 07.15.2008
  32. The man never spoke about what happened that day. Was he a villain in this situation, a victim, or a super hero. It couldn’t be said, because no one else that’s still alive was there besides him. Years of therapy may dig it out, but his voice being lost in this situation allows him only to write, type, and think about that day

    by Chris Conant on 07.15.2008
  33. from a horror movie, a person who is nice on the inside but has a difficult way of showing it. inner dialogue always. the conscience being suppressed, but in reality doesn’t mean harm.

    by KP on 07.15.2008
  34. I think that a villian is the sort of person who is often quite misunderstood. like so many of us peopel who are considered villians are seeking out approval, or perhaps through their total disregard of what we consider to be proper they seemt to be expressing that they want to belong. Maybe each of us always seeks a place to belong.So much of our perception is based on our psychological needs or lack thereof.

    by renata on 07.15.2008
  35. i’m not the villain here. i didn’t do anything wrong. i just acted on what i was feeling. for that matter, what i still feel. but what i can’t feel, because if you can feel, you can hurt. and the more i feel for him, the more it hurts to know i can’t have him. does that make me a villain? she would say yes. i still say no. i can’t blame him either. maybe my heart is the one to blame? nahh

    by jac on 07.15.2008
  36. The villain tied Nell to the railroad tracks and smiled snidely.

    by Lin on 07.15.2008
  37. You deliberately avoided taking part in what we did next — making reperations, helping and aiding those we had aimed during those few short years — but you knew that you had to shoulder the blame as much as anyone else did. More, even, because everytime I saw you, that truth was reflected in your eyes.

    by coriolis on 07.15.2008
  38. Villains aren’t the nighttime shadow creatures of the dark, shapeless and moving without sound. No, they are ourselves — and the thoughts that pool within the recesses of our minds, waiting to spring upon us at a susceptible moment.

    by coriolis on 07.15.2008
  39. In my everday life you usually play the role of the hero. You are supposed to save me from my uncaring family. From this horrible neighborhood. But instead you are the villain because you won’t love me the way I need you to. And I’m stuck here waiting for you.

    by s on 07.15.2008
  40. When thinking of a villain, I always think of Snidley Whiplash the cartoon villain that ties the girl to the railroad tracks. While this is a true villian, it is hardly the only away a villain can be depicted.

    by Joel on 07.15.2008