
August 14th, 2008 | 444 Entries

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444 Entries for “village”

  1. a tiny vlage aop the mountain side. they all gathered to find out what the news was on the only tv in the village.
    …. it was inevitable. he had to win.
    Their hero had to make it.
    Lucy was still upset over the support of her ex.
    she secretly hoped he would trip and break his ear or something, but pretended to go along with the supporting village.

    by Tory Sparks on 08.15.2008
  2. Little town, it’s a quiet village — every day like the one before. Little town, full of little people, waking up to say, “Bonjour!”
    There goes the baker with his train like always, the same old bread and rolls to sell, every morning just the same, since the morning that he came to this poor provincial town.

    — “Good morning, Belle”

    by nix on 08.15.2008
  3. paysans are just simple but good people. i love villages but i cannot live in here long time. village means much delicious food but less fun. i should have a second house in village. my country turkey has beautiful villages.

    by inci kara on 08.15.2008
  4. Villages are scenic places, with a lot of natural and metaphysical beauty. THe simple lives whichvillagers lwad are responsible for giving them a healthy glow and allows them to the

    by Arjun on 08.15.2008
  5. is a small town called dunemberry. it’s where i grew up with my big family, 2 brothers, 3 sisters, and a single mom. it’s the strangest place in the world, it felt like a set of a 1950’s movie. it’s the place where everyone actually knows your name, and mroe importantly, your business. it’s a special place, and a confusing one

    by dale manucdoc on 08.15.2008
  6. straw lines the cobblestone sttreeets of this quaint little dot on the map. fire rages as the pillage goes on and rthe menacing faces reign terror through the cottages,.

    by rip on 08.15.2008
  7. fun wow people come on

    by Songyi on 08.15.2008
  8. i love my village,wonderfull,green,parcs,

    by veronique on 08.15.2008
  9. THe village was in flames. People screaming. Blood was everywhere and the air was filled with smoke. Every hut was at least partially destroyed by the King’s warriors who swept through the town with awful fury.

    by park on 08.15.2008
  10. he estat en un poble molt gran. Era ple de vegetaci

    by Dani on 08.15.2008
  11. idiot savant.

    by dicksucker on 08.15.2008
  12. She walked thtrough the village, dumb struck. There was life and heart and so much passion. The streets where filled wiht music and dancing. SHe just stood and stared. breathing it all in.

    by Sydni on 08.15.2008
  13. it takes a village to raise children – clinton. Village brings connotations of togetherness, family, harmony, peace, good will, small-town feelings. I think we should get back to the quaintness of villages of yesteryear

    by melody on 08.15.2008
  14. ive always wanted to live in a village. It makes me think of houses built purely out of moss or just some kind of cobble street. I think that if i lived in a place with a cobble street i would be very happy. I like the sound of tires on the stones. When i think of lviing somewhere i dont think town i think of a doll village like my mom used to tqalk about. She called her doll house when she was litle doll village. As you can imagine this was a clear name. for something f

    by savannah on 08.15.2008
  15. A very small place, with little people, and sometimes, cultures beyond our comprehension!

    by Frederico on 08.15.2008
  16. villages used to be the only place municipal government worked, but now they’ve been mostly amalgamated into larger nearby cities. this is the case with Hamilton, Ontario, which a few years ago absorbed ancaster, dundas, and other surrounding suburbs. the tax benefits of this for municipalities are obvious, and most people havn’t been consulted about the process, leading to general discontent.

    by colin mitchell on 08.15.2008
  17. The village was dim in the morning =light. A soft red glow was falling over the hillsides, as it laid silently. It was peaceful in the early hours, as we watched from our attic window.

    by tor on 08.15.2008
  18. i’ve never been to a village, but i’ve always wanted to. pretty sad, right? i mean, there really aren’t many villages in america. i’d have to go to africa or something. that sucks, because honestly i probably won’t ever go to africa. in fact, i won’t even go anywhere out of the u.s. that’s how sad it is. i always imagine them as primitive and inferior, which makes me feel guilty because they’re people too.

    by Kallie on 08.15.2008
  19. the was a village in the middle of the jungle. People lived there with a coke bottle in hand. The Gods must be crazy, they said. We do not know what to do with such an object as this.

    by Daniel Diaz on 08.15.2008
  20. A village, although it seems to be peaceful, can be a viscous place. Agatha Christie said in her Miss Marple books that a village was the best place to learn about human nature – she was not wrong. Everyone knows everyone in a village, which means that it is noticed when things are odd…

    by lucy u on 08.15.2008
  21. It takes a Village to raise a child, I have always wondered about this phrase. Does it mean that it takes more than one mother and one father to raise a child because two people cannot know everything? Does it mean that it takes alot of people because more people know more stuff and therefore more people will make a child that much smarter and that much healther?

    by janice on 08.15.2008
  22. The village had lasted for many years, teetering on the edge of civilization. This provided that last bastion of humanity for many adventurers and travelers destined for parts unknown. That is how it got the name, Edgiana.

    by Tom on 08.15.2008
  23. a place where people live

    by bernardo on 08.15.2008
  24. The village was the place where I had run from a long time ago. It stood there exactly as it had 45 years before, as if nothing had changed. Hasn’t everything changed….I know I have. I have, right?

    by Lisa on 08.15.2008
  25. i have often wondered about zero. i wonder if one is really greater then zero. simply because the argument exists that without zero, the concept of a numbering system is severally limited

    by The5thLoop on 08.15.2008
  26. in the village there where many a monsters and elves and gnomes that all lived in harmony. the leader philious the wise and old elf of the dark age was about to tell one of his many long stories from

    by ken howitt on 08.15.2008
  27. a village is a small town where many people live. it is not as big as a town or a city but still is as important. of course there is the Village people who strip and are dressed as local people.

    by Molly on 08.15.2008
  28. why do they always say it takes a village to raise a child? what kind of village is it that someone can’t do their own parental duties? i dont want to be raisin any child. that’s why i chose not to have children and now i have to raise a child in this so called village.

    by bren on 08.15.2008
  29. there are many people living closely together in a small area scattered with shacks built out of twigs and hay. This area is surrounded by lush green trees and berries. Everyone cooperates to survive and building a livelihood.

    by shelley on 08.15.2008
  30. its a place where peolpe live, dynamic sense of community, you know whats goingon and who’s doing what, when your in a big city u miight not admit u are from one but, really you miss the sense of community that comes with it, everyone secrety wants to be from one.

    by John on 08.15.2008
  31. When I went down to the village, I was surprised to see so many angry people, all looking at me as if I were some kind of invader. Their faces were drawn and somewhat feverish with hostility and – more to the point – most of them were armed. What had I done to deserve such a reception?

    Then I remembered. Maybe it was another time before but maybe it was in this place, something like this place was what I recalled… I had been here and I’d done something bad to them. It had to do with their water.

    Right. Their water was now quite gone. I’d been with the company that took it off to where it was more “needed”. Po

    by Michael on 08.15.2008
  32. we are a village we must take care of one another. . share– and live in harmony with one another a global village made smaller by technology no more war love thy villagers

    by adeline dozer on 08.15.2008
  33. The Village was Dark. The sun had vanished leaving behind a cold blustery night. The Villagers Locked their doors. Uncertain of what a change in the weather should bring.

    by Josie on 08.15.2008
  34. in the village the people do not have any faces, in fact they all have one face, one collective consciousness. each person becomes aware of an event in a completely different part of the village because all their brains are in fact the same brain. it would be more accurate to refer to the village as a colony, if you like the insect analogy. the inhabitants, come to think of it now, are rather startlingly like insects. when I first came across one of them they were hauling a great number of dead chickens in a huge basket atop their head on the way to the communal food preparation area. I could not tell if this was a girl or a boy because the face was missing, and they all dressed in the same blandly cut grey uniform. He or she seemed to express nothing at all, as they plodded up the road in a stolid and unwavering single mindedness. I called out- ‘Ahoy there!’ but the child simply stomped onwards, knees bowing under the inhuman weight of the chickens. It was then that I noticed the road beneath this child’s feet. There was a very definite groove along which its feet stomped. It was no wider than the youngsters hip, and could be construed as being due to wear. I could only surmise that a very heavy truck or cart must have trundled along the same line every day to make such a deep and regular groove. Later, of course, I was to realise that the ditch was due to eaons of villager feet trapseing up and down the road in reagular beelines, for centuries past.

    by thebluemoose on 08.15.2008
  35. There was an old fisherman living in the smallest village on earth, containing only 3 people. The village was embedded inside a large nuttree.

    by lk on 08.15.2008
  36. there was a little village in the mountains that held the secret mine of happiness. no one could get to the mine except for the people who lived down in the valley below. one day they were robbed. the mountain screamed, and then there was nothing.

    by Andrew Breeden on 08.15.2008
  37. I looked up and smiled, knowing that I was in a safe place. A place of serenity. A place of refuge. A place of endless love. The village of my dreams and hopes. The vast thatched roofs and bamboo walls. A cool breeze flowing through and past the many houses. A simple refuge and where I belong.

    by Karu on 08.15.2008
  38. The Village was peaceful, until the day that a dark cloaked figure approached on a white horse.

    by Griguthul on 08.15.2008
  39. still village? still night. the moon has risen above the chimneypots. one chimney caught the flue. one flu caught a boy, and the boy caught fire. well, that’s what the authorities tell us, anyhow.

    by Aaron Mitton on 08.15.2008
  40. Village is a very small town. Not alot of technology and underdeveloped Not alot of people live there. Usually filled with no food and is sometimes desease ridden.

    by Heather on 08.15.2008