
July 20th, 2010 | 284 Entries

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284 Entries for “vase”

  1. she sat there contemplating the vase infront of her takeing in all of its countours reliseing that she was in love with it.

    by barry on 07.21.2010
  2. something that holds flowers, the flowers i would love to receive from him. He isn’t fair… but they are beautiful and something that i have to say that this room needs right now, its so dreary… I love him

    by Sarah on 07.21.2010
  3. something that holds flowers. flowers are something i would really like to have right now, either from my actual boyfriend, or the married man that i am in love with. Flowers are beautiful, they make things seem better, and more relaxed…

    by Sarah on 07.21.2010
  4. The vase! The vase! Full of flowers, full of possibility! He sent it, he had stopped, he had thought, he had cared! He had known her favorite flower, he had known her office number… Oh the vase!

  5. I am in a vase. It’s so ridiculous. How can life be so boring here in the typical and oh so sterile vase.

  6. container of beauty. fresh water…purified and greened over the days of soggy stems.

    by ilze on 07.20.2010
  7. Shattered. All that work, all that beauty, now lying on the floor in a sopping pile of shards. How long does the fish have once you take it out of water?

    by Lauren Scharf on 07.20.2010
  8. I picked up the vase and then looked at Jackson. He was sneering at me, ready for a fight. So I chucked it at his melon sized head. He ducked and screamed, ” are you crazy woman!” I smiled and said yes.

  9. clear flowers water pretty unique lovely beautiful gift tall short wide narrow colorful amazing

    by iglesia on 07.20.2010
  10. Vase is something you keep flowers in. I don’t know much about flowers or vases for that matter. But I do like the plural “vases” because it’s pronounced differently.

    by jimjim on 07.20.2010
  11. It was oddly shaped, and she couldn’t stop staring at it. A fine piece for flowers she supposed, yet, she couldn’t get the idea of loading the daft thing with jewelry. She had quite the selection, and a suicide jewelry box sounded just right.

    by Raella on 07.20.2010
  12. My vase is empty, every flower I ever placed inside withered and died. The fake ones cold and plastic never filled it right. So now I leave it the way it was meant to be; unused and on a shelf as a reminder, of the emptiness inside of me.

    by Angelica on 07.20.2010
  13. I burnt the roses, crushed the vase, and mailed them back to you. I hope it means as much to you as it did to me.

  14. There was a vase once I’m not sure what happened to it but it was there. There are a lot of stories of children breaking vases. I find it funny that the stories generally focus on the fact that the child broke something of value rather than the fact that they didn’t understand the value to begin with.

    by Derek Blechinger on 07.20.2010
  15. Why on earth would a vase be noticed by anyone or anything for that matter? What exactly is a vase anyway? What if the guy who invented vases pointed to a chair and said that this thing (the chair) will now be called a vase? What would a vase be then?

  16. [ put flowers here ]

  17. i keep flowers in vases because that is what they are for. when they are full of water and break they look cool in slow motion, i don’t really like flowers at all. unless they are orange then they are ok i guess.

    by bobby on 07.20.2010
  18. Theres a vase looking thing sitting in the cupboard that I got from my grandparents house. Althought its not really a vase because it has a hole in both ends. But i use it like one. I used to have dried flowers in it, then incense sticks. Now it just sits in the glass door cupboard so the dust doesnt gather. Its probably not worth anything and its probably just a piece of something broken off from something else, bit because its a memory I find it hard to remove.

  19. A vase? Hmm. Not what I was expecting. A lovely little thing with patterns of orchids and birds, and other such things. It’s curious, curved, and switches taste depending on the person.

    by kit on 07.20.2010
  20. I wish he would love me enough. At all. Water me. Fill this face. I’m empty. I’m wilting. So thirsty. Please, just a drop.

    by Alexandria on 07.20.2010
  21. to keep flowers in? or to keep water in…they sustain each other.
    you’ll tell your mom that the smoky utensil in the corner of your room is one…but you destroy plants, rather than cultivating them.

    by Jordan on 07.20.2010
  22. Do you pronounce vase or vahz? And when is it appropriate to use either? Most people probably don’t think either way is important, but I rather do things the right way or not at all. :)

  23. Vases hold flowers. In my house we have this vase full of fake leaves and strange tropical flowers, i always almost knock it over. If it were to fall on the floor my mother would surely kill me. She hates it when things like that happen, almost as if i meant to do it.

    by alaina on 07.20.2010
  24. Flowers belong in vases, vases can shatter just as easily as hearts can. If you put your heart into a vase, fill it will water, and give it some sunshine, will it grow? But what if someone breaks the vase? Does the heart break too? Or does it just land upon the shattered glass, creating a bloody, watery mess all over the floor? Just be careful. That’s all. Please.

    by Mandy on 07.20.2010
  25. you put flowers in a vase, to put them on display. sometimes people say this word in different ways, and make fun of each other for it…how are accents formed? and why do we care so much about how people talk?

  26. I read a poem once about a vase. It was about how empty american women are inside. I don’t think that’s true. I’m very deep. I use vases for things other than flowers. I keep accidentally hitting the non period button. That time I hit it. Cool. I am infatuated with Jason Taylor. Typing in the dark is hard to do. Sometimes its hard to know whether I’m just infatuated or if it’s something more. Am I done typing yet? I’ve been typing this whole time they didn’t warn me when to stop. I feel cheated. They should really make it more noticable. Ok I think I’m almost done now. Yipee!

    by Katrina on 07.20.2010
  27. I didn’t mean to break it. Her heart, I mean. I knew it was fragile, that she’d had so many that had shattered it. Just like an expensive vase.

    by jasmine on 07.20.2010
  28. I’ve never spent much time around vases, mainly because I don’t have much. Though they do come in handy. They’re used, to my knowledge, as things to hold plants or other forms of life.

    by Randy on 07.20.2010
  29. I had a vase one time and I broke it. I thought it was worthless but it turned out to be a billion kazillion dollars… I’m very sad because now that it’s broke it is worthless. :(

    by Josh on 07.20.2010
  30. We are so lost. The word ‘vase’ is just as likely to start a conversation about pronunciation and who knows better than a conversation about the precious cargo inside of the VAY-se/VAH-se.

  31. A tall or short, fat or thin object that usually holds flowers, but can hold anything. it is usually glass.

  32. He brought the vase into my room. Bright blue. Filled with flowers. My very own vase at only six years old. How adult!

  33. i knocked on the door to my mother’s apartment leaning the vase on my side so that it wouldn’t fall. i knocked again after a while. her hearing had been going and she had a hard time answering the door as of late

  34. I’ve gotten this simple word, “vase” so many times. This uncreative being called is a useless cod-fish. Wierd since it is electricity and can’t get wet…

    by Phobophobic.* on 07.20.2010
  35. flowers go in a vase- i haven’t received flowers in a really long time. I think the last person to get them for me was Greg. Ugh, Greg, That is all.

    by Lo on 07.20.2010
  36. Clear,
    like a vase

    to hold flowers,
    and dirt
    and dust
    and love,

  37. Today in my briefcase:
    A staircase to outerspace, a bookcase and a tiny bit of grace
    I’ve got some flowerse in a vase on top my fireplace
    And a picture of your face,

    just in case.

  38. And the vase crashed to the floor leaving shards in their shins and silence broken upon them. No one knew why or how the vase had found its way on the ground but clearly this was the first sign that violence had unearthed itself and found a way to mess with the emotions that had once been so deep.

  39. Why do you love?
    Tell me your favorite story,
    hold my heart, in your strong but gentle hands,
    hold me like a rose, in all its frailty and thorns,
    and tell me, why is it and how you do your love.

    by Stephanie on 07.20.2010
  40. we were at the small store in town today and saw a great vase in the window.
    we found that it came from a old ship wreck in the harbor.

    by Mike on 07.20.2010