
March 17th, 2015 | 97 Entries

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97 Entries for “undone”

  1. I undone my best friends shoe.Her shoe was untied and she was on her computer.

    by tracy on 03.18.2015
  2. undone – what’s undone. My shoe laces are undone, and my bed is undone. If I had long hair it might be undone. If I was in class I could say that my homework was undone. time is undone

    by paul iekel on 03.18.2015
  3. I am completely undone. I sat there quietly and suddenly he poured orange juice on my head. I think I love this guy! Thirty four years later… I know I love this guy.

  4. The knots were never tied that tight. My fingers weren’t strong enough to shore up the loose bits. Now the winds have done it undone. Masts running free, were out here alone.

    by Andrew Keiper on 03.18.2015
  5. the persons mind came undone. the latch on the box came undone.

    by Jada Engel on 03.18.2015
  6. “Why am i just now getting a report on Hyundai Training? You knew that you had to have it done and you haven’t even started.” I watch him as the veins in his neck stick out, coming undone.

    by on 03.18.2015
  7. Life is so complicated sometimes, like a mystery ball, a googly, it often takes the path which you can’t expect in your wildest imagination and are undone by it complicatedly.

  8. Is make something and the people not give much important!

  9. She violently ripped out the quilt’s stitches. It was wrong, wrong, wrong. It was nothing like what it was supposed to be, nothing. It was meant to represent the unity of the two clans, but it’s design, like the negotiations, had all fallen apart. All that the clan leader had worked for had come undone. True, the diplomacy had failed before the pattern did, but oh, was she bitter. She had gathered scrap from every matron in the clan and spent long hours rubbing camp smoke out of her eyes with needle pricked fingers as she worked.

  10. Her face was so light and beautiful. So gentle and fragile. She was made of strings. She started to become undone, one string by one. She was falling apart like an old, forgotten baseball.

    by Megamind on 03.18.2015
  11. Sorry James the Doc said that their was a wound that was undone, so you have’t to go bake in. No I don’t want to go bake in. It’s so depressing in their. Well the Doc said it, you better do it.OK I gees I’ll do it then. Good!

    by Nathanael Cone WI on 03.18.2015
  12. I am undone. Maybe I am finished, and I just don’t know it. Goodness time is well undone. I am about done, yet undone.

  13. Somewhere between the car accident and the miscarriage, she had come completely undone. “Everything will be all right” was all that anyone could say to her. If only they could spend a minute inside of her head.

  14. There are many tasks left undone on a daily basis if we don’t grab some handy productivity strategies, such as, for example, penning down a list of must-be-accomplished tasks every evening before going to sleep.
    Undone does not rhymes with unsatisfied… but it should.

    by Stefano Virgilli on 03.18.2015
  15. Hair undone… that’s what she should look like all the time. He stared at her. It reached down to her knees. She was laughing, throwing a ball toward Ana, and—oh, by the spirits. She was looking at him now.
    “What are you doing here?” she asked, and then it was as if she realized who he was and who she was and the fact that her hair was down. She scrambled for a shawl to pull over her head.
    “I’m sorry—” he said, but he wasn’t. He was watching her.

  16. I am undone, cut loose from moorings to drift from shore to shore, buffeted by the winds, my sails in ragged disrepair. I am undone, a pair shoes causing their owner to trip, and then to stop and retie, ever retying.

  17. I am undone, my moorings are loosened, I’m cast adrift, blown by the wind from shore to shore. I am undone, a shoe who causes me to trip, tripping over my undone laces, refusing to stay tied no matter how many times I bend over.

  18. First they cut me open with one of those saws, the big ones that cut through bone. Then they pry my ribs open so they can get to my insides. It doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t feel like anything, but nobody can keep their sanity when someone’s weighing their liver and cutting into their stomach.

  19. The ship settled gently into the landing bay, and the airlock was engaged again. Within minutes, the passengers were disembarking, greeting the settlers who had not seen any new faces in over two years. Then one of the younger children sneezed, and everybody suddenly stopped. If a virus, or any germ, had made it through the quarantine and the journey, then all their work could be undone.

    by tonykeyesjapan on 03.18.2015
  20. stacks of papers on the desk. the toolshed in the back. fragments of poems. my apology to you. your apology to me.

  21. Coming undone at the seams is a little like a pair of lips meeting and parting either for the first or last time.

  22. When the timer starts and you’re not really ready; unsure of what to say about the word on top of the page–undone–that’s how this short write-up will end, specially now that its on the last line

  23. UNDONE UNDINE! Revoke your watery past, embrace the dust, the earth, the smell of the desert, replace the roll of waves with the rolls of hills! Mountains, not canyons. Flight, not diving. Walk. Jump. Fire.

  24. when you undo a mistake & when you dont finish something.

  25. Large hands swept over her shoulders and down her back to find the zipper. The sound of her breathing was loud in the tense silence. She stood perfectly still while her dress fell awkwardly, clinging to her hips. Her eyes grew wide as his hands withdrew. “Aren’t you gonna help me?” he asked in bemusement. “Uh, yeah,” she replied, praying he wouldn’t figure out this was her first time.

    by on 03.18.2015
  26. the rope loosened in her fingertips, coarse hemp rubbing against barely wrinkled skin. she pulled as tightly as she could, tugging viciously until it came loose, and with a relieved sigh let it drop to the ground.

  27. Undone…this is how I feel about my relationship with him. Done and undone countless times…when will it end?

    by Dominique on 03.18.2015
  28. She got off the phone with her realtor and rushed into the kitchen, absentmindedly getting out the spaghetti she had been cooking for lunch. Her room was in disarray, everything heading towards a state of entropy. Her penne, far from being al dente as she had thought when she had initially felt the stiffness, was undone.

    by AdaAda on 03.18.2015
  29. The word undone means that the item or project is unfinished, not finished, not completed. Undone.

  30. he thought to himself about all the things left undone. How the passing of time added pressure, building and building, until he realised that nothing really mattered. He then walked out of the house and went to swim in the sea.

  31. What is done cannot be undone!
    This saying is not rally true, for we know from experiences that some small things can be undone to some extent.
    Like in MS office softwares there is always a Undo button.
    Forgiven someone to some extent undoes the damage in the relationship….

    by almas on 03.18.2015
  32. I walked down the stage, my chest puffed out with pride and all. I was confident I would win this showcase. My outfit was designed by none other than the best of the best after all. Who could ever wish to beat me? With this flawless outfit, I was sure to win. But,that was a mistake of mine. My dress soon became undone and there I stood, in front of all the cameras, grasping onto the my dress so it wouldn’t slip and reveal my nude body underneath.

  33. . i was already given this prompt .

    by Moth on 03.17.2015
  34. Come undone. Come undone. It’s a phrase I’ve heard in lyrics and TV dialogue- to come undone is to let it all hang out, to let it all go. An unraveling. It sounds like something I shouldn’t do though. Gotta keep it together. Gotta keep cool. Got to get stuff done. But maybe it’s OK sometimes. Maybe not here. But.

  35. She viciously ripped out the stitches for the quilt. It was wrong, wrong, wrong. It was nothing like what it was supposed to be, nothing. It was meant to represent the unity of the two clans but it’s design, like the negotiations, had all fallen apart. All that the clan leader had worked for had come undone. True, the diplomacy had failed before the pattern did, but oh, was she bitter.

    by Moth on 03.17.2015
  36. If anyone goofed, all of their hard work could come undone. That was why everyone was so tense. The ticking of the clock was the only sound in the room. Palms were moist and damp with cold sweat, breath bursting in short, small spurts from colleagues’ mouths. Everyone watched as one person moved, fingers shaking, to add the next part of their project into action.

    Everyone watched as the ace of spades settled against the king of hearts. The card tower remained intact.

    by Belinda Roddie on 03.17.2015
  37. ”Your shoelaces are undone.”, said Allister, suddenly kneeling down to tie them on my Doc Martens. ”There, now let’s hurry up so that we can catch the ferris wheel!”, his dimpled smile always made me turn my frown upside down. He then held my hands and both of us ran to the line giggling.
    When we were on top of the ferris wheel, it felt like time had stopped just to make us stay in each other’s arms longer. The sunset was beautiful and we saw the city lights glimmering in our eyes. Holding tightly, we wished the moment never ended.

    by abigail rae on 03.17.2015
  38. Can I go back in time? No. Can I undo what I did? No. What’s done is done, the past is in the past. What I did will always be there whether people remember it or not. I can never change that.

  39. I wish this could be undone. I wish that I could go back in time and take back what I said. But I can’t. The past is in the past, and I will never see him again. I will never get to look into those green eyes.

    by Sadie on 03.17.2015
  40. “Undone” is a paradox to me. Because nothing can be “undone.” The history exists even if there is no evidence. More happens than what can be seen by humans. There is no “gone” either. Just somewhere else. Energy is all one thing and there’s no going back from that.

    by GM on 03.17.2015