
November 18th, 2022 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “twenty”

  1. “Twenty minutes,” Mark whispered in Elaine’s ear, hand on the small of her back.”Twenty minutes to wire me the money or your family dies. The choice is yours, Elaine.”

    AJ Kenobi
  2. Around twenty years ago, you went to United States. I just knew last September that you were my aunt. Why my uncle never told me about your life? I miss you.

  3. Twenty is the new 10?
    Does that sound ridiculous?
    Well, then that is what I feel about 60 is the new 40 and all other related “new” statements.
    Danke schon

  4. It’s clever, inasmuch as clever pertains to illusive & tricky as pertains to tantalizing its prey, only then to play dead… I was twenty when this casbah was the rockin’-est place for writers to warm up and commune… Now I stop by every so often to poke it with a stick…
