
August 31st, 2010 | 364 Entries

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364 Entries for “trees”

  1. It was sweltering summer day, so what else could we have done? We swung from one tree to another, our hands grasping branch after branch, vine after vine. Before we knew it, we’d left behind all the vestiges of civilization that were holding us back before, and the tranquility of the forest was the only thing left around us.

  2. trees bees knees….please?

    by dana on 09.01.2010
  3. I never knew that I was attached to the sight
    of such normal looking trees.

    These trees are beautiful… marble pillars in a Greek coliseum
    My trees are charming cottages.

  4. I’ve seen the redwoods and I’m glad PalCo is out of business. I helped with the Berkeley tree sit doing ground support sending food up to the kids in the trees. I’m simultaneously glad and sorry I wasn’t there at the end. I’ve lived in tree stumps. My ex and I got together in Redwood Park in Arcata, CA. I think redwoods and romance go hand in hand. I hate deserts for the lack of trees.

    by grasshopper on 09.01.2010
  5. Old keepers of the whispers, trees of dust and silence.

  6. I could see through the trees that he had landed. He pulled the canoe up high on to the shore and carefully removed its contents. I watched silently as he built a fire.

    by finnsaid on 09.01.2010
  7. Broccoli of the fields, waiting for the italian dressing to flow down from the sky. Dancing in the meantime…

  8. There are lots of trees in the world. Some are big, some are little, some are different colors, and all of them are unique; but one thing makes them the same, that they all need light to grow, or there would be nothing there.

    by Thomas Sundaram on 09.01.2010
  9. Green waves flapping in the wind. Waving hallo to a bright new day.

    by Pieter on 09.01.2010
  10. Trees are green leafy things that we need more of. They look pretty awe­some and they basi­cally fart oxy­gen, which is a plus. I wish I farted oxy­gen, it would smell a lot bet­ter. So yeah. They’re good. You can also climb them, which is more fun than punching your own face.

    by EdEd on 09.01.2010
  11. The trees bellowed in the wind. I sat underneath them just thinking about the various shades. It was mid fall so there were numerous colors. Red, yellow and orange, all magnificent. I loved the foliage that I was neath. I could sit here all day. I jizzed at the thought of making love to a man while sitting here. Nature mixed with the pure essence of love would be amazing. The tree and our souls united. Nothing could compare to that orgasm.

    by Jon on 09.01.2010
  12. I really like this band the neon trees/. I really don’t like their singers hair though. I think it looks really stupid. its like a mo hawk but it is never up, just kinda down in his face all emo like, it looks really dumb.

    I love climbing trees as well.

  13. Trees are green leafy things that we need more of. They look pretty awesome and they basically fart oxygen, which is a plus. I wish I farted oxygen, it would smell a lot better. So yeah. They’re good.

    by Ed on 09.01.2010
  14. Trees provide oxygen to the atmosphere as they take away carbon dioxide. They also provide shade for us lazy humans who need it, and they tend to take up resources from other plants placed too close to them.

    by Chelsie on 09.01.2010
  15. They can be tall. Some of them have leaves. Oak, Spruce, Birch, Palm, Pine, Evergreen, Poplar, Russian Olive, Crab Apple, etc….

    by John on 09.01.2010
  16. trees remind me of the makes me want to be with tommy. hell i always want to be with tommy. i want to see his smile, hear his laugh. us being in park, would be amazing. i fucking love u tommy. Lily giraffes, thats my name, and i like trees!!

    by Lily girrafes on 09.01.2010
  17. Trees change w/ time just as people do. As the colors change and the leaves fall away the tree because something different & renewed.

    by Taylor B. on 09.01.2010
  18. The trees swayed in the stormy winds, warning Kaitlyn of the hurricane that was on its way. She looked at the sky in the distance, saw the dark clouds gathering there, and felt her heart give a pang of alarm. She had to find Devon, and she had to find him now.

  19. They are tall and sometimes gorgeous. They make me wonder how many there are on this planet. I think they are odd in a way when you really stare at them for a long time. It’s interesting they exist.

    by Aryn on 09.01.2010
  20. Oh TREES! How I love thee!! I love to sit under your branches on a warm summer day and listen to your sway. I wonder if you feel and what do you think of when people walk by and you are not noticed.

  21. the trees are alive, they’re dancing in the sky. oh what a beautiful day, the earth is alive! up in the trees, high up in the sky, there is a little blue bird, who just wants to sing. la la la!

    by bee on 09.01.2010
  22. There once lived a tree who was unlike all the other trees in the wood. His bark was knotted and gnarled like the face of the moon and his intentions were of a different nature.

  23. I love the variety of trees, the colors, the shapes of the leaves, how the trunks vary from one type to another. They offer shade and comfort during the hot summer months. They offer beauty with the vibrant colors during the fall when they show us it’s time to move into the next phase of the cycle of life.

    by Cassandra on 09.01.2010
  24. I gazed up at the height of the great tree before me. I nearly lost my balance, staring up in wonder at the leaves high above. The sheer size of the tree made me feel small, but somehow more secure, knowing that something powerful existed in our world, making such wonders possible.

  25. i couldn’t see through the forest. it was so dark, but i knew i had to get through somehow.
    There was a clearing on the other side i’d heard of but

    by Paul on 09.01.2010
  26. they burned so quickly;
    the trees.
    but not before he saved
    her life.

    by Tom on 09.01.2010
  27. The treeline feathered the horizon, and I felt the clear glass jar turning in my fingers. It had been five days since I had left the shore, and somehow the saltwater had escaped through the cork. It was like sand slipping through my fingers.

    Summer was over.

    by TaiTai on 09.01.2010
  28. they make a noise whether you’re around to hear them or not

    by shane patrick on 09.01.2010
  29. Green, a lot of green in a thick forrest with big trees, you can barely see the top of them. Wind. And a lot of birds in the air.

    by Florin on 09.01.2010
  30. I remeber trees that gave me the power to climb high and see far away places. Trees that gave me solitude and a place to escape. Trees that by their falling provided me with warmth from a fire. Trees that became stumps upon which I stood and reached beyond my childhood grasp.

  31. An der Allee standen sie, alle in Reih und Glied. Bäume. Viele Bäume. Nicht klein, nicht groß. Mittel. Alle gleich. Wieso wachsen Bäume in Reih und Glied und alle gleich? Weil der Mensch es so will.

  32. “This is the second time you’ve written about trees,” he complained. I looked up from the keyboard. “So?” “So, it’s 3010. Who the fuck remembers what an actual tree looks like? Because we’ve all be brought up on those chintzy fiber-optic white ones. Those our OUR trees. Let the past go, man.”

  33. Trees are amazing. They are good for the planet, good for you, good for oxygen, and good for your yard. Trees are great and i lovve to decorate the yards with them.

  34. i see a man i the tree he is trying to grab a object.
    the monkey is climbing down the tree to get some food.

  35. listing to the wind shake that leaves on the tree as we walk through the forest.

    by on 09.01.2010
  36. alaska’s tree’s are so big tall and green and the trees up there just cover everything its like a rain forest.

  37. The trees in the forest looked gloomy because the sun was going down, and I thought to myself, so these are the beautiful things that make paper.

  38. As the trees swayed in the wind,the buck stood up at thirty yards i let fly to see the arrow bury into his side. He jumped and took off through the trees i heard him pile up about forty yards away.

  39. The trees towered over me, sheltering me from the imminent rain. I was comfortable. I was safe, and I felt that I would make it through this. Funny how a few leaves shining above me can do that, make the world feel safe.

  40. there are commenly trees in the forrest. they are usually pretty big and are green. they can be tall.