
May 31st, 2010 | 348 Entries

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348 Entries for “train”

  1. Last travelled by train 8years ago.I dispise it really!

    by maria on 06.01.2010
  2. As we sat waiting for the train to pass, I started to count the cars. One, two, three, and on and on they went. “How long can one train be?” I wondered to myself.

  3. There was a fat man running down the road. He was out of breath when he looked up.
    “Oh dear,” he said.
    A train hit him. How sad. :(

    by Rob on 06.01.2010
  4. His thoughts were a train wreck, jumbled bits of memories twisted and smoking in the pile of rumble that was his mind.

    by gino on 06.01.2010
  5. Watching the lime green blur pass me as I went speeding through the countyside. It made me feel slightly sick. I could hear the wind as it whistled pass the train, making it shake a bit. “great” I mumbled, motion sickness was the last thing I needed this early on in my four hour trip that has only just started.

    by paige on 06.01.2010
  6. watching the green blur pass me as I went speeding through the countyside. that was the only good thing about the visits to Nana. the view on the way. as i got off the train, I missed that view.

    by rachel on 06.01.2010
  7. a train of thoughts flurried through my mind. “this is full of risks,” was the main consensus.
    nevertheless, it’s worth the effort to take the plunge; it’s time to live my life the way i dream it.

    by Laura on 06.01.2010
  8. i was heading towards the station. i turned my head to look back at my mother. i could just make out the top of her head. that was it. i boarded the train. “good bye, I love you” i whispered. that was the last time I ever saw her.

    by rachel on 06.01.2010
  9. Once I went on a train with my friends and it was from Birmingham to London. I went down there in a good mood but came back feeling bad. I always do that. The last time I got a train it was from the centre of Birmingham to near my house, I walked the wrong way talking with a friend and so it took longer to get home but I didn’t really mind.

    by Thomas Fletcher on 06.01.2010
  10. Train your dog to lick the face off of your enemies. It will be a useful tactic later when they attack you for your golden crisps.

    Trust me. You’ll need them for the zombies. It’s their only weakness!

    by Andelle on 06.01.2010
  11. looking out of the window as the countryside goes by – totally green, totally blue – if it was an advert for lloyds bank, you’d complain that it was unrealistic, but that’s how it looked

    by Julia on 06.01.2010
  12. Trains take you places or they take people away and sometimes they don’t ever bring them back. Life is like a train

  13. i want to train to be a yoga instructor.

    by Julia on 06.01.2010
  14. The tracks beneath my feet formed a rhythm of clicking and clacking as the train headed on its way. Sunlight peeked through the window, dancing as it would across the shining chrome in mysterious, repeating patterns. A warm wind blew through the window, carrying the salty scent of the sea, as the day died.

  15. The train
    kept on going,
    through the dark tunnel,
    wind passing it by
    faster than the light
    coming through at the end.
    And somehow it stops,
    from going 100 miles an hour
    in a dark tunnel,
    to a busy street corner,
    and back again.

  16. keep moving, keep moving. Full steam ahead. I know I look efficient but I promise, I’m dead.

    by Ouch My Appendix on 06.01.2010
  17. I went to the first day of my new job at Mcdonalds. The trainer was a middle aged man who reminded me slightly of Don Knotts. As he taught me what was certain to occupy much of my summer, I could only think of her.

    by James on 06.01.2010
  18. As I stare out this train’s window, I see my old park down the block along with the other houses I once lived in. At every stop, I see my city. I see apart of me. I see who I used to be, as my memories recollect and I begin to reminisce. It’s at this moment, at this hour I allow myself to relive the being I was.

  19. The train rolled by my station this morning. I was late and never got to see the train. Hopefully tomorrow I may have a chance to see the train roll by. Hopefully.

  20. I slapped my hand across the seat of my trousers and looked out the window. Electric light poles rushed past. I had to scan my eyes quickly just to get a glance at a herd of cattle whipping by.

  21. Strawberry scented, lemon laced, chilly charcoal thoughts churn, billowing bible black marshmellow white puffs of smoke as they train inside my brain.

    by ashash on 06.01.2010
  22. its a thing that we use to get around. i enjoy riding on them because they are relaxing and it is a good time to be alone with your thoughts. they are however expensive

    by Brad on 06.01.2010
  23. As I board the train of life, I am posed with many questions. Will I make it through? Will I be delayed? Will I become what I need to?

    The answer to these questions lies only within myself. I am the conductor of my destiny.

    by Trevor on 06.01.2010
  24. “All aboard!” yelled the train conductor. Brian nervously made his way to his seat, where he was about to embark on the most daring adventure he’d ever come across: college.

    “Ah, where is it…seat 4D. Here it is.”, Daniel muttered to himself.

    by Trevor on 06.01.2010
  25. she stood on the tracks, her hands curled in fists.
    The chilly breeze whippped her long black hair against her rosy cheeks.
    she took a final breath, the scent of pine filling her thoughts,
    as the bullet like train sped up, soon taking her with it.
    She remembered the first time she met him, when he called her
    ‘mustang girl’. then she remembered why she was standing on these tracks,
    waiting for the train to come, where he would be sitting on it, cluelessly.
    Pang. she was gone, in heaven with the mustangs

    by nadnad on 06.01.2010
  26. train! speeding through the valley! swooshing through the tunnel! training my thoughts training my body…bigger faster stronger better everyday in everyway!

    by james Hulley on 06.01.2010
  27. she stepped off the platform and onto the train, and looked back at sam, as he chased after her, his brown eyes brimming with tears..
    tears of sorrow tears of pain, she took her seat, holding back the tears, and the train started rattling off on its tracks, as she looked out the window and sam, sam sprinting next to the train at her window.
    was she hallucinating? no
    this horrid pain was real

    by nadnad on 06.01.2010
  28. i hop on
    board and take a ride
    across the city
    towards lights and stars and
    marker tops,
    pencil caps,
    licorice candies–
    all lined up like skyscrapers

    by MegMeg on 05.31.2010
  29. The trains. They come, those metal bullets rushing into the station. The noise, it used to bother me. Now it numbs. I can’t remember a time, when I didn’t know the trains. And the trains didn’t know me.

    by Anna on 05.31.2010
  30. i tookm a train today, and thats how my story starts…
    i cant remember when,
    i cant remember where..
    all i can rember is i enjoyed it then

    by nadnad on 05.31.2010
  31. i wish i could take a train to visit my boyfriend. i miss him so much. he lives 15 hours away in canada. i know it sounds silly…but i think he’s the one.

    by jane doe on 05.31.2010
  32. the word is train, again? it was train just a minute ago, and i took the option to write about trains, like the choo choo kind, but i believe i’d prefer to write about train as a verb, as in, to train, which sounds far more pleasurable than the choo choo variety.

    by Nunya on 05.31.2010
  33. train, train, go so fast, take us away…

    I always hear that when I travel nowadays… Her voice lingering in the air around me as I gaze out the window and watch the world pass me by, a flash of bright yellow catches my eye by the railing… but when I blink the image vanishes.

    by Shiva Darkwater on 05.31.2010
  34. speeding down the tracks carrying all the innocent bystanders who believe in the metal harbinger of transportation and reliability to bring them to their desired location. Speeding down the tracks, speeding.

    by Jesse Foss on 05.31.2010
  35. train under water bright eyes i love them i love my best friends summer 2010 will be the best yet i love it it hasn’t even been a week yet i need to go to sleep i work tomorrow okay i’m leaving kbye i kid my time isn’t up oh i kid it’s up now k bye :D

  36. Perpetual motion. Departure, direction and arrival. Where are you going? It is predetermined by the fate of the train. Hopefully you find yourself in a safe locale.

  37. As the train went on, the days went on with it, scattered like a scar on a forgotten terrain. On going, with nails jutting out, jagged pieces of metal, ready to cut, ready to taint. This train went on, the days went on with it.

    by Zack Orsborn on 05.31.2010
  38. bouncing along the tracks
    going swiftly but slowly
    a method of transportation
    that has never changed
    despite the years
    everyone uses it
    again and again
    an interesting way
    to get somewhere
    you meet new people
    and learn new things.

    by scout on 05.31.2010
  39. I had a dream you and I ran walked passed each other in the hall on the way to our rooms; each alone on a train ride to somewhere unknown.

  40. The landscape whipped by fast and faster,aware of a whistle in the distance I watched as the train carried my beyond all I dreamed possible through dreams to a future unknown.

    by Johnnymac on 05.31.2010