
February 16th, 2010 | 238 Entries

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238 Entries for “toy”

  1. i used to play with my favorite toy – barbie – when i was younger with my cousin anne marie for HOURS!!!!! it was so fun, endless amounts of stories and crazyness we made up on the spot. i also loved leggos, stuffed animals, american girl dolls, etc!

    by theresa Lyon on 01.01.1970
  2. a small wooden horse, lay ther in her room, in a darker corner, almost under her bed, next to her drawers. I think thats how she lived most of her life; a pretty, painted free spirited horse, part of a tree that was never to grow. hidden in the corner of her big messy world, staring at a streak of sunlight, a ray she longed to touch.

    by i on 01.01.1970
  3. The picture of a little horse on wheels made out of wood is called to mind. It would be dragged behind a toddler, like a best friend, for years. Made of wood. This is no plastic tryke.

    by Blair Marshall on 01.01.1970
  4. I feel like a toy sometimes.
    Like everyone around me is using me.
    For entertainment.
    For connections.
    For an excuse not to be a complete loser.

    But that’s okay.
    I don’t blame them.
    I use people too.

    by Caroline on 01.01.1970
  5. hi i have a toy and it is blue. When it transforms into other colors, it makes me sad. Because it changes. Everything changes. I wish the toy wouldn’t change colors, sometimes it turns red. When it turns red I like it for a bit, but then it sprouts wings. It keeps changing. When i look away it turns back. What now.

    by kaitlin mackie on 01.01.1970
  6. I picked up a toy from the store last week – it was wooden and more beautiful than a toy has a right to be. Blue, purple, green, white, black – all melding and molding and folding around curves of perfect, shined wood.

    by Rachel Todd on 01.01.1970
  7. i began looking throughtout my box of childhood memories when i found a dildo that belonged to my sister or mother. I was so horrified that i flushed it down the toilet causing it to back flow and go all over the floor which got me in alot of trouble. I complained that it wasn’t my fault that i found it.

    by Katrina on 01.01.1970
  8. a device with which little children occupy themselves in order to escape the realities of the world. They will soon learn that such devices are but the breed to evil. Nothing more but a delay to the real world of corruption. Nothing will help them. They are as helpless are their ancestors. Poor kids.

    by Heba on 01.01.1970
  9. all my life i have sought that ultimate toy, a sex crazy, submissive, great cook, great hostess, no nag, no menstrual period, no mood swing woman.

    by sdg on 01.01.1970
  10. you play with little mice.
    bottle caps, scraps of paper, discarded pens, the spoon from my yogurt. whatever you can find.
    I wish that I were so easily amused.

    by Velma Fritz on 01.01.1970
  11. i dragged that thing everywhere. by the time i turned six it had a hole worn through the backside and one of it’s ears had been ripped off, but that teddy bear loved me, and i loved him with my whole heart. no matter what i put him through, he stayed with me, just like Jesus Christ always will.

    by Catie H. on 01.01.1970
  12. My parents bought me a toy for my six year old birthday. I don’t remember. But the the toys i loved, the ones i loved the most, were my drumsticks. I could play drums with them, sure, but i could also do so much more. they acted as a double for rocket ships flying through space, in zero-space, for those animorph lovers. my drumsticks could also be like a gun, or a sword, or anything i wanted it to be. in my mind i used to with this drumstick, quietly hiding myself when others would see me – what a fun thing!

    by an yi on 01.01.1970
  13. A childish invention meant to distract and not disturb. Then again, many things in life are toys for the adults, and many do not take the form of plastic trucks and baseballs but false arguments and irrational lines of thinking. God forbid we should say what is

    by M. Scanlon on 01.01.1970
  14. toys are fun
    toys are dirty
    toys are for kids
    they are bright and shiny
    colorful and fun
    they captivate and get thrown away
    toys are fun

    by ashleymae morris on 01.01.1970
  15. used to play a lot more. memories. small objects. where did that time go? my first memories I had a green bucket full of cars.

    by grey on 01.01.1970
  16. I like toys. Toys are different compared to how old you are. When you are little, a toy could mean a shiny red toy firetruck or a teddy bear. When you get older, however, the meanings of “toys” change quite a bit. For example, my dad wouldn’t like a shiny red toy firetruck or a teddy bear. He would like a four wheeler or a vacation to Hawaii. People change as they get older.

    by Launi on 01.01.1970
  17. its so hard to remember the last toy i received. when you think of toy you think of somehting as a kid. well now as i get older its harder for me to use or try to use the toys all the kids use…i guess thats why adults have toys like CARS.

    by AnthonyG on 01.01.1970
  18. My heart is not to be played with, nor manipulated in any way. Your love should not be temporary; your devotion should be here to stay. Don’t try and play me for a fool, don’t try to break or bend the rules. Don’t act like a little boy…my love nor my heart should be played with like a toy.

    by Lo on 01.01.1970
  19. there’s a small toy under my bed
    it spins and whirls and
    attracts me
    it knows how tempting it is
    and likes the way
    it makes me feel
    it’s selfish
    and so am i

    by girl. on 01.01.1970
  20. I have lots of toys when I was younger, and most of them belonged to my brothers. I had two older brothers, and we had many Star Wars action figures. We kept some of them in their boxes for years because we thought they’d be worth something someday, but I’m not sure if that will ever be the case. We also played with Playmobiles, which were really fun. My brother and I acted out lots of fun scenarios. Speaking of scenarios, my roommates just came in and said that word.

    by Ben Bonnema on 01.01.1970
  21. toys are things baby’s and children play with. The first Pixar movie was Toy Story and I feel in love with Pixar at that moment and it’s my dream job someday. I still love walking down the toy isles in stores even thought I’m 20.

    by Jodi Spanbauer on 01.01.1970
  22. It was a little thing, just a doll, a wooden one with a cloth body. It was made by somebody’s grandmother and passed down through the generations until it ended up, abandoned and unloved, in someone’s attic. There is stayed until someone found it and put it in someone’s toy chest, and someone chose to love it again. Such is the life cycle of a doll.

    by Ellie on 01.01.1970
  23. Toys are what kids play with. They are what play with kids in alternate realities. Toys dismantle kids in these realities. But they appreciate them. something Toys never did in my day, dag nabit. They never appreciated the kids they had.

    The best kid for a toy to play with, is one they earn themselves.

    by Sean Carter on 01.01.1970
  24. When I was a kid I had many toys that I loved. most of my favorites belonged to my brother though. The best was his tunnel for babies.

    by Christina Carter on 01.01.1970
  25. sociopaths who toy with your heads manipulating you, lying to you, telling you something and doing the opposite making you wonder and question everything, loosing your sanity, making you feel crazy

    by shh on 01.01.1970
  26. Toys are always the gift that kids secretly (or not secretly) want to get for christmas/ their birthday.
    I like to be their favorite when I’m the cool cousin who gets my younger cousins their gift.

    by KLA on 01.01.1970
  27. kids.
    doll house

    by roz on 01.01.1970
  28. when i was little it was the little things that would make my life that much better. it was the little barbies i used to get. now that i think about it i wish life was as simple now that i am 19. a little toy would not satisfy anything to satisfy a want iin my life. its strange the transition.

    by michelle borowski on 01.01.1970
  29. Toys, the cheap plastic ones that you get from the pound store littered my baby sons floor. That and the blood which was leaving his body fast through a deep gash on his right quad. This is when things started to get critical, this is when I knew that it was either do or don’t, baby die or baby live.

    by Fr on 01.01.1970
  30. toy

    by on 01.01.1970
  31. I

    by antonio on 01.01.1970
  32. Life begins with the toybox, filled with colourful baubles and beautiful items for children and some adults to sit down and create a world unimagined before. Take small figures and make a universe in which they control and take part in.

    by Kassandra on 01.01.1970
  33. there was a toy at the bottom of the pool, that naughty child put it there and should be told that it is not appropriate. I hope nothing happens to the toy and it will work later for another child.

    by fiona M Chappell on 01.01.1970
  34. Yesterday I had a yellow toy… it’s was very nice but my sister Yupanqui Yupanqui broke it. Now i’m so sad, i’m crying, it’s so painfull. It was so beautiful.
    Now i have a new one, it’s better, i love it and i’m so happy, i’m eating bubble, but my cousin is eating potatoes.

    by vale on 01.01.1970
  35. well first i think of my childhood teddy bear named… beary… very creative i know right? he’s a polar bear :) and then, i think of the sex toy that my boyfriend bought me… yea. it doesnt work that well.

    by miyuki on 01.01.1970
  36. Sammy Davis got a new toy,
    Jews in rows lead by foy,
    Egg salad sandwiches lined up along the shore,
    Phyllis Diller wants no more
    Ladles and pans with silver galore,
    Shane’s wife is a stingy little whore
    Jews and motorcycles and colorful things

    by Justin on 01.01.1970
  37. so many things. aluminum foil to robots it doesn’t matter. fun, distracting.

    by robby on 01.01.1970
  38. i like playing with toyts, they’re something that kids want on birthdays and even at christmas. toys can be bought for all ages, not just kids and the best place to get them from are toys r us. i love playing with barbie dolls, they are lovely toys but the best are the educational ones you get from mothercare for babies but they’re quite expensive but it doesn’t matter because it’s worth it.

    by Saima on 01.01.1970
  39. curiosity is very important feeling! Also I think that brain is the high

    by Temo on 01.01.1970
  40. childhood joy, dream inspirer, time waster, wanted, hated, broken over used loved can’t live without forgotten, memory,

    by izzy on 01.01.1970