
February 16th, 2010 | 238 Entries

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238 Entries for “toy”

  1. i liked toys when i was younger, and now i think of the velveteen rabbit, a toy that was loved so much that it never died. i love the softness of that word. i also loved barbies when i was younger, although they were forbidden, much as that body is forbidden with the smooth thighs and sides like carved out porcelien. toys are awesome and bouncy and shiny and special and lovable.

    by Kelsey Leonard on 01.01.1970
  2. When I was younger, my favorite toy was a little cat with wheels that you pulled on a string. I can’t believe I still remember. I probably still have this toy in my closet or my attic. It brings back a lot of nostalgia.

    by DetailsQuiet on 01.01.1970
  3. trains were my favorite though i had them when i was pretty old: )

    by ece on 01.01.1970
  4. don’t toy with me

    by Liam Devine on 01.01.1970
  5. I wonder what toy will be the next craze? What will mum’s & dad’s hunt down for their child at Christmas 2011, will we have a green sland, credit crunch impact??

    Bring back Sindy that’s what I say, go old school

    by Ogwen Evans on 01.01.1970
  6. i wish i had a toy.when i was a kid, my mother used to say to me that if i played iwth my toys to much i would never grow up. im glad i never listened to her, and im glad i never grew up. with that, i am happy for the things she did teach me.

    by andie on 01.01.1970
  7. I was just thrown out, like a toy, thrown to the curb with the teddy bears and tops. I was, in the beginning, the shiny new object with grand allure, eventually, though, my colors dulled along with my attraction and when that happened I was useless, worthless, and abandoned.

    by Criss on 01.01.1970
  8. The little boy had a toy that was broken. He sat it down on the floor and smashed it with a hammer. He grew up and smashed people instead. =)

    by Doe on 01.01.1970
  9. help,joy nice interesting,imagination,childhood,children,home,colorful,friendship,friend

    by ilu on 01.01.1970
  10. play

    by luis on 01.01.1970
  11. Tiy cars. Toy trains. Toy dolls. We all had them. Childhood memories. Gotta love them. I miss all that. Growing up kinda sucks. No more toys. Just work work work. No time for play. No fun.

    by Rebecca Meacham on 01.01.1970
  12. we are all the toys of sanity, sailing apon the sea of lives. Living the games we are given, seeing the fake, but never to realize. Its these times that we reanct, play with our toy money, that we find out what are values are, and so we play with bees, to find honey.

    by ~AjV on 01.01.1970
  13. i’m sorry for hurting you, sorry for not doing what you wanted, and sorry for all the times i did wrong. I’m sorry for not being there, or not listening, being forcful, or not giving,

    when did it become rape?

    by : on 01.01.1970
  14. When I was a child, I had no friends. So I had imaginary friends. Like Twinkle. And Jilly. Some of them are still my friends. I have a husband, too. Say hi, Samuel!

    by Demeter on 01.01.1970
  15. I had several toys when I was younger that I still have today. I think that for the most part they each remind me of a specific person or event in my life. Like Fifi, the pink poodle from my dad. I still collect pink poodles now. Because of him when I was just a baby.

    by Katilyn on 01.01.1970
  16. i love u

    by tevfik on 01.01.1970
  17. you left me your toys after you left home
    i didn’t want them
    evnen though you said they were for me
    you left them and said that they were a part of you
    but I wanted all of you
    why did you leave?
    couldn’t you have stayed so i could

    by mojen on 01.01.1970
  18. She picked up the toy with her chubby hand and contemplated its plasticity. Or at least that’s what he liked to think she was thinking. She was probably considering sticking it in her mouth. To taste it. Test it. Experience it.

    by Becky Mochaface on 01.01.1970
  19. I once had a toy, I was very fond of it.
    and one day it disappeared… I looked everywhere for it and came to find out my mother threw it away because she thought it was possessed by demons…
    I was very sad:(

    by Tyler Bailey on 01.01.1970
  20. There was a boy who own ed a toy. The toy was red, and brown with a smile and green eyes. This toy was a teddy bear with a red shirt. The teddy bear made the boy feel comfortable when the boy was stressed

    by Grant on 01.01.1970
  21. I see toys everywhere I go. Men, boys, girls, dogs, cats. All part of a machine. Just a cog. Just a toy. But I don’t care. I don’t care about the system, or what piece fits into what hole. I just know that I am not a goddamned toy. I am me. I am a real man. I am a gamer.

    by Hunter Hill on 01.01.1970
  22. with emotions we’ve devotion void to what definition would propose, entertainment never the same when life is simply for show.

    by jessie cullihall on 01.01.1970
  23. like christmas like childhood love that plastic dreamy brand new scent that time erases you are never too old for toys of all kinds toy with your emotions

    by witchywoo on 01.01.1970
  24. big small colourful fun children teens dolls action figures memories playtime imagination movable reusable laughter playdates

    by mel on 01.01.1970
  25. play, fun, plastic, eyes, doll, power rangers, action figure, little green men, childhood, memories, play time, megazord, toy story, buzz light year,

    by shallah on 01.01.1970
  26. I remember that when I was little, my bed used to be surrounded by cuddly toys! I still remember all their names, although by now I’m at Uni and only have three up here with me…. well, three or four :P

    by Robyn on 01.01.1970
  27. I liked playing with toys as a kid. It was a very nostalgic time for me. I recall one special set of toys that my neighbors gave to me. It was a set of wooden Noah’s Ark figurines, complete with a wooden boat as well

    by Kevin Lu on 01.01.1970
  28. Toy gives you a moment call childhood.

    by Sherlyn on 01.01.1970
  29. Childhood. My nephew plays with toys and I watch him in envy. So innocent and oblivious to the world. I wish I had that childhood mentality back. Any problem or boo boo could be solved with a kiss and a cookie.

    by Marina Miller on 01.01.1970
  30. Faces bouncing across the floor as a child pours out the bag. Small humans for amusement in the form of war. One day he will know the truth, when the plastic has stopped burning, and the toys have become a true nightmare.

    by Nathan C. on 01.01.1970
  31. the thing i used to play with. who am I kidding, still play with. Things, really, though this word isn’t plural I have had many in my time. they’re definitely amusing for the present day escapist. Though I still believe that children shouldn’t watch television, it is not a toy. if we were all zombies at that age, imagine what we would have turned into. Given, power rangers are always going to be awesome regardless of the fact that they are on televeision.

    by Ica on 01.01.1970
  32. u used my heart as a toy.
    but u dindt take care of it.
    u just had fun ..
    and i did not enjoy it.
    i hope theres someone kind enough
    to care about this used.. toy.

    by evv on 01.01.1970
  33. I miss being a child, I miss christmas, and getting toys, Christmas’s will never be the same. You only get to play with toys for a certain amount of time. I’d give anything to go back.

    by Sarahlyn on 01.01.1970

    by MYSPACE/MERULYS on 01.01.1970
  35. My daughter has lots of toys that she plays with. Baby dolls and other dolls are most common. She really likes balls and anything that makes noise. We have a ton of toys around here that never get played with but for some reason we never throw anything away. Probably because we think she’ll want to play with it as soon as it’s gone and we’d feel bad.

    by Billie on 01.01.1970
  36. There is a time when every child ages, matures. When they look at their beloved toys and playthings blankly, dully staring. Young minds lock their past behind them in boxes stuffed away in closets or time vaults buried in the dusty backyard, never to be found again. Lost in the adult world, the aging child forgets even his or her own mind.

    by Cinnia on 01.01.1970
  37. don’t toy with me
    you play thing you
    how i have your guts
    toyish boyish
    mannish boy ate my socks
    rock and roll all night bennie boy
    bennie and the jets
    black boots electric boots and i read it in a reed-topped magazine

    by Isobel on 01.01.1970
  38. the hooded dwarf came at the child with a knife. the child cowered in fear. the dwarf then pulled a toy out of her sleeve and gave the child a toy. the child took the toy in his hands and smiled. the dwarf then stabbed the child.

    by viet vu on 01.01.1970
  39. i haven’t played with a toy in years, but it always draws the idea of childhood innocence to mind. even when adults call things like their cars or some other grand new purchase their “toy” i cringe and can’t help but think they are bastardizing such a charming word.

    by misty on 01.01.1970
  40. toys are fun to play with and stuff. i never liked dolls. what are your fave toys

    by katelyn on 01.01.1970