
June 22nd, 2010 | 818 Entries

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818 Entries for “tide”

  1. it’s terrible to hear that thing crash every day, in and out and in and out. I wonder if anyone else has lived on this island before. If anyone else had suffered the way I’m suffering, this loneliness, the incredible crash and slosh of this place coming down on my like ice off a roof, every day. The ocean is a monster. The ocean they say is alive, and I believe it, but it does not compensate for the lack of any interaction with human soul, sweet or cruel or lovely or familiar or strange.

    by Melina on 06.22.2010
  2. The tide rolled in and claimed everyone in it’s path. It wasn’t fair. It was cruel but everyone knew it would happen and there was no avoiding it. It was like watching a monster in a movie. You wanted to run but it didn’t matter.

    by Ryan on 06.22.2010
  3. was roaming back and forth fro the shores of the sand, wired to wash away guilt and frustration. look for deeper meaning and penetration. sighs of love and hate collide, as we stare into the tide. rushing slowly back and forth.

    by Greg Moriarty on 06.22.2010
  4. The ocean carries me farther and farther. I have not but to let it carry me. For once I was a shore-dweller, never brave enough to dive into its depths. But now, I let the tide carry me wherever it pleases.

    by Speed Reed on 06.22.2010
  5. It lapped up at my feet as I watched the birds circling overhead. I don’t think that I can ever remember seeing something as powerful as this tide. It was a thing of beauty and a force to be reckoned with.

    by Hannah on 06.22.2010
  6. it’s overwhelming, the tide, the undertow, the pull and dream of what is and what could be and i just can’t take it, i can’t live it, can’t make it, pull me down but push me back, push me up and out and over the tide.

  7. His blood pressure rose and fell like the tide as his legs pumped underneath his body as he ran through the streets of San Francisco.

  8. Feelings flow like the tide of the ocean. sometimes they ride high, sometimes the ride low. Right now , when I’m with you, my tide is high and I dont’ think it’s going to go low again anytime soon.

  9. waves washing in on the shore…that’s the tide….or maybe the laundry is piled up and I need some tide so that they will be super clean like the commercial promises….crimson tide….not really….ok can’t think of anything else with tide.

    by Sybyl on 06.22.2010
  10. the tide is low and the soupy sands are muddy… with tidal detritus and oil. the animals have left because the water isn’t coming back, is it mr. ballard?

    by rma on 06.22.2010
  11. the tide rolls in. the tide rolls out. shifting. moving. rising. falling.
    nature, the ultimate clock.
    you can’t argue with a force like that.

    by Melanie on 06.22.2010
  12. I have been caught up in the tide. Taken from one place ton another. But juste like the waves in the tide i always end up here. Washed up. Left to burn under the sun.

    by Saadane Mohamed on 06.22.2010
  13. Tide, the only word I knew that would win her back. She loved the beach and I knew we would be able to work things out there. I loved her. I wanted to be with her. She’s gone…forever.

    by Ryan on 06.22.2010
  14. The tide of the ocean sways in and out while the poor, defenseless animals are suffering during this tragic time in American history. They are stuck to the shores while the tide full of oil keeps receding away the hopes of sustanent life.

    by Amy on 06.22.2010
  15. Tide detergent will get your clothes clean and bright and fresh-smelling! Go with the tide and try Tide!

    by corcovado on 06.22.2010
  16. How unokay it is to have a commercial product pop into my head. Why can’t I be more fluid and creative? I need more Soul Pancake!

    by cox200 on 06.22.2010
  17. She was walking peacefully along the beach, watching as the tide rolled in, wondering if life was all it seemed. Wondering if he meant what he said. Wondering what it was she wanted to do in her life.

    by Tegan on 06.22.2010
  18. Washed out with the tide
    before the three words were even written
    Standing with the forgetful tide
    stick in hand waiting to try again.
    I love yo..damn.

  19. Tide. that’s what I have to blame. I built this elaborate castle, and, perhaps in hubris, lost it to a phenomenon caused by the moon. Fuck you moon.

    by Dee on 06.22.2010
  20. the moon’s effect on the shore; washes away old crap&makes room for new crap.

  21. rising tide, I think that was some epic loot in wow or something… god why did I reactivate the other day. Tide is also a pretty good detergent… I rock the cold water variety. I hear that shit is good for the environment or something.

    by bobby the squirrel on 06.22.2010
  22. The tide brought the body in, saturated with salt and bluish in hue, glorious and solid in it’s proof of the deed, missing fingers and broken teeth.

    by Allison Johnson on 06.22.2010
  23. Everything is bullshit. There’s a woman standing on the beach, the waves lapping at her toes like a dog. None of this is real. Time is nothing. This woman doesn’t exist.

    Have a nice day.

    by bk. on 06.22.2010
  24. big blue waves, crashing against rocks. the steady sound as the waves go in and out. the blue ocean that is controlled by the moon.

    by Elle on 06.22.2010
  25. the tide symbolizes passing of time. in the time it takes for the tide to come in, or go out, so many things can happen. it’s like God’s natural clock.

    by Hayley on 06.22.2010
  26. the moon brings in the tide and the earth brings in the moon but is there someone who can bring in the pain we all feel?

    by on 06.22.2010
  27. As the tide rolled in, I thought to myself….Would i ever come back to this place? This beautiful place of destruction.

    by Katie on 06.22.2010
  28. The ocean sweeps over the beach, washing away all the cares of the day. What was once stress dissolves into bliss; anxiety, into happiness.

    by Patrick on 06.22.2010
  29. tide. i luv fashun. i luv the fele uv a nise lee tale ord sute. i luv crisp den him and but un downs. i luv boe tise and nek tise, tide into pur fekd nots.

    by Chicco on 06.22.2010
  30. The moon changes the tides. In and out. In and out. Repetitive motion. Sit and watch the waves roll up onto my toes. The moon shines down, and I smile into the darkness.

  31. Waltzling in and out of this life on a string, a vacant marionette
    There’s no mercy for the highest of blood, the hardest of heads

    by LARA on 06.22.2010
  32. The tide flows soft but swift a deadly combination together they pull men out to sea who may become forever lost.

  33. This is the way it goes in and out, softly, sweetly, like a forgetful lover. The marks it makes on the shore are the same as the marks you made on me. Today is the last day it will happen.

    by Melanie on 06.22.2010
  34. As the tide rolled in, the crashing waves beat against the jagged rocks. At first he thought it was a seal tangled in wad of seaweed. But, every time water came in and dragged itself back out, sand, shells and seaweed washed away. He approached cautiously. The clouds shifted. The moonlight caught something glistening in the matted mound. He refocused his camera. A gold chain, then an ankle, a calf, a thigh.

    by Elaine on 06.22.2010
  35. the tide is influenced by the moon due to some process that i don’t recall from my astronomy class. the tide was high when i went to the beach last thursday. we sat far from the ocean, by the bathrooms.

    by darlene on 06.22.2010
  36. i see the tide come in and out. like the regular times in life when nothing lasts forever. things changes. times change. people change or leave. nothing stays the same. ever. the tide proves the basic idea of life.

    by sean zamora on 06.22.2010
  37. Swiveling, swirling, crashing down. miraculously gleaming but black as the earth it hits. greased lightening. greased animals. greased pelicans. Greased tide.

    by Jana Heaton on 06.22.2010
  38. shifting blanket. microcosm of unity. coexist. crucible of lives. ever changing.

  39. The water pulled at my feet and I sank deeper. A few minutes longer and the sand clawed at my knees; a few more, and it was at my shoulders. The beach was going to devour me, and all because it was high tide.

    by Whitney on 06.22.2010
  40. it’s overwhelming, the tide, the undertow, the pull and dream of what is and what could be and i just can’t take it, i can’t live it, can’t make it, pull me down but push me back, push me up and out and over the tide.

    by charity on 06.22.2010