
June 22nd, 2010 | 818 Entries

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818 Entries for “tide”

  1. everything felt peaceful as soon as the wave came in and took her away.
    the water surrounding her felt good and when the waves came and made her sink all she knew was an indescribable peace.

    and just like that the tide had come and gone.

    by on 06.22.2010
  2. Seven moons made for a hell of a complicated tidal system. Most times, their gravity canceled each other out. Then there were the Days That Swallowed Cities.

  3. The tide was low, but her thoughts were big. As she stood toe to toe with her biggest fear, she knew she could not turn back not. Not after what she went through. Not after her father said she couldn’t.

    by Jay on 06.22.2010
  4. Water washes ashore, slapping the beaches relentlessly. The tide carrying black oil to mix with white sand.

  5. Tide? That’s kind of unfair. I think I saw another guy that got ‘Tide’ as his go-to word. What kind of originality can originate from a word that has been used more times than it has reached sandy shores? I feel cheated. No. I feel…like my minute is already up. Time to recede.

    by Marayna Dickinson on 06.22.2010
  6. the tide was turning as Archibald and Gale rode together on the gilded horse. “Archibald,” Stated Gale, “I’m Horny”.

    by Kris on 06.22.2010
  7. The tides turn. It’s not always high tide. And it’s not always low tide. There’s even an in- between in there. But whichever you like, you should remember that it won’t stay high, but it will come back to high. Just give it some time.

    I think they’re both interesting and they’re both useful in their own respects. You just have to know how to use them. Or see them.

  8. the tide of the beach rolled in like a bat out of hell. it was the biggest i had ever seen on the Pipeline, which is saying something. I thought to myself, “Can I do this?” I had wanted to all this time, but now that it was staring me right in the face, I wasn’t sure.

    by Taylor Demontigny on 06.22.2010
  9. the water was rising. I felt cool air coming off the sea, a salty spittle washing over me. I would soon be a black form in sandy scenery of the beach.

    by Matthew Matthew on 06.22.2010
  10. Shall tides wander in the full and dark night of eternity. There is nothing here for you and me to look at because the black of night is so intoxicating that it washes over us like the sun’s warmth on a sunny day in june. There is no one here to share it with. Welcome to hell.

    by Jonathan Davis on 06.22.2010
  11. The tide always intrigued me. It’s like some unknown clock, it reminds you that the earth is a much bigger place you might think. The water slips away and rolls in both in alarming ranges.

    by Scott Guertin on 06.22.2010
  12. tide and seasons have a lot in common. Sometimes you’re surrounded by water, sometimes its bone dry. At certain points, you can’t really see the shore line very clear and other times its right there

  13. oceans view. sweet sounds of the sea at the beach. lounging around in nothing but a bikini. relaxing. wishing you could be with the one you love.

    by Amanda Marie on 06.22.2010
  14. the tide slipped slowly up the beach, the sailors would have to be quick if they were going to have the hull scraped in time to catch the outgoing tide. there were alot of barnacles clinging to the side of the ship and they needed to be removed so she could be as fast as she once was.

  15. “The key,” said Hurvik, “is to make it so that they don’t scream when the knife goes in.”

    Borlo nodded as the two of them held down the sacrifice, blood frothing the water until t he tide bore her away.

    by dlauthor on 06.22.2010
  16. blah blah blah. tides are gay and cause by the moon. they also are making the earth fat. which is not good.

    by birdman on 06.22.2010
  17. The tide is high but I’m holding on. Why is that the first thing I think about when I see that word? There are so many more beautiful things to associate with it aside from that stupid Blondie song. I never liked that song, but I like the beach.

    by Katherine on 06.22.2010
  18. The moon was simply beautiful. There was nothing I could do to stop the feelings I had as I stared at the water and the reflection of the beauty as it crashed into the ocean creating a wave that overwhelmed the beach.

    by Bec on 06.22.2010
  19. I felt like the tide would carry me away. He was standing there telling me that we were no longer going to be married and smoosh….I was gone.

    by Maureen on 06.22.2010
  20. the tide washes up on the shore as sure as the true love she felt for her man. It always came back no matter how she many times she strayed she came back to him again and again and as the shore was there for the tide he was there for her

    by ryukhin on 06.22.2010
  21. There was a insatiable tide, keeping us from going out further. I am not sure how the boat was able to get that far, but there it was. I guess it is my fault, but I blame others. The tide will not relent, I will have to wait it out as I always do and continue on with my day.

    by Ryan Cassady on 06.22.2010
  22. washes up on the shore
    gives creatures a home
    shows what we can do
    to wash away our lives
    all you have to do is glide

    by m h on 06.22.2010
  23. Marcus was a strange son-of-a-bitch, everyone used to tell her, always staring at the receding crowds like a life-guard on the beach. Always watching the ebb and flow of conversation intently, like he cared, like he could save someone, anyone, from themselves, from their partners, from the entire world, if only he paid enough attention, if only he devoted his entire being to what was happening.

    by Kim on 06.22.2010
  24. As the tide moves in and out, in and out, I wonder where I’m going in life. Am I going between two places for the rest of my life, like these waves? Am I ever going to break from the tide’s cycle and move at my own pace. Move where I want, when I want. Do what I want. But what do I want? I have no idea.

    by abby o on 06.22.2010
  25. I jumped into the neck of the bay when the summer hit noon. It was salty and tasted like delicious memories from my teenhood.

    by Jill on 06.22.2010
  26. Was coming in, and I hadn’t managed to free my lower torso from the sand. Two broken wrists lovingly provided by my captors ensured that much. For the first time in my life, I felt defeated.

    by Brendon Cox on 06.22.2010
  27. Something else that waits for no man is my bladder. I got all this attitude at Coffee Bean the other day, but what do they want me to do, pee on their floor?

    by Claire on 06.22.2010
  28. The tide goes in and out like the vastness of eternity. I remember a poem that we read about the ocean. It is unforgiving because it swallows something then poof. The oil spill adds color to the tide that I didn’t see there before. Make it go away please so I can have my tide back.

    by Daniel Haas on 06.22.2010
  29. brown splotches marring the costa del mar with the sea pushing and pulling regardless

    by Rick Otcasek on 06.22.2010
  30. New and improved Tide. Is it really new? Is it really improved? How many times have they improved it over the years? How much better can it be?

    by Paul Spafford on 06.22.2010
  31. The tide flows down towards me, and I feel it washing over my body and my eyes and filling me in a way that I haven’t felt filled in many years. It fills me like when I was young and married and had a nice dress and a nice house and every morning when I woke up I felt myself almost overwhelmed by the sheer possibilities of life that lay bfore me. now life was slipping away, replaced by the tide, but still I felt oh, so, so full

    by Joel on 06.22.2010
  32. She sat silently on the edge of her stool, the folded clothes lying at her feet and the rumble of the dryer vibrating the floor gently beneath her. Her faded eyes were weary with years of scrubbing floors, with mopping up bits of food, with cleaning kool-aid off of the mouths of children. Running her hands through her faded blonde hair, she gathered a bundle of clothes and slowly dropped them into the washer, watching as the fell gently through her arms and into the chamber below. Everything she’d hoped to aspire for, everything she’d imagined herself being- it was never this. This was the result of a hastily planned marriage, a hastily performed ceremony, and the hastily performed lovemaking that led to her first child.

    by Tim on 06.22.2010
  33. roll tide! alabama. that’s about it.

    I used to live in florida — about 10 minutes away from Deerfield beach. Tides seemed to confuse me until I was a little older…I think my Dad’s irrational fear of me being swept into the ocean had something to do with that.

    by ben on 06.22.2010
  34. Tide
    The ocean is a mysterious thing. So powerful, so big, so uncontrollable, so unpridictable.

    But the tide is not a mysterious thing. It is regulated, it is understandable, it is predictable.

    Life can seem this way too. In what seems so big, so uncontrollable, so unpridictable there is still hope. There are decisions that we can make, there are things that we do have control over.

    So you can swim in an ocean of dispair, or let the tide remind you that it isn’t hopeless.

    by Dave Scrabeck on 06.22.2010
  35. The water rushed forward and the little boy squealed partially in glee and partially in fear. He ran away from it and squealed some more.

    by Jo on 06.22.2010
  36. Everyone always said her father had drowned accidentally, just one of those freak things that sometimes happens on family vacations when people get too confident about their swimming skills and go out a little too far. She carried it like a cameo in a locket, always close to her, a perversely steadfast token of her life as she skipped around from boarding school to boarding school.

    by lilypee on 06.22.2010
  37. when i think about tide, the first thing that comes to mind is the laundry detergent. i also think about the beauty of the ocean at sunset.

    by Jake Taylor on 06.22.2010
  38. The tide rushed in before I saw the sun blaze a bright yellow in the distance. I couldnt tell whether or not it was dawn or dusk, my sense of time completely disoriented. As I looked to my left I realized it must be morning, patrons were just arriving to the beach. The tide kept gently kissing my toes as I rose fully awake. I grabbed my clothes and began putting them on, all the while contemplating how I had gotten there in the first place. I still don’t know if I came alone or with someone else, all I could think was that my head was pounding.

    by Jim on 06.22.2010
  39. The ocean washes over the beach. The wind whips up pieces of sand and they dance around, swirling left and right. To believe in the sunset, is to believe in the dream of the night, and in the dream of tomorrow. The sun kisses the water and casts an eerie glow.

    by Tommy on 06.22.2010
  40. The tide comes in and goes out, just like always. I wish everything were as predictable as the tide. Like her mood swings. If only. But like a volcano, you never know when she´s going to blow.

    by KBTheChick on 06.22.2010