
June 22nd, 2010 | 818 Entries

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818 Entries for “tide”

  1. The tide came rushing in and there they were. Tarballs, being sought all over the Gulf Coast were finally here with the morning tide. Barasota was finally on the map! Imagine. Resl Tarballs

    by Johann on 06.23.2010
  2. It was very dark, but it didn’t matter, because they could still hear the sea. The waves were crashing with the sand on the beach. Not that they would see anything if it was daylight neither, because they were both blind, but it didn’t matter to them. Hearing is the new seeing they used to say.

    by sdfgsgd on 06.23.2010
  3. As the days come and go, the tide ebbs and flows, and I hang onto my dreams as I go with the flow…

  4. wave, motion, trend; time and tide wait for no man is the proverb.ebb and flow’high and low tide

  5. come into me like the tide to shore
    but obediently do stay,
    unlatch mother’s command and
    listen to the plans of our mastery.

  6. The tide ebbs and flows with the pull of the moon. I can feel the moon pulling at me too, toward a destiny I don not want. I want normalcy and a real, true life. Not the life of the wolf, though. Never the life of a wolf. Never the blood lust and the carnage, the feral existence of the wolf.

    by Stacey on 06.23.2010
  7. The tide came in and destroyed everything; it vanquished all traces of anything that anyone had ever known. In strong, big, blue arms it swept up the naked, pale bodies and carried them out to sea, where no one was ever heard of or seen again. That was the most tragic of tales, more tragic than the destruction of their beautiful city.

    by Alina on 06.23.2010
  8. Tide. Its got a few different ideas associated with it. Both a detergant and a motion of water caused by the moons gravitational pull.

    by Jordan Wiegert on 06.23.2010
  9. waves, blue, foam, breeze, light blue, calming, sounds of the waves, meditatinve, powerful, force of nature, rhythm

  10. My mother used tide to wash the laundry. I’m back from college and the detergent is off-brand. You can never go home again.

    by thefingersmith on 06.23.2010
  11. Wellen, die hin und her schlagen, Wellentürme, die zusammenfallen, aufbrausendes Gefühl, kein Kalkül, kein Gischt, kein Schaum auf der Welle, nicht vorm Mund, keine Dezentrierung der Konzentration, nur wellenförmiges Schlagen tief in meiner Seele. Ich liebe dich, hast du gesagt, ich liebe dich.

  12. wave surfing, ocean, me getting knocked off rocks by huge wave, on a ship, swim, fish, coral, sand, sun,

    by Hayk on 06.23.2010
  13. tide is a big wave- what happens if the wave brakes- will it or not – what a moment. just want to stop the picture right there and look at it forever. tide wave- good times.ocean.love it

  14. The ebb and flow of blood in the veins in the body before me smelled sweeter than any I had ever smelled before. I bared my fangs and went for the jugular. Her tide was strong and I drank my fill. She died empty, drained. I lived. Sated.

  15. A series of shouts and crashes outside my door, and in an instant I was surrounded by monolithic, armor clad figures. I left without a fight, my rights were read. It’s only natural, though, I suppose. Every sand castle returns to the sea, and the tide has come in on my empire.

  16. The tide ripples
    like a computer
    humming in the background
    of your apartment building,
    fur sprawled on the desk,
    looking up at you with beady eyes
    saying, please please pet me,
    or else I will ruin your amazing laptop.

  17. the tide come swirling in, the boys sitting on the beach let the sand hit his face, he laughed the joyous laugh that can only come from a child. His mother lookd on with sunglasses on the towel.

    by Chris on 06.22.2010
  18. When the tide closes in it’s makin’ my head spin leavin’ the grin as the waves come up to my shins, but don’t worry because as the water flows back, it’ll come back rushing always ending up with a win.

    by Emmanuel on 06.22.2010
  19. tide…a detergent which pales in comparison to cheer or other name brands
    tide…that which almost killed danielson when he was being held to sign the karate entry form in Karate Kid II
    tide…shit ton of water pulled by the moon

    by David on 06.22.2010
  20. Turn the tide to initiate change but if I lived down South I would dread the tide. I fear my beautiful ocean will be full of oil soon, too. They messed up big time, turn the tide to get rid of bp.

  21. Tide relates to the ocean. A high tide means that shit is ’bout to get real intense. Low tide means that erbody can chill, just a little water on your toes.

    by Xavier on 06.22.2010
  22. it reminds me of laundry detergent. i was thinking just last night of how nice and home-y my new pillowcase smelled, and it was even greater because it was a child’s pillowcase, like my sister’s from when she was ten. and it just smelled so comforting, like the most comforting feeling in the world.

    by Will on 06.22.2010
  23. The tides continued to go back and forth across the black sands. I have never been to the Oceana so I imagine it is that same thing as a gigantic lake. Someday I shall visit.

    by Paden on 06.22.2010
  24. the tide comes and goes.
    Just like how positive i am about this relationship.

    is it here? is it there?
    our anger collides and we create another wave
    another wave that will bite with its cold and salt

    i hate it

    by Adeona on 06.22.2010
  25. The tide came in and swept away all reminders of that incredible summer we spent with eachother

    by Paul on 06.22.2010
  26. as the tide rolls in the barbarian washes off the blood from his armor. He is the only survivor from the huge battle. He has finally destroyed the evil empire. . .

  27. waters many waters, why the hell am i doing this, i just stumbled here!. Thats right, tide. The moon causes the tide. It pulls the entire earth with the water back and forth because of the rotation involved.

    by Ariel on 06.22.2010
  28. The tide crept up to lick her alabaster ankles, her sandals clutched safely in her left hand. Her right hand held her skirt, keeping them from the waves. Her long curly hair blew in the wind as she muttered a final good bye to her fallen lover.

  29. it was a tide of blood with guts eyes and teeth in it, rolling over yellow stinky hills in my head, thats how the new boss made me feel at least.

  30. The tide lapped gently against her feet, cold pools forming in the sandy crevices surrounding her ankles. She listened to the slow, subtle crash and felt the quiet engulf her.

    by gingin on 06.22.2010
  31. Rushing. Cooling. Refreshing. Blessing…God made tides as treasures; as is true of all that He made, really. How infrequently we stop to think of things in this way.

    by Cheryl on 06.22.2010
  32. Like the ebb and flow of the tide- life moves on. You can’t control it, nor can you fight it. This doesn’t make you helpless- on the contrary it offers you a newfound power that you can’t quite describe. The power to stop fighting and choose to “go with the flow”. Follow the tide, and see where life takes you.

  33. Like the ebb and flow of the tide- life moves on. You can’t control it, nor can you fight it. This doesn’t make you helpless- on the contrary it offers you a newfound power that you can’t quite describe. The power to stop fighting and choose to “go with the flow”. Follow the tide, and see where life takes you.

  34. The tide takes me.

    My feelings are nothing but an in and out. Same old patterns. A constancy, a change….the same change as ever. My oceans unexplored. Uncontemplative. I’m an infinity, focusing on the fringes, living and moving my frilly, in-and-out, fringes.

    I hope the tide takes me somewhere new.

  35. The tide was coming in, fierce, like a tiger descending from the heavens. It crushed our picnic, sending it into the sea, as we ran away, as far away as we could. It was scary, that tide, because it reminded me of the power of nature. Man is so weak and flimsy, compared to something soft as water. Soft yet ferocious, when it wants to be.

    by Zamil Akhtar on 06.22.2010
  36. Let go. You hold on any longer, and you’ll be gone, along with all others that you’ve held your fist against. Time’s tide with smother you.

    by Samantharrr on 06.22.2010
  37. We sat and watched as the water moved, flowed, wrapped us up in a salty hug. She looked happy, but I was secretly hoping I’d be swept away into the unimaginable darkness.

  38. I remember sitting by the ocean shore in Panama City, Florida thinking of how vast the spread is among the horizon.

    by Matt on 06.22.2010
  39. The tide swept across the sapphire beach, gently as if telling it a bed time story. The rhinestone toucan grabbed a floating pomegranate and meandered along as though the calamitous event did not just occur.

  40. it come against my feet
    again and again
    i can’t feel

    by amy on 06.22.2010