
June 22nd, 2010 | 818 Entries

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818 Entries for “tide”

  1. tide
    the ocean
    how i miss you
    you never seem to change
    youre always there when i return
    how i wish more things in life were like you …

    by keegan on 06.22.2010
  2. Soon i’ll overcome the tidal waves that leak from my eyes and will one day become calm, soothing beaches

  3. My shirt is freshly cleaned with tide. There were all sorts of stains on it due to all the shennanigans yesterday.

    by jacob dickinson on 06.22.2010
  4. The tide came in as the moon rose higher in the sky. I looked at her, my lovely Scarlett, her red hair bellowing in the sea air. The moon reflected off the water to cast a pale glow on her and I just wanted to take her in my arms.

    by MegMeg on 06.22.2010
  5. it pulls you in.
    how do you stop it?
    how do you stop something that’s meant to happen?
    the rush.
    the wind.
    the waves.
    this is how life is supposed to feel.

    by Haley on 06.22.2010
  6. ocean, waves, crashing, splashing, hurting, rocks scraping the skin, salt water inside those tiny wounds, blood, scratching, and the summer heat. I myself prefer to watch a storm roll over the see and hear the bang of the thunder.

    by lizzy on 06.22.2010
  7. Tide is the name of that laundry detergent I use. I spend some of my most pleasant moments speaking to friends while waiting for my laundry to finish. It is also a time that I ponder most everything.

  8. the tide is turning, even faster than we can predict. if only someone would rescue us from drowning. perhaps a golden life vest from heaven will descend upon us today an make everything ok. jg

    by josh on 06.22.2010
  9. The tide comes in from the sea. It is beautiful and wonderful. The tide is driven by the gravitational pull between the Earth and the Moon. Gravity plays a large role in the way the oceans of our planet ebb and flow.

    by Michael Alvarez on 06.22.2010
  10. The tide. The one thing i know i can rely on. Everything’s changed so fast, like a hurricane, sweeping away everything i’ve ever known. And no matter what, the tide has always been there, even through the roughest storms, and i know that it is the one thing in my life that will always be there.

  11. the tide moved out with the grace and elegance of a 1930’s Hollywood star arising after an embarrassing fall. He and I looked into the distance, his hand intertwined with my hair. I sighed, letting myself fall into the safe embrace of his arms.

    by Martie on 06.22.2010
  12. The tide came in slowly, gradually erasing a afternoon’s worth of footprints and sandcastles. It came as certainly as the days pass into years, softening the sharp edges of memory.

  13. The tide came rushing back over my toes and I had a sudden, inexplicable feeling of bliss. This kind of unadorned, simple, yet exhilarating joy I hadn’t felt since childhood. I looked over at you and saw the same look in your eyes.

    by Rylee on 06.22.2010
  14. She dipped her small toe into the water. It was bitter, but not uncomfortably so.

    She looked up and smiled and him. What was he doing, bringing her here?

    But soon enough, the answer was clear.

    He got down on his knee and reached for his pocket, but before he reached it, she shouted, “Yes.”

    by Elysareth on 06.22.2010
  15. the tide was so relaxing… i didn’t have a care in the world anymore… i could just let the ocean drift me away into nothingness and wouldn’t even care.

    by Grant Spruce on 06.22.2010
  16. As the end of the week was turning around the corner, my clothes were very dirty. I went to the laundromat and put my clothes in a washer with some tide. Then I went to the beach.

  17. tides are the way of the sea, they come and go. They bring cool things up to the beach, and they also bring back the oil from that nasty oil spill. I also like to use tide to wash my cloths.

    by will on 06.22.2010
  18. When the moon rises,
    the sunset before seems
    so inferior.
    Oh tide, sweep me away
    from my infernal
    being and lay me
    where I shall rest.

    by Grant Drinnen on 06.22.2010
  19. take me a away. please. we can go away together, dry up on the shore.

    by Jeni on 06.22.2010
  20. the tide washed in, covering everything with manky sweat and salt. who knows how long it had beat, through eons of eternity. but still it waited, for the day when its secret would be discovered, for the day when at last it would have peace.

    by Cottia on 06.22.2010
  21. As in washing your clothes. mom made us learn way back when to wash our own darn laundry. I guess i should thank her now going off to college and all. at least i wont have pink socks. i hate colored socks… or

    by Brooke on 06.22.2010
  22. I just saw a post of someone that wrote about this as the Landry detergent. Personally, I just think of the beach, the water rolling in and me just relaxing in the sun. Hopefully with sunscreen on. Which reminds me, I need a new bathing suit.

    by DeeDee on 06.22.2010
  23. i want to go to the beach tomorrow on my day off & sit watching the tide come in & out for hours. maybe read a book, but just sit & enjoy the sunshine, beach, dolphins, water. that’s sounds good.

  24. As tides come and go they take with them thoughts and ideas, the debris of generations are washed away. sometimes lost sometimes only relocated.

    by Emily on 06.22.2010
  25. it’s that thing you see when you’re on the beach and your toes have sand in them. it’s a peaceful thing, consisering a wave can really fuck you over if it’s big enough. it can be linked to dark and happy emotions, since we both watch a tide when getting in touch with something deeper.

    by Gayle Murray on 06.22.2010
  26. A tide of fury washed over me and my whole body reacted without my permission, pulling my fast back and smashing it into his jaw. He stumbled back and I stepped forward, gripping the cloth of his shirt in my fist, pounding my clenched hand again and again into his face. God it felt good to finally kick his ass. Blood coated my knuckles and I kept going, until I felt something snap. With a small shock of realization, I loosened my hold and he dropped to the concrete floor, his face bloodied and broken. My breath came in quick pants and I smiled, wiping my mouth with a hand, a trail of blood smearing across my lips.

    by Mouse on 06.22.2010
  27. The tide is turning. For the past year I have been going with the tide, working as much as I can, picking up hours at a job I can’t really get motivated to truly enjoy, and substitute teaching for too many kids to remember, but I now have a job lined up and the future is bright.

    by Dan Wagner on 06.22.2010
  28. The tide washed ashore on a cold, January night. I thought of her as I stood there and looked out over the vastness of that dark night in the Gulf. She was beautiful back then.

    by Jonathan Sims on 06.22.2010
  29. And she wondered,
    hiding her feet in the smooth sand,
    and her tears behind her long bangs,
    how he could could be so cruel.
    And the tides came and went,
    And washed her away.

  30. The tide of oil continues to wash the life from my home. The tide brings dead sea life and filth to the beaches that I played on each summer and poisons the fishermen of my home by making them helpless again as surely as if they bathed in toxins.

  31. tide. sometimes when i heard the word “tide” I think of tye dye. Im not sure why. I never associate “tide” with water or the moon

    by andrea on 06.22.2010
  32. rising, falling, coming, going, controlling. The tide is controlled by the moon, but what controls the moon? Are we safe with such an unknown entity co

    by Daniel on 06.22.2010
  33. story of my life, really. at least the changing thereof. people come and go, loves grow and fade… what remains true? what is always certain… the tide will rise again and again.

    by Drew Allen on 06.22.2010
  34. I never have figured out the tide. I never knew if it was coming in or going out. You would think that living by the ocean my entire life would give me some clue. It didn’t. But standing here, on the cliff, ready to drop a dead body into the ocean, it suddenly seemed to matter.

    by Doug McIntire on 06.22.2010
  35. a pulse, salty, in my veins. coming and going as it has for all my ancestors. it is a clock of the ages pulsing in my body. a tide of evolution.

  36. The tide washed in chasing away the demons, the ghosts that haunt her nightly, coming like dark clouds one over the other, rolling towards her. There is a light behind those clouds, just out of reach, taunting her.

    by Jennifer on 06.22.2010
  37. i am going there. into some dreamland place. like i’ve been pasted into a postcard from a grandmother retired to florida. i am going there to kiss someone in the salt water, to roll around in the sand. Coming from a hot sewage maze and into a calm loving breeze. It’s almost too much.

    by Olivia on 06.22.2010
  38. the way that the water comes in and out in the ocean. And in the Great Lakes, because they’re so big that they have tides too. The fresh smell of salt water, cool breeze, clear skies.

    by Amanda B on 06.22.2010
  39. okay, i dont remenber what tide means.. what do ‘i do now.. aaaaaaaah, i’m screaming

    by juliagrunberg on 06.22.2010
  40. The tide rolled in. It was sickening in the slowness of it to be honest. Her body lied there in the sand soaking up the sun and the tide made its way over to her. I knew it would ruin her day but I just wished that it would move a little faster and finish the job before I was the one to ruin it first.

    by Virginia on 06.22.2010