
June 22nd, 2010 | 818 Entries

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818 Entries for “tide”

  1. The ocean rolls across, the tide is rising. Andrew sits wondering about his future, his past, his life. Does he turn left, right, or stop and give up? He ponders these as the tide rises and washes the sand from his toes.

    by Justin on 06.22.2010
  2. the tide was low as we walked hand in hand along the beach. the suns reflection on the water made the ocean sparlke.

    by claire on 06.22.2010
  3. And there she stood. Like she stepped right out of the seventies. I could hear the chorus of “The Tide Is High” spilling from the air.

    by Drew Foerster on 06.22.2010
  4. Get pulled under the tide of… The tide. The moon has been under my skin more than ever. It lead me nearer to you, near in some abstract metal lining way. The molten silver sets in my veins and the spaces between us. The tides of molten silver fly over us and cloud the night sky, one night, by the sea…

    by Frankovich on 06.22.2010
  5. The Tide moves up and down, Flowing on the sand. Reaching to grab what it will never get. Tide trying to go, but never making it. Tide aiming for the house at the end of the street. Tide.

  6. The water. The ocean. A constant cycle.Like a watching machine. swirling around. Round and round. Keep moving. Cleanse.

  7. the tide scampered away from my feet upon the moist sand, rolled away to join the huge expanse of navy blue sea. i let it take with it all those scrambled-up memories that were no longer worth thinking about. after all, it was a new year. i deserved a clean new slate. i closed my eyes as the salty ocean air whipped my hair across my face and the steady rhythm of the waves played a gentle lullaby.

  8. You are the detergent that I use because you are the one that smells the best. All those years of being forced to use others I am glad that you are now on my side. Teamed together with my washer, you purify my clothes.

  9. flowing gracefully onto the shore i know not what it brings me, nor do i know where it takes me as i take my final breath. the salt hurts my eyes.

    by Last Laugh Ink on 06.22.2010
  10. water is beautiful, never ending, the ocean continues. Like washing clothes it’s a cycle, washing washines swirling. circless, circles. whooooosh.

    by COnstance on 06.22.2010
  11. The tide of the ocean momentarily makes me feel at home. The water breaks at my ankles, my feet sinking into the warm sand. I breathe in. Maybe, this really is home.

    by malina on 06.22.2010
  12. the tide comes in the tide goes out. i’ve only ever been to the beach a few times in my whole life. but i remember the little crabs and all the shells that are left behind as the waves go back out. i wonder if they miss their home when the tide goes down?

  13. The tide ebbed in and out like the swing of the clock, and everything was quiet but the gulls calling as they flew along the horizon.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 06.22.2010
  14. I’ve loved the ocean as long as I can remember. I felt trapped in a landlocked Indiana suburbanite neighborhood and dreamed of surfing. I still need to learn how to surf. I’m procrastinating. I will take lessons this summer and learn how to surf.

  15. High tide climbs, climbs, climbs and culminates with a crashing descent. How poetic.

    by Amy on 06.22.2010
  16. as the tide rolled in she looked at him and sighed. “i dont want this weekend to end, its been perfect” she says with longing eyes with a finger under her chin he lifts her face to his for a sweet kiss. she sighs knowing she will be going back home to her husband tomorrow.

  17. The tide is high and i’m holding on! I’m wanna be your number one…Except the tide isn’t high! It’s fucking low. It’s messy. It’ll fucking scare the shit out of you if you’ve fallen asleep on a beach, and it comes at you!

  18. i tried to swim against the tide but the tide was too strong and i felt as though i was tied down, chained down against the waters and

    by aj on 06.22.2010
  19. A little black kid just said tide on the TV right as this word appeard on my computer screen. This word, tide, is the percise word I just wrote about, only this is going in a completly diffrent drifrection than the last one.

    by Randi on 06.22.2010
  20. THe tide rises from high to low with the orbit of the moon around the Earth. The moon’s gravitational pul is what causes these tides. Tides cause the water in the ocean to flow outward and inward from the ocean.

    by Thomas Mark on 06.22.2010
  21. The tide came in slowly that day. I wonderd why but then realized it was an offbeat symbolism of my life, and knew how to accept it. This heartbreak was not going away soon, just like that tide.

    by Randie on 06.22.2010
  22. the tide is a beautiful natural gift from god. people of all ages are marvelled by its fascinating routine and beauty. i holds creaters of all kinds

    by kate on 06.22.2010
  23. She whipped her hair back and looked at the waves, the tide pulling them in interesting shapes, like a mother halfway convincing her daughter to run home.

    by Rachel on 06.22.2010
  24. Mike awakened on his boat, the sun was just rising above the horizon. It had been several days since his motors died and the tide carried the small craft further out into the open. Although he had no food or water, Mike appeared as calm as the sea.

    Christine sat by herself in the darkness. The fight she had with her fiancee had ended several hours earlier, but she couldn’t get the words he said out of her head.

  25. Rolling, loving, deadly tide, lost into the oblivion, what once was wil never be again. Renewal is constant.

    by Elisa on 06.22.2010
  26. The tide was coming in, but she wanted to stay out a bit longer and find more shells. She dug in the sand, finding many. As her bucket filled, she turned and walked back up the beach, her hair crusted with sea water and salt.

  27. the tide was washing the sandy shores of the beach. In and out, in and out. All day long. No one had any idea that the tide had so much to do with the woman.

    by fleur on 06.22.2010
  28. its coming in depending on the moon, now back out, move your sandcastles and your towels, its predictable yet always surprising dont get stuck on the rocks when it leaves and dont be wet when it comes in if you are not prepared.

    by Mitch Lerner on 06.22.2010
  29. the tide was washing up on the shore as she stared out towards the ocean. She thought of how things had changed since the last time she had been sitting there on that beach. She could almost feel his arms around her as she watched the sun slowly fade into the distance, and she sighed heavily with as the wave of nostalgia hit her.

    by Jesse on 06.22.2010
  30. The steady flow, in and out. Predictability. Consistency. Normalcy.

    by Sarah on 06.22.2010
  31. once, there was a large tide pool in an ocean. it was beautiful. it was full of life and colors. humans that walked by took as much time as they could to absorb it’s beauty. nothing could compare with it.

    by sasha on 06.22.2010
  32. here i am, blind as diamonds. cast me away into the seas of fortune and fame where all the octopussies will scream my name. a heavan so bright

    by gabrielle on 06.22.2010
  33. saying goodbye is like the tide. unavoidable, it ebbs and flows but we know it’s coming. we try to deny it and try to fight it off, but it’s always there. just below the surface, just near the top – it’s always there. and the tide, like our goodbye, is soft and silent and washes away everything that was left of us. like sandcastles and seaweed, we are nothing by the tide.

    by Mia on 06.22.2010
  34. tide blue breezy waves in the air finally summer thunderstorms behind us tomatoes ripening.

    by kate on 06.22.2010
  35. Every once in a while she goes to the beach and watches the water. Every once in a while she thinks about how she could walk into the water and the tide will take her away and out of this world.

    by NicholeA on 06.22.2010
  36. You win me over like the tide, your waves are like a ride
    Your vengeance and your beauty are allied

  37. the purple tide cruises to inaudible melodies created by clandestine aquatic rhythms

  38. it starts with a t and ends with an e. it has 4 letters. the second letter is i.

    by Josh Nackman on 06.22.2010
  39. Laundry detergent controlled by the moon. Honestly that’s sort of terrifying. The fact that the moon can control anything on Earth is terrifying. What if it left? What if it broke apart? What if it GREW? OR what if there are living things there? I don’t want them controlling my laundry.

    by Katie on 06.22.2010
  40. Susan sighed. Geography class was so boring.
    “And when the tides come in strong in the morning and weak at night, it is called…” her teacher rambled.
    Susan stared out the window and daydreamed.