
February 15th, 2015 | 82 Entries

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82 Entries for “through”

  1. I tumbled down through the rabbit hole. Falling faster and faster the world spinning around me. It almost made me want to throw up. I didn’t know what was at the end but I had a feeling that it wasn’t going to excite.

    by Kate on 02.16.2015
  2. i walked through the doors, everyday from wednesday through to sunday. i like to go through the steps of how to go through

    by mitch on 02.16.2015
  3. Through at last. The thought of it makes my heart race. After 5 years of work, off and on, never sure if this project was even worth it…now I’m almost through. Almost there. The finish line is in sight. I actually have made it this far. Never dreamed it was possible. Even my mind pants for breath.

    by Robin on 02.16.2015
  4. I know the only way to reach what I want most is to pass through all of this endless toil. There is no escape tunnel under the muck. I need to continue on. Through is the only way out.

  5. going from one side to the other. passing by something. going into something completely and coming out on the other side.

    by Tyler on 02.16.2015
  6. I’ve walked through a lot of tunnels in my life. Some long, some short, some dark, some darker than others. All these tunnels had one thing in common, there was a light at the end, beckoning me, letting me know that safety was just ahead.

  7. “Because I’m through with love”
    The lyrics echo in my head and I fight them. With every ounce of energy I have in my body, I punch and squirm away from their grasp. The world is against us, but I know that we’re meant to be together. We know it. But everyone else pushes us under the tidal wave, severing our interwoven destinies and leaving us drowning in loneliness. I’m reaching but I don’t know where he is-
    “Because I’m through with love”

    by justme on 02.16.2015
  8. “I don’t want to go through this again,” my mom grumbled. “If you’re not going to eat with us, then you can get out of this house for the night.”

    That was fine by me. I had twenty dollars to get myself a burger, and I could easily walk to whatever cheap eatery I desired. I grabbed my jacket, marched outside, and slammed the door behind me. My bigoted family could choke on their overcooked pork chops and lumpy mashed potatoes, for all I cared.

    by Belinda Roddie on 02.16.2015
  9. There was no way through. There just couldn’t be. Before me stood a solid stone wall. Yet the map showed that this was the only way to get to Stintville. The home of the purple elf who had the key to finding out what happened to my parents.

    by Bre on 02.16.2015
  10. The girl could mover through walls. I had always thought that was weird, but I had never realized how truly odd her talent was until she literally walked through me. She wasn’t a ghost, just… unique.

    by on 02.16.2015
  11. Through and through it’s all the same. All the glitter, all the pain. Ever wonder bout yourself ever dream of something else. Theres not much to say the least theres a beauty theres a beast

    by Genevieve on 02.16.2015
  12. Through the woods they went, without a whisper, without a sound. There was no cracking of twigs in the ominous silence. Birds did not chirp. There was no breeze to rustle the leaves and no sun to stir the creatures.

    by Riannon on 02.16.2015
  13. passing between, entering and exiting, done, enough, finished,

    by m on 02.16.2015
  14. Wandering through the woods one day, I fell through
    a hole in a log. I”m not sure what that log was going through at the
    time, but it was rolling all over the place and made me dizzy.

  15. hi i went through my dad on an Minecraft Pokemon field trip in magic mountain on my camping store and it was fun i found a creeper and an Enderman.

  16. I was going through a stage and i fell asleep and i dreamed of a tunnel and i went through it, it was full of popcorn and candy it was so much fun then me brother Thomas woke me up i was furious

    by EMILY on 02.16.2015

    by EMILY on 02.16.2015
  18. throgh the table and throgh the bench came mr crafty and his freand jumping joey with jimmy and have you seen the ball it went through this table and through this man.

    by thomas on 02.16.2015
  19. Through eyes smouldering like coals, Alaric watched as the silver strand peeked it’s head through the center of her chest. The girl beneath him arched her back in moaning, her eyes closed shut to the demon looming over her. One tremor of pleasure sent her curled with electricity, and with one snap of his flask her soul was sucked inside and bottled up. Alaric looked at the engraving and watched as the menacing, grinning demon’s features softened into a gentleman. He tossed the flask aside and focused his attention on the girl beneath him.

  20. I crawled through the tunnel of draping blankets.
    “I’m gonna get you!” I roared.
    Janie squealed, “Help! The dragon!”

    by Cat on 02.16.2015
  21. I’m through,
    with the words,
    the words that,
    act as swords.

    I’m through,
    with the glares,
    spinning through
    the air.

    I’m through,
    with the judgements,
    telling me,
    not to take a chance.

    I will be me,
    I shall not change,
    because in this book of life I choose
    to write my own page

  22. Through practice, one learns. Through hope, one dreams. Through failure, one is human. Through aging, one becomes wise. Through flexibility, one endures.

  23. I tell myself each day that I am not through with this yet. And each day I can’t bring myself to end things. My love for him is so strong I keep waiting, waiting,…waiting for him.

  24. I am through with you, he said.

    Her worst nightmare has come true. Those were the words she dreaded. Not only the words but the way he uttered them, with total indifference.

  25. Our watches told us we had made it through the night, but it was still dark, and we could no longer hear the wind howling outside. I feared the worst, and was soon proved right when we tried to leave the tent. We spent the next hour digging ourselves out of what proved to be three meters of snow.

    by tonykeyesjapan on 02.16.2015
  26. I was walking through the forest when i stumbled upon some ancient ruins, i thought to myself “what could this be?” I then saw a cow and i went and said hi and then the cow said hi and then he gave me milk and i ate the milk with some coco pops because I like coco pops

    by Liam on 02.16.2015
  27. I must get through this. I don’t know how I will do it, or when all of the pain will go away, but I must keep pushing on through to see the light. There is no other choice. Nothing makes sense and that drives me crazy. But there’s nothing else I can do. Another reminder that I, as a human being, have no control. There is nothing I can see through by myself, especially looking into the future. Letting go is difficult. But there is no alternative.

  28. I had a troubled childhood. I know what I have been through has made me what I am today. But somehow I wish things were different.

    by ritu123 on 02.16.2015
  29. We’ve been through a lot. Seen a lot. I don’t want to go through it anymore. I’m ready to move on. Ready to move through to a new chapter in my life. But, I can’t. We have too much at stake. We can’t put them through it too. I guess we’ll just have to continue to go through it.

  30. Instead of putting things aside sometimes, you have to go through them and work it out. Some things can’t be put aside, like studying for exams, getting a girlfriend, going to college, getting a job, getting married, having children…Sometimes the only way to live life is to go through.

    by on 02.16.2015
  31. The word that will get me through this week. The process before the end. “Through” requires strength, persistence and faith. Through requires hope. You can make it – through.

  32. through the bar
    our slurring hit
    the flapping door

    and slapped us back
    in the face

    mixed up in fake streamers
    with sweaty microphones.

    you’re so vain

    by bridget on 02.16.2015
  33. My story is comprised of everything I had to go through to get here: every person I’ve ever met, every moment I’ve lived, every heartbreak, every tear, every smile or laughter ever experienced, every skip on the pavement, every flower picked, every book read, every boy met.

    My story is who I am.

  34. through the rain I wander
    feet carrying me through the town I’ve come to know
    days are washing over me
    leaving me lost
    feeling hopeless

  35. through said the boy as i looked at him i had a ball in my hand , i woke up it was just a dream but the boy was famillar

    by digvijay desai on 02.15.2015
  36. Passing through. One town to the next, no roots, no problems. That’s all his goal had been. But now he found himself mired down, weighted by a wife, a suburban home, a baby.

    Time to sever ties.

  37. through it all i’ll persevere though stuck inside my head it’s clear i will survive i will stand tall i will get up when i do fall through thick & thin through all i’ve known i know i’ll find my way back home i’ve come too far to up & quit so chase me down i’ll be in it

  38. I’m through with trying to fit in…. What does being normal get you? Normalcy. Normalcy equals average equals being like everyone else…. In the end… Dare to stand out. Be you!

  39. he guides me through and through
    he is my rock
    my hope
    my savior
    the Lord guides me through each day
    each second
    each minute
    without him i am nothing
    he is my all and all
    my through and through
    he comforts me
    through the sunshine
    through the trial
    through it all, i am his

    by maggie. on 02.15.2015
  40. the wanting and the not having, the pushing through and the without – the sitting here, the waiting and you are through the next room, through fifteen walls turned to brick – the soldiering through this aloneness, the reaching for you through this fog and the absence of you at the end of my arm