
August 15th, 2011 | 985 Entries

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985 Entries for “thread”

  1. a piece of string. thin. knits two pieces of fabric together. makes the two one whole.

    by Lori on 08.15.2011
  2. It was red and her hands were pink with the effort to sew perfectly straight lines. But at least it matched the fabric.

    by Monica on 08.15.2011
  3. stitch up the gash you gave my heart with a magic thread.

    by andie on 08.15.2011
  4. Honestly, we’re hanging on by a thread.
    19 years, I never thought those could be thrown away as easily as they have.
    It’s almost to the point where I don’t WANT you in my life anymore. I see you as an obligation, you see me as the only thing left to keep you going.
    We’ve never had a common interest besides each other, and I think now we’re starting to realize we don’t even have that.

  5. crocheting a blanket using brown and blue thread. pretty tricky stitches/pattern. gotta keep switching colors then threading the ends into the afghan. how did a blanket come to be called an afghan?
    gotta go to AC moore and get more thread tomorrow.

    by joanna on 08.15.2011
  6. The thread connecting me to the rest of the world is…. thin, I suppose.
    I mean, I live and breathe here, obviously, and I communicate with those around me. However, sometimes I feel like I say the wrong things when I need to say the right the most, and say all the right things when I really wish I wouldn’t…. I need to tighten my thread on the world, but how?

  7. The Japanese believe that if some one is in love, faith ties a red thread to the pink of the lovers so they are for ever united to meet in the future. So if that could happen to me that would be great.

    by Windupbird on 08.15.2011
  8. Threads in clothing. Threads on the interent. Threads in my mind connecting everything together and pulling everything apart. Threading the different elements of my life together to make a story that will untimately consume me.

    by Mallory on 08.15.2011
  9. i threaded his eyes shut at the thought of what he had seen. What he had succumb to looking upon. Unfortunately I can’t handle the thought of that look given to any other object in this world, let alone on that of another woman. A competition. A threat to my affection.

    by Victoria on 08.15.2011
  10. Threadless tee-shirts are really cool. I love to make my own clothing which of course involves thread, so I am really grateful for it! I like to make dresses and skirts and all that stuff! Woohoo! Dresses, how much fun! Yay! Fun!

    by Jenny on 08.15.2011
  11. When I regained consciousness it felt as if my whole life had shattered into a million little pieces… The alarm clock insisted on bringing me back to reality, and diligently pulled at the thread of my dream until it was completely unravelled, and I woke up.

  12. The last thread was cut. I was free. No drama and no stress. It was time to let go and just enjoy my life. Everything seemed so real. People came and went, but the good ones stayed. I didn’t worry bout those who left cause those that mattered would always be there. The feeling made me invim …

  13. I like to put together a thread of emotions and string you out. Like a bad drug and then sew you up tight like a bear hug. Nah don’t look away from don’t just shrug, me off I am here for you with my needle and thread. Ready to sew you up at the seams in which your hearts been torn.

    by Dorey Besaw on 08.15.2011
  14. Thread. Something very, very flimsy. It was what held us together, in a sense. The sense being that that is how weak our bond was. Considering you said you feel so deeply in love with me, how did you fall out? Why would you even bother telling me that? Back to the thread. Weak.

    by Person on 08.15.2011
  15. Thread is long and stringy and I can’t say too much about it. It makes cool bracelets and it has the strength of well a newborn baby. So not the best thing to use when trying to hang off a building.

    by Kaitlin on 08.15.2011
  16. a piece of string, unwinding endlessly. Forever flowing. starting and ending. a new beginning, to a wonderful ending.

    by Madison on 08.15.2011
  17. The thread was dangling in front of me like so many lost thoughts attached to the eternity of sadness. How I longed for scissors and the strength to bring my skills to bear.

    by Mike on 08.15.2011
  18. I thread my fingers through mine. I realized that this could be love. Is it too soon to tell? You’re so cute but can you see that I’m in hell? It might just be too soon to tell… to soon to tell…

  19. thread is something used to make and sew clothes together to make something greater like a shirt or pair of pants. thread is a nice sounding word and i wouldnt mind saying it alot if it ever came up in a conversation.

    by jessica on 08.15.2011
  20. A thread. A piece of string. A thread or strand of hope. A miniscule amount that usually is not a very happy thought. Or it could be like “thread your fingers through mine” thread could be used to describe someones hair. This word isn’t my favorite to write about. I’m not sure what else to say.

  21. I took the string from my hair, and as my lock fell across my shoulders, I woke. I wondered how long it was since I had hair. Too long. The dreams kept coming back. I shouldn’t dream like this anymore; it’s taxing.

    by Liz on 08.15.2011
  22. A needle pulling a long string that is needed to mend the tear that wear brought about. It’s thin and black but strong enough to do the job. I’m not sure where it came from but it’ll do just fine.

    by Ron on 08.15.2011
  23. I couldnt believe what was happening, everything started out so simple. I thread the ribbon through my hair. “There, perfect.” What was i doing? No way was this going to work out. Andrew hated my guts.Now i just expected him to take me back like nothing had ever happend? This isnt going to work.

    by Micaela on 08.15.2011
  24. well there was a thread on my shirt the other day. it really bugged me because i hate lose threads on me clothes. they make me so mad. I mean why do clothes have to fall apart? clothes should just last forever like everything else in the world should. we should all last forever and never grow old like thread.

    by Nicki Whelan on 08.15.2011
  25. To pull threw a and knot. Thin and strong. Light and

    by June on 08.15.2011
  26. hanging. frayed. is this you and i? or do we hold one another barely together, sewed with intimacy.

    by raerae on 08.15.2011
  27. Every moment of our day is a thread, a thread to the beginning tapestry of our heart. Each thread a tendril of our innate beauty and grace– Each thread a connection to somthing bigger than ourselves.

    by Jenifer on 08.15.2011
  28. You found my loose thread that I hide under my pain, you pulled it until I was an empty spool, completely stripped, my core exposed, never the sew anything that would give warmth to human being again.

  29. So frustrating to thread yarn through a needle. All just fix a hole in your favorite shirt, or to create something beautiful.

    by Lissa on 08.15.2011
  30. its the string that connects fabric in clothing. typically one uses a needle to sew with this string, weaving it between two pieces of cloth over and under to mend them together to form one. thread is thin, frail and comes in a variety of colors to match all sorts of fabric. it reminds me of my mother sewing, her sewing machine and her box full of threads pins and needles.

    by Ashton on 08.15.2011
  31. On facebook there are these threads that people write on and they’re really fucking annoying and i cant deal with them because people just eep talking and you cant take yourself out of them and it slike.. I DONT FUCKING CARE ABOUT WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT. and like.. idk i just really with fb didnt have them.

    by kristen on 08.15.2011
  32. Long and skinny, used for occasions, celebrations, repairs. Thread is what holds things together, like a wedding dress, and a marriage. Thread should be used as a lesson in life. It is skinny and weak but together and tied just right it can be strong.

    by mandy on 08.15.2011
  33. thread TH read. you can twirl thread. you can read thread. from every design to every flaw every person is judged by the thresad they are wearing

  34. one single thread is so plain and simple it is just one component of an entire body of work…As a whole all the threads make up something beautiful but just a single thread makes nothing just another thing to pick off a shirt and throw on the ground walking past it without a care in the world….but that one single thread banding together with other threads makes an entire difference.

    by Erin Meehan on 08.15.2011
  35. If you use a thread to connect all of the areas of your life you began to stitch together a pattern of thoughts and actions that may define for you a path to success for work, friendship and maybe even love. Not trying is your only failure! Everything is a fifty opportunity! Why not take a chance?

    by Rock on 08.15.2011
  36. ive already done this so i dont have much more to ssay ive always wanted my own blog and this seems like one so i love it!

  37. Thread is awesome. It is what fabric is consisted of. What am i gonna eat for dinner? i’m thinking of dinner because i’m hungry because i have been waiting for my friend who i’m in love with to call so i’ve just been by my computer. I should be doing homework which involves fabric which is made of thread.

    by seth gulibert on 08.15.2011
  38. thread is a sliver of a strand used to create. Thread is used by people making clothing and such. You can also use it to make bracelets. It’s a marvelous thing, thread. wonderful marvelous thing. (; the end

    by Kerri on 08.15.2011
  39. needle and thread can be used to make sweaters and mittens or any type of knitted clothing that one would desire to wear. some people use thread to stich up damaged clothing or to make quilts and blankets. Thread has many useful things about it

    by liza on 08.15.2011
  40. i see cinderella fixing a dress and the mice are around her and then shes threading through cause she needs something to wear, shes crying cause its hard but shes not hopeless. wow this minute is much longer than i thought and im making a lot of typos. “sew, a needle pulling thread”

    by diana E on 08.15.2011