
December 6th, 2010 | 334 Entries

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334 Entries for “teeth”

  1. Teeth, jesus, just teeth.
    Don’t you know about teeth?
    Their there right there!
    Look open your god damn mouth.
    Teeth, those sharp things that eat your food for you!

    You mean, my enamel gnashers?
    Okay yes, they can be that too.
    Are you sure?

  2. teeth, every living thing has them. like dogs, cat, me, you, your mom, your cousin, your grandpa. teeth are used to chew your food. sometimes you can have fake teeth, which are called denchers. we would be no where without teeth. we would have to eat baby food, which is yucky.This is being mean because it will not let me post. It says i am posting too quickly, whatever that means.

  3. Teeth are what I chew food with. Teeth are usually white but some are yellow.

  4. Teeth allow you to chew and digest your food. Teeth can help you open water bottles and also assist you in tearing things apart. Teeth are a very complex body part that can do many things. Teeth can fall out and even grow in.

  5. teeth, every living thing has them. like dogs, cat, me, you, your mom, your cousin, your grandpa. teeth are used to chew your food. sometimes you can have fake teeth, which are called denchers. we would be no where without teeth. we would have to eat baby food, which is yucky

  6. Braces, white teeth, brush your teeth, I’ll bite you, lost a tooth, tooth fairy!

    by hihi on 12.07.2010
  7. You can us teeth for eating and a lot of other things. Dogs, cats, people, and a lot more and they are used to chew and a lot of other things.

  8. Without teeth, you wouldn’t be able to eat. I have braces on my teeth. Teeth are white and shiny (usually) I love my teeth.

  9. Teeth are what i chew food with. they are usually white unless you don’t brush them. Then they get yellow.

  10. It’s funny how I can lie right thru my teeth.
    They never even know.
    Wouldn’t have a chance even if they thought they did.
    My teeth aren’t even perfect and that’s the ironic part of it all.
    I refused braces.
    Maybe I’m messed up too.

    by AlyssaYoung on 12.07.2010
  11. teeth are the white collections of calcium that are attached to your gums. they are essential to life and are the most underrated and underappreciated parts of your body, because without them you would choke when eating. Thank you teeth, you are loved.

    by Daniel V. Terrazas on 12.07.2010
  12. I’ve had a number of dreams where my teeth break off. I don’t remember any of the circumstances of any of the dreams; I think they’re all different. But they all culminate in an event where my teeth break off. They don’t fall out, but literally crumble, leaving me with a jagged smile.

    by Andie on 12.07.2010
  13. I just love my teeth. they portray the characteristic of a lion, but most people say i’ve got vampire teeth. perception differs, doesn’t it. however they are, with or without cavity, with or without plague, with or without smell, with or without calcium, alive or dead, i love them. perception does differ.

    by Rahul on 12.07.2010
  14. my teeth are so imperfect. I have to get them built up so that the braces will fit. I have to get a tooth pulled. I also have to get braces as well as a pallet expander too.

    by Morgan on 12.07.2010
  15. She dreamt about her teeth falling out, each one hitting the keys of a giant keyboard made out of sand, and the tune that it played was an old circus song.

  16. without teeth we would be stuck eating mashed potatoes, jello, and pudding. To tell the truth I don’t think I would mind.

    by Megan Exline on 12.07.2010
  17. I got my braces off today, and my teeth are straight and shiny! I’m so excited to show everyone at school tomorrow. Michelle is so excited to see my new teeth, and I’m excited to be able to chew gum again! It’s gonna be a great day tomorrow. Carlee is getting her braces next week, and she’s really nervous. But I’ll tell her that it’s a great feeling when you get them off.

    by Rachel on 12.07.2010
  18. white, sometimes yellow. you need them to chew up your food and chew gum. People sometimes has fake teeth but they still are teeth.

    by Danielle Joseph on 12.07.2010
  19. We saw them lying there and were speechless. All of our baby teeth, limp, lifeless after being pried from the mouth of our younger selves, wrestling playfully on the bottom of Mom’s jewelry box. The end to the Tooth Fairy. The end.

    by C. Rabideau on 12.07.2010
  20. They fall out of your skull. They rot. They`re sharp and they`re terrifying. They are my favorite method of terror. They induce pain and rend flesh. Some smiles show happines; others just show teeth. They are the sign of a monster, the grin of a dog that is about to pounce upon you and bite your neck out.

    by Connor on 12.07.2010
  21. There was something about her. It was something seductive, something alluring, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. It wasn’t her small, pert breasts or her ample hips. It wasn’t her near-slutty attire. In fact, those things were all quite plain and ordinary. But when she smiled and showed her vampire teeth, it caused me to swoon and it was all I could do to resist.

    by Doug McIntire on 12.07.2010
  22. I wish my teeth were all straight. I had braces, plus a plate and even a chewer, but there’s one residual misplaced tooth remaining. It alters the smile and obstructs the happiness.

    by sarah on 12.07.2010
  23. I bit down on my lip, my teeth gnawing on the soft flesh subconciously. This was something that my mother had told me not to do on many occasions, but she wasn’t here to tell me that now. That was the problem. I lowered my face to hide my misty eyes.

  24. my teeth are pure white because i bleach them every day and then i punch them out in the morning

    by bubble on 12.07.2010
  25. teeth are white, pearly, shinny, pretty, straight, bad, smelly, minty, braces, happy, nice, big, small, good, beautiful.

    by Katiee McGuire-Forbes on 12.07.2010
  26. my teeth are pretty special to me i guess. i’ve had dreams where they are falling out. i think this is because i have some sort of fear of something. i have fear of lots of things and it causes me to be alone. my teeth are not as white as i’d like them to be. maybe someday i can get them whiter. maybe someday.

    by amyamy on 12.07.2010
  27. teeth are good for crushing i like my teeth they are good really sparkly i love them huge bill at the end though not good pearly whites they call them hmmm should be good for chewing other teeth? no to confusing o well teeth are brown when u smoke

    by lonewo1f on 12.07.2010
  28. natalie always complains about her teeth, she only cares about the flaws of herself. i tell her it doesnt matter about the things on the outside, its whats on the inside. and if a boy doesnt like you for that, forget them. how could you love someone who doesnt love you because of a small flaw? love what you have, and keep your head high nat.
    i love you.

    by Amanda on 12.07.2010
  29. i hate going to the dentist. i don’t brush my teeth quite as often as i should. i do not however have any fillings yet and i am 40!

    by mike on 12.07.2010
  30. a group of kids ask an cartoon character named chopper to come out and play stickball, but chopper said,” what? can’t you see I’m eating a celery stick, that’s why they call me chopper”.

    by Jackson on 12.07.2010
  31. I had the dream where the teeth fall out again. But this time, it wasn’t because of financial worries. I dreamed that my dog turned into the hulk and punch me right in the mouth.

    by JJ on 12.07.2010
  32. I hate my teeth becase they are not bright and white. I was given fluoride tablets as a child and I essentially overdosed! Now I have to live with the embarrasment. I’m not happy about them at all as I have to get veneers on the front two teeth.

    by Anon on 12.07.2010
  33. what can i say teeth are white and have enamel they help us chew food and tear open those pesky little bags from the gas stations that have tiny snack like morsals in them.

    by ben on 12.07.2010
  34. Oh God this makes me think of that movie “Teeth.” That shit just makes me cringe. Completely unrealistic, but utterly terrifying nonetheless. I mean, seriously, how could that happen? Could that happen? Please tell me it couldn’t. Why did I ever watch that movie…

  35. tracy’s teeth hurt. i brought him cupcakes and painkillers today. i also searched for an oral surgeon and will call them tomorrow. poor baby. i am glad he has insurance now.

  36. My teeth are shiny. Not as shiny as they could be. I mean, I smoke. So they’re kind of shiny-ish on the outside parts. That’s cos I used that teeth bleaching stuff. But on the inside, like the inside of my mouth, my bottom teeth are really gross. Like really gross. Browny yellowy stuff. I feel kind of bad about that.

    by princessekapa on 12.07.2010
  37. SMILE!!!!!!!!!!! …Smile if you have teeth, smile if you don’t.

    by Megan on 12.07.2010
  38. I am reminded of my braces.

  39. you have beautiful teeth. but now that you have braces you feel insecure. but don’t worry, when you get rid of your braces your teeth will be just as nice, and you won’t have to feel self concsious anymore. you will see that you are amazing. but so long, just relax and enjoy the ride.

    by anonymous on 12.07.2010
  40. I can’t really think of teeth, all I can think of is the pain that Im going to endure when I’m going for my wisdom teeth sugery. I know it’s going to suck, I wish I could be knocked out for my whole healing period. ugh…

    by Emily on 12.07.2010