
July 4th, 2009 | 139 Entries

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139 Entries for “tear”

  1. there was a tear going down the mans cheek

    by jeff on 07.05.2009
  2. Tear the tears into tiny little rivers, a bar code that once scanned will divulge our years, our calm and warming sentiments that are eternal. “I miss you” whispers each and every sound of shredding pieces.

    by Luc LaFreniere on 07.05.2009
  3. it drips and it feels
    like a spear to the eyes
    reddening sockets
    filled with the past
    caused by lies or deceit
    its all in the tear
    don’t judge a man by his smiles
    but by the water that drips
    down his cheeks
    to his lips

    by Awkward on 07.05.2009
  4. when a tear falls there is expression but expression could mean too much with the tear. people can interpret it in the way “sad”, when in fact it can be much much more. it can be simply a physical sensation with no emotion behind it. or perhaps a surprise attack from happiness. as much as a tear represented, it is still universal. but after all this time, we still can’t find all the meanings to it.

    by carol on 07.05.2009
  5. a tear falls from my eyes when this man makes me cry i cant believe i have fallen in love with a crazy fool a tear for those who have always cried for a fool yet relize i am a fool my self craz

    by Darlene on 07.05.2009
  6. tear i don’t kno whether it means tearing like tearing your clothes or tear like crying, my first thought was that it meant tearing like tearing your clothes. I guess that might be because I don’t cry much I don’t know it could be anything I haven’t torn my clothes in years.

    by Gee on 07.05.2009
  7. when i see this word i think about the two distinct meanings. first of all the noun ‘tear’ which reminds me of when I was in my apartment in austin and rick and rachel were over. they were ganging up on me, or so it seemed at the time, and i locked myself in the bathroom and let the tears flow. then i think of the verb ‘tear’…as in: tear my heart out.

    by Samantha on 07.05.2009
  8. tear me up
    shred me into little pieces
    i can’t be made smaller by your efforts
    or little in your estimation

    tear me down
    knock me over with your disapproval
    and i will come back up


    by Carilyn Flynn on 07.05.2009
  9. simply tear the tear from your eye and eat it with a nice hot scoop of sad snot. Tearyeyed blearyeyed tired and torn. tear the memory from your cheek and chew. Tear and tear and

    by darkestyet on 07.05.2009
  10. What is a tear? is it a way to show different emotions? or is it just a simple drop of water?

    by Eva on 07.05.2009
  11. There is a flash in the sky. The reality of life tears opean like so much flesh by the wild beasts in the jungle. Searing light and roar beckon fear into the mind of my separated self. Fear spills forth.

    by Lord Cyril on 07.05.2009
  12. Tears seldom come to me. I remember one episode of the british crime series “cracker” in which Robbie Coltrane’s character cries hard after his mother’s death and regrets it, because it is “delicious”.

    by Fiddle.Knows on 07.05.2009
  13. in the shadows of her pain a single tear rolled forward softening the mortar that held up her wall all these years…

    by carol saffen on 07.05.2009
  14. I hated crying, it was a sign of weakness, girl’s look for guys who show they can protect them, not guys who shed a tear over every little dramatic story. I’ve been through a lot of rough relationships, girls who don’t appreciate me for my sensitivity. But, there’s this one girl, I think, just maybe, that she might be the one. She’s never laughed at me for crying, only wrapped me in a loving, comforting embrace as if to say ‘it’s okay, I understand’

    by alley on 07.05.2009
  15. The tear in her eye glistened in the sunlight. As she quietly sobbed her story to me. I was unsure how I felt about her at that moment, but I knew my presence was important. It was likely the most powerful moment in my day, so far. I would be telling this story to my family later tonight.

    by terri on 07.05.2009
  16. whenever somebody hurts you or you will be hurt by physically or mentally or whenver you will be very hapyy you will get tears in ur eyes

    by Bheemappa Bandikeri on 07.05.2009
  17. Tears are quite beautiful if you look at them close up. They trace tracks down your face. They come from the deepest part of you too, in the times of greatest joy and greatest sadness. A tear holds every essence of your heart.

    by sara on 07.05.2009
  18. nobody deserves your tears..but you can have in your eyes tears of joy..

    by Ioana on 07.05.2009
  19. He tore at the sheets in silent desperation. This couldn’t have happened. Had he really gone and lost himself so completely. They smelt of her, these sheets. Not his wife but someone else, and she could never know of how he’d lost himself tonight. He tore at them and collapsed, sobbing into them. How it had happened, he couldn’t even remember.

    by Stef on 07.05.2009
  20. Half by half. Quarter by quarter. Millions of tiny pieces. Broken, ripped, torn. Like the love we once shared, gone in a few seconds. Shredded to bits, broken away.

    by Hannah on 07.05.2009
  21. Sadness isn’t the only thing that brings those to someones face, as people seem to misconceive, tears actually can mean happiness too! Though, sadly, sadness is the first thing that comes to mind when I see that word…
    Is that sad?

    by Dizzy on 07.05.2009
  22. Raining down,teardrops,crying,streaming,releasing the thoughts kept inside,these are released now to flow and make a change, begin again anew,refreshed.

    by Tennessee on 07.05.2009
  23. her tears tore glistening tracks
    and even after they’d dried her face didn’t look
    quite the same

    by james on 07.05.2009
  24. this is my time this is my tear

    by andythrobber on 07.05.2009
  25. The tears were running down her face, but she couldn’t really think too much about them. She knew they were there, knew why they were there, but they couldn’t be helped, she had to get this done. Pushing herself beyond all possible limits, beyond anything she’d imagined just a few days ago, she pressed on. Her arms were shaking, but she would not drop her precious load.

    by Thank you on 07.05.2009
  26. A simple drop of bodily fluid can send a universal swirling and spiraling upside down.

    by Elizabeth Kennedy on 07.05.2009
  27. i cry too often…but i think it just shows how i am not affected by what others say and think if i cry. tears role down as an expression of happiness or hurt. it doesnt matter what the reason is, what matters is i always feel better after this tearful exercise.

    by divya rao on 07.05.2009
  28. a tear torn from my soul, tearing the blue from my eyes, making it fade to a dull watery weeping, sadness, what is this emotion so filled with a control lacking my heart, my heart, where have you dispersed it?

    by alfred booth on 07.05.2009
  29. tear comes from eyes, is salty and sometimes is sour, never sweet.i cry smtimes, verybody cries, tears are good for eyes
    they clean eyes
    they come when u feel bad or sad or lonely or u r very happy
    sometimes tears also mean there is a sore eye
    or there is some dirt in the eye.

    by nitin on 07.05.2009
  30. I was feeling really sad and… it went to dispair. It seemed the tears were not enough. I was hurting so much I had to make it leave my body somehow else. I felt like hurtong myself.

    by Susana Constante Pereira on 07.05.2009
  31. Tear drops spilled down from her eyelashes. I couldn’t think of what to say to her.

    by bee on 07.05.2009
  32. running down a single track, its clear its crystal, its completely silent
    And no one hears its or sees its
    its invisible

    by xangel on 07.05.2009
  33. Tr

    by Galinor on 07.05.2009
  34. I once saw a bear who was crying. I asked him why he was crying. He responded, telling me that a bee had stung him on the nose while he was trying to get himself some honey. I asked why the bear would try to get honey from a bunch of bees. I asked if he hadn’t anticipated the sting to come. He said he had, but that it was worth it anyways.

    I wondered at that for a moment. Then I told him to wipe away his tears and took him to buy a beekeeper’s suit.

    by keegan on 07.05.2009
  35. tearing apart. I teared apart everything. A tear is also something we cry about. It’s weird. I’m having writer’s block and crying tears of lead because of it. SUCH FAIL writing! God. Tear is also a four-letter word. Many people cry.

    by Awais Imran on 07.05.2009
  36. Eine tr

    by Eva-Maria Obermann on 07.05.2009
  37. Wait, is it tear as in to rip a piece of paper or tear as in the liquid that comes from your eyes when you cry? How am I supposed to know based on the spelling??? I’m so confused!!!!

    by Slim on 07.05.2009
  38. I haven’t shed my own tear in many years. I’ve wept at a beautiful moment in a play or movie.

    by larrycot@gmail.com on 07.04.2009
  39. While standing on my yoga mat, watching the instruction video in front of me, I made my first attempt at the dreaded chair pose. I threw my arms up into the air, bent my knees, and I heard a rip. That was the tear in my newly bought pants yoga pants.

    by BJC on 07.04.2009
  40. Looking at the tear in the time space continuum i began to wonder if it was all worth it. The struggles, the fights, life itself; i began to wonder if anything mattered any more, seeing as how each dimension and time period was at the tip of my fingertips, i can see any possibility, any outcome from any scenario. did anything really matter?

    by winlove on 07.04.2009