
October 5th, 2009 | 643 Entries

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643 Entries for “survive”

  1. I will survive! I will survive!

    by Alyssa & Tai Xi on 10.06.2009
  2. I will survive! I will survive!

    by Alyssa & Tai Xi on 10.06.2009
  3. It was hard to live like this. He had survived but at what cost? Everything he held dear to him was gone and he was left alone. A part of him wished he had died with them. That would be better then this ache in his very soul that he felt everyday. He sinks to his knees sobbing. Why had he been left behind? Why had he survived?

    by Kristen on 10.06.2009
  4. what does it actually take for someone to survive? they tell us it’s water, and food and shelter. but i beg to differ. i believe that to survive you need love, laughter, friendship, family, courage and the will to continue and to keep fighting. to survive, one needs so much more than just water.

    by Claire on 10.06.2009
  5. Some people want to prove to themselves that they are survivors so they get bikes out of dumpsters and ride them from Georgia all the way to Oregon. They stop along the way and pick berries and accept the kindness of random strangers. They look in dumpsters of well-known food chains for sustenance. They attach a shopping cart full of their stuff to the bike: a tent, blanket, water, etc. To bathe, they find bodies of water every week or so. They ignore the dirty looks they receive in public places for their dirty smells. Their immune systems are at one with the wild, tangled up like ivy, fighting, striving, stronger than their weaker counterparts.

    by lissa on 10.06.2009
  6. stay alive……strive. kill or be killed. Alone in the woods, in the world in your home, at your job, Succeed in…….SURVIVE.

    by MARK on 10.06.2009
  7. I think survive means to like get throgh something sort of like a thing called believe you can belive in your self to SURVIVE!!!……

    by on 10.06.2009
  8. Sometimes I try to survive being in school.

    by on 10.06.2009
  9. i survied with my teacher’s teaching

    by sally on 10.06.2009
  10. asdhjkbfsjhdfjsdhjgfqjshgdf school must survive iioasdfif asscbasdbfefwfdawdfajskdfh errrrrr

    by on 10.06.2009

    by on 10.06.2009
  12. i survived in the woods

    by tiffany on 10.06.2009
  13. One time I tried to survive from my wild dog

    by on 10.06.2009
  14. i survived an accidednt in my car

    by sally on 10.06.2009
  15. staying awake throughout a class that never seems to want to end. Having the will to wish to wake up every single day. trying to survive for 8 months without someone you hold dearly to you.

    by asdf on 10.06.2009
  16. Quite frankly, I love you too much to let go. You were, and still are, everything I’ve looked for in a girl. You bring me so much pain and yet you brought some of the happiest moments of my life. I really wish we were still…close, but I ruined that. I don’t think I’ll ever let you go, because without the thought of you, I’ll never survive.

    by Anonymous on 10.06.2009
  17. Once i tried to survive from my aunt’s dog to bite my whole body.

    by on 10.06.2009
  18. This is what drives all life. All life struggles to survive. Above everything else is the will to survive. Existence is nothing more than survival. Survival of the species…survival at sea…survival of the fittest.

    by on 10.06.2009
  19. Nom nom said the dinosaur tucking into its hot cooked food. It gained maximum nutrition from its hot mammoth roast which allowed it greater brain power and a nice hot belly.

    by ScobbNino on 10.06.2009
  20. We flee from the mysterious men gnawing upon our ankles and fingers, discouraging us from our individuality and passionate love for one another; we call this survival.

    by John K. on 10.06.2009
  21. I am a survivor of: hate, loneliness, cruelty.

    I survive and thrive on love and life.

    If i can survive this fire so can you.


    by mandolin on 10.06.2009
  22. Survive this world. survive this idiotic society whoms standard are ridiculous and stupid to live by. Survive the difficulties that get thrust upon us. Survive through the hardships, the pains,… just survive it, because it’s worth it.

    by OH-pop on 10.06.2009
  23. I won’t be able to make it. The burdens are too heavy, the temptations too great. This journey will crumble me and I will get nowhere with my life. The drive isn’t strong enough in me. I have little will to survive.

    by Aleena on 10.06.2009
  24. i have no idea how to survive in the world and it scares me every second of every minute of every day. and i want to know that there is something out there that can keep me strong and help me SURVIVE.

    by Danielle on 10.06.2009
  25. the very word survive reminds me of how felipe massa,the ferrari f1 driver survived after being hit by a loose suspension from another car and suffering severe skull fracture.Renault did not survive after being found guilty of cheating in last year’s Singapore Grand Prix.

    by dodo on 10.06.2009
  26. read

    by on 10.06.2009
  27. He tried to scramble up the rocks, testing the surfaces to find a foothold. As he struggled, his foot contacted with a niched surface – as he pulled his body up, carefully, inch by inch, he thought, “I’ll survive!”

    by pri on 10.06.2009
  28. I wish I could survive. It seems like the way I want to live just doesn’t fit with the world. The world will swallow me up if I don’t follow them, but I hate the way they live. Their life is so fast, so mundane, so monotonous.

    by Blue Canary on 10.06.2009
  29. Survival of the fittest. That’s the point… Isn’t it? When do we get to find out if that’s the point or if that is the problem? It seems to go beyond Darwin.

    by Anne on 10.06.2009
  30. Heart pounding. Can’t hear the guide above it. Loose my grip, loose my life. Aleady lost my mind, rather a pleasant sensation. Loose my husband & his office incubated imagination of Heroic Weekend Explorer. Loose his weekday rages. Spittle flying, vein popping, “why isn’t dinner ready?!” IDK. Could be I just walked in from work myself & the kitchen fairy died. I will survive. Put one foot in front of the other. Cross the river. “Look where you want to go. Your body does the rest naturally.”, I hear the guide now. I will survive. I’m building savings & will soon cross another bridge. Wives do run away. Even in America. They never look back.

    by @ on 10.06.2009
  31. live breath go beyond grow jump step up expand

    by Ananda on 10.06.2009
  32. I didn’t know if I’d survive, I didn’t know if I could keep running long enough. I didn’t even know what I was running from, or how I’d gotten here in the first place. I didn’t even know what I was running from, but I could hear whatever it was crashing through the woods behind me. Run faster, I thought, drawing in another painful breath.

    by limae on 10.06.2009
  33. As the darkness began to overwhelm him, he felt himself become more and more detached from his bleak situation. It was as though a mist had crept into his head, and now he couldn’t think clearly. There was only one thing he was sure about: he wasn’t going to survive.

    by K8 on 10.06.2009
  34. survuve is the natural instinct coming out to get you through a thing. the same resources are available always to make your life extraordinary

    by Wendy Kay on 10.06.2009
  35. dick

    by kimbau on 10.06.2009
  36. let love in, let love be, let life go it’s own way.

    by HEY on 10.06.2009
  37. excutive couldn’t without entry usually

    by on 10.06.2009
  38. I don’t really do that in life. Things have always been not-difficult. I’ve had challenges. But I’ve never needed to survive. I think it would probably be good for me if I ever had to. get me off my lazy ass.

    by vinn on 10.06.2009
  39. a battle that has just been won.

    by Alyssa on 10.06.2009
  40. little bits.
    breathe in.
    and so it goes.

    by fdot on 10.06.2009