
January 9th, 2011 | 335 Entries

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335 Entries for “support”

  1. When my friend’s mother was arrested for drunk driving, the ball of yarn started to unwind and tangle all over my friend’s life, and all you could do if you loved her was provide this ubiquitous, ever-changing and unclear thing called “support.”

  2. Support is what you expect from your family and friends. And likewise support is what yo are expected to provide to your family and friends. Without mutual support, life is but an empty vessel. I hope to continue being supportive of my wife and daughters and help them achieve a full, complete and satisfied life.

    by Krishna on 01.10.2011
  3. is something that i definitely need right now….to save oneself from all the misery

  4. I catch a glimpse of my side profile in the window at the same time he does. “Need a bit of support there, love!”

    by vics on 01.10.2011
  5. me!

    by ata on 01.10.2011
  6. This was a support group, not for the usual smokers or drinkers but for people who simply had nowhere else to go. And because having no destination is having no goals, is having no purpose, these people needed all the help they could get. They counseled each other, gave each other hugs upon entering. They could have just gone outside and taken a walk. But they, instead, chose the folding chairs and tissue box. The comfort in a fellow sympathizer.

    by Megan on 01.10.2011
  7. one planet, no turning back!
    nature and peace

    by Priscila on 01.10.2011
  8. support yourself for one. you are always looking around for someone to nurse you to health. rely on your own resolve for a change. only babies need incessant support

    by Dave on 01.10.2011
  9. it, children, old people, spirituality, getting to your destiny removing the obstacles, meditationn, inner healing, honesty, family dynamics,

    by Sina on 01.10.2011
  10. Support, one of those words with so many meanings. But right now it makes me think of my friends. And how you have to have their back, and keep them going, even when they’re wrong. Because that’s love, and that’s what friends are for.

    by Mike on 01.10.2011
  11. to have support is to have someone there for you all the time no matter what. support is what makes us happy when we want to do something.

    by Tara on 01.10.2011
  12. Is what you need from everyone around you. And what you need to give everyone around you.
    Everyone you care for and everyone who cares for you.
    Inconditional but giving.

    by usoposo on 01.10.2011
  13. I’ve been supporting my fellow friends for all the things she’s being through, but when by the time when she failed, she always points at me and blames me. I had enough of this support thing.

  14. My family, myself and GOD. All I wanted to support.

    by Gee Santos on 01.10.2011
  15. My friends tried to help. But I couldn’t be helped. My brain had already stopped functioning. I was living without my soul, without my life. The flowers, the movie nights, the dinners that were made for me couldn’t help me.

    by birdlu on 01.10.2011
  16. support. i want to be a support worker. i want to be a support worker as i want to help people who are less fortunate than me in life and people i feel i can share my own life experiences with to help them move forward in life just like i have. supporting someone

    by cindi on 01.10.2011
  17. support is the ability to help somebody who is dying or in need of something so desperately

    by Paa Yaw Abogye on 01.10.2011
  18. i support black people eating watermelons and fried chicken. both are respectable meals and I will not tolerate such slander. They are nothing to be ashamed of. No. No noon on onon.

  19. when i think about support, i think about all of the people around me. my mother, my friends.
    or more importantly, the two feet i walk on and my two legs.
    emotionally, my friends and family are there for support.
    physically, it’s my extremities.

    by taylor drusch on 01.10.2011
  20. when i was young i climbed trees like it was simple. hand over hand, foot over foot. all there was to lose was a bit of skin from the front of my knees, a few strands of hair wrapped in twigs. i climbed like it was easy. i remember this feeling, this weightlessness, this trust in the branches in my 20s as i rise slowly and stop early, tree trembling as i wonder how long it will support me.

  21. I need support. I have no support. I am my own support, but can’t even support my own weight. I felt like support was the one thing I lacked growing up. When supporting, you’re thriving. You can only gain from support. I would like moral support. What’s supporting you? Who are you supporting? Is it really worth it?

    by Sarina on 01.10.2011
  22. help. assist. couple. scene. two. yourself. people. center. port. port of subs. sandwhich. persons. animals. ethiopia, scenarios, currency, kind, time, people, love, science, groups,

    by Laren on 01.10.2011
  23. i love to take suport from my closest friend. suport system is important for any human being. It is a great motivator.

    by aparnaa on 01.10.2011
  24. you need all the support you can get when you realise that aliens have taken all your possessions, you ask for it back but they laugh in your face… *sad face*

  25. “your support has been invaluable,” the boy’s mother said as they wheeled him out of the doors and down the custom-made ramp. “If only everyone were as helpful as you…”

    He blinked as they exited into the sunlight, the shadows casting shadows across his lap

    by EH on 01.10.2011
  26. The kids didn’t always act the way they should have. They kicked and hit one another. They didn’t listen to us. They spent all day playing ball when they should have been reading a book. And there were moments when it filled us with rage. But, the only thing we could do was take a step back, look at the situation. They needed need our angry, they needed our support.

  27. You help someone to stand up. Some people need it. I know I did. I got it from mum and dad. In every way I can think of, every way I know.

    by Dan Hesketh on 01.10.2011
  28. i am . i need and want to give. everything i need to achieve all that i want. nothing without it. need it.

  29. What an all encompassing word. Support is necessary in every way you can define the word. Support is one of the most important things a person can give. It shows the encouragement you intend, it shows you believe in someones ability to accomplish things. It shows the words that are often spoken, I love you. it is a wonderful tool of expressions.

    by kimberly on 01.10.2011
  30. Some understand people’s problems – offering responses tenderly.

  31. I want someone to support me. But then I am not sure what “support” means. Does it mean to understand and think that every single choice I make is good. No I don’t think so.I think it’s more like…I recognize who you are, what you are about, and I will do my best to guide you to where you should be.

    by Crissa on 01.10.2011
  32. helping people. Helping them with little things and guiding them achieve their goals. Lots of people need help which they never get. Helping someone gives you joy and fulfillment. One act of compassion can go a long way to change someone’s life.

    by hitesh on 01.10.2011
  33. Support is something I feel I get from the people I love. Sometime however I find that support is more one sided…I am supporting more than being supported. Does this make me an enabler or does this make me a victim? I don’t think it

    by Kim Koning on 01.10.2011
  34. I think we all need support. Whether we admit it or not, support is what gets us through life. Without support we are nothing. This is not always just the support of others; we must support ourselves as well.

    by Macy on 01.10.2011
  35. (:

    by Lexie on 01.10.2011
  36. Always having someone, somewhere, always there for you. No matter what.

    by Lexie on 01.10.2011
  37. Support me. I’ll support you. We can hold each other up as easily as we can let each other fall down. If I fall, you fall. Let’s fall in love. Let’s love the world and watch it fall in love with us. Let’s make sure the world can’t live without us.

    by R on 01.10.2011
  38. to help someone complete a task

    by ravi on 01.10.2011
  39. Support is what I will never receive. I will always give.

    by Anna on 01.10.2011
  40. Support to me brings to mind the counsellors at school. They do such a good job of being there for their students and staff and even me, although technically I’m there to support them. They make everyone feel useful, wanted and listened to. It’s great.

    by Emma on 01.10.2011